Chapter Four

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I was welcomed into Rick's group with open arms, many of them were rather relived when they found out I was a doctor...Im sure Hershel was more then competent to take care of their wounds, but a vet could only do so much. I had specialized as a trauma surgeon for five years before switching to general practise. "Im glad you got out of the hospital alive there doc" Shane said later that night, we were all huddled under a group of trees eating dinner...Some random meat i had no clue what it was..

"Thanks, you too...I almost didn't, it was crazy that day" I said looking down at my bowl remembering the many people I knew that I watched get torn to pieces right before my eyes...And the many I had to put down myself. I looked up and got looks of sympathy from most of the group, including Shane. "Where did you go to college?" Dale asked me from the other side of Andrea. 

"I went to college at UNC, and med school at Harvard" I said modestly picking around the small amount of food in my bowl. I never was proud of the fact that my expensive college education came from the life insurance of my dead parents. I only ended up going to Macon to work to get away from home, and anything familiar, especially since my uncle died right after my med school graduation....He had been driving home the weather especially bad that night and didn't see the car in front of him stopping...

"That's impressive" Andrea said, staring off into the fire. I looked up and noticed Lori wandering off into the field by herself, and Glenn sneaking glances to Maggie who pacing on the porch, looking nervous. Rick I hadn't seen most of the day and I guess he was talking with Hershel about something, or talking with Daryl about the search for Sophia....Im trying to avoid Daryl as much as I can seeing as he thinks im dead. 

"Emma your welcome to sleep in the RV until we find you another tent" Dale told me with a fatherly smile. I nodded and thanked him, helping Carol clear everyones dishes for washing. "First thing in the morning, I wanna help look for your little girl" I told her, placing a gentle hand on her petite shoulder. She mouthed me a thank you and looked at me with her tear filled eyes, and I saw the fear behind them. I pulled her into a hug before walking off and into the RV.

I had been wearing the same two pairs of dirty jeans and shirts for almost eight months now, and I was grateful I would finally be able to wash them the next day. I placed my bag under the kitchen table and crawled into the seat behind it, I was too tired to care that there was a bed in the back, and I fell asleep almost instantly with my head leaning against the window.....

The next day I noticed Daryl was walking out of the house, his bandages still wrapped around his head.  I was tying my hair back into a pony tail when I saw him climb into a tent next to the rest of them. "mornin doc" Shane said tilting his hat at me when I exited the RV. "Are you ever going to call me by my actually name deputy" I asked him with a smirk. he just shrugged and walked over to where Rick and Glenn were huddled over a map on the top of a car. I was heading in that direction when Lori pulled me aside. 

"I need to talk to you" Lori said frantically looking frazzled. I nodded and pulled her towards the other side of the RV. "Whats the-" I started but cut me off. "im pregnant" she all but whispered to me. My eyes widened at the thought of what this world would do to an innocent little baby, how risky pregnancy is to begin with, let alone with people walking around who want to feed on your flesh. "Your positive?" i asked.

"That's what the test said" She said running fingers through her long brown hair. "I would normally talk to you about options, but there aren't really any anymore" I said shaking my head, glancing down at her still small stomach. "I don't know if I want this baby" She whimpered to me, tears threatening to spill at any moment. "You don't have a choice Lori" I told her. She asked me about pills that prevented pregnancy and if that could end her pregnancy if she chose to. "It wont work Lori, those pills aren't built for that type of thing." I said. She just huffed, slammed her hand on the RV and walked away..

I decided I needed to check on Daryl, even if he was being strange around me....I got to his tent right when Andrea was walking out. She smiled at me before heading over to Shane and Rick. When I went inside he was flipping through the pages of a book I had never heard of. His eyes glanced up when he caught sight of me, but he didn't look as lost as he was before. "Your really here aren't ya?" He asked looking me up and down. I nodded my head and sat down beside him.

"Im doctor Emma James, Im the one who stitched your side up" I told him. I nodded to his side "May I?" I asked for permission to check his stitches. He chewed on his lip for a second and looked hesitant but nodded anyway. I pulled down the top of his sleeping bag, and lifted up his shirt. He stiffened when I touched his stomach, and I could tell he was uncomfortable so I made it quick. "Its not infected, but no lifting or shooting that crossbow of yours for a few days" I said rolling his shirt back down gently and covering him back up. "Who's Merle?" I asked, wanting to know who he been talking about for the past 24 hours. 

Daryl looked up at me and his hardened look softened for only a second before he rolled over and faced the window of his tent, poking holes with the end of an arrow. "I know Im new. but im here if you wanna talk" I said before silently exiting his tent. And I could have sworn he mumbled a thank you before my feet hit the grass...

From the moment I met Glenn I could tell he was an awkward guy, and today its was ten times worse...He was walking around with this bucket of peaches, handing them out with this guilty and frightened look on his face. Maggie was watching him from the porch and I could tell something was up between them. Shane, Rick,Andrea, T-Dog and I were huddled over a map on the hood of a car. "you alright Glenn?" I asked when we all grabbed a peach from his basket.  He gave me an overly happy grin "Fine" he said nodding and hurried away. I laughed before turning my attention back to the project at hand....finding Sophia.

Sorry this ones short everyone! And its going to be slow because I hate when people have everyone fall in love by like chapter two! lol but I need to get Emma adjusted to the group and Im trying to make sure my timelines are all correct, but I hope yall enjoy it!! :) (:

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