Chapter Thirty.

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I was beginning to really hate sleep, every time my eyes closed I felt like I missed everything big that happened. The last time this happened, Daryl left to find Maggie and Glenn and he didn't come back for some time. This time, he left again but for different reasons. Rick and the governor were sitting down to "discuss" a plan for everything that was going on, I personally didn't think they would accomplish anything at all. I missed Andrea stopping by, and was sad at first realizing I didn't get to see her. But she was alive and that was all the mattered, too bad she was shacking up with out enemy. 

I even missed Rick and Michonne bringing back an arsenal of weapons and ammo for us, a lot can happen when you sleep for a couple days. But the sleep did my body good, I was feeling better than I have in a very long time. I felt if something happened I could easily defend the group like I always did, no stab wound or gun shot hole would stop me from keeping my family safe....from keeping Daryl safe. The group just felt on edge today, everyone knowing that things would change when Rick came back with whatever terms him and the Governor came to. 

I stood beside Maggie in the dining area, both of us loading magazines for the pistols. My fingers were starting to hurt I had loaded so many, but that was a good thing seeing as we had plenty of ammo if we needed it. Glenn had just walked in from placing ammo around the outside of the prison just in case, and he sneered at Merle who was sitting at a chair playing with his metallic hand. "We should pack up some of this, take it to the Governor" Merle said standing up and coming to grab some of the ammo that was laying in front of us. I rolled my eyes and went back to what I was doing, I didn't have the patience to deal with Merle right now.

"We told Daryl, and Rick we would stay here" Michonne said, making extra sure to put emphasis on Daryl's name knowing it would probably affect Merle. Merle shook his head and grabbed a full magazine and placed it in his pistol. "We know where he is right now! We can end this ourselves!" He said loudly grabbing a bag on the ground and grabbed several weapons and tossing them inside. I dropped the magazine in my hand onto the table and glared at him. "Your not going anywhere" I said not taking my eyes off of him.

Merle turned quickly and glared right back at me, "And what are you going to do shorty?" Merle asked with a chuckle as he looked my up and down. "I have no problem killing a man, I probably have more blood on my hands than you" I said quietly taking a step towards the man who currently towered over me. "But because I love your brother, I wont kill you. Not today anyway" I said shrugging and yanking the bag out of his hand, tossing it back under the table where it came from. I turned around to finish what i was doing when i heard Merle start laughing again.

"You sure got some attitude on you girl" Merle said taking the seat on the bench beside me. I glanced at him before grabbing an empty magazine to load with ammo. I tried my hardest to ignore the eldest Dixon who sat next to me, but i could feel his eyes boring into the side of my head. "Think maybe you can do something, I don't know helpful maybe?" i asked sarcastically putting my magazine down to place my hand on my hip. Merle just smirked at me before shaking his head, "Nah I'm fine where I am" Merle said, once again fiddling with his metallic arm. 

"You should really clean that thing" I told him noticing the gross looking bandages when he took off the metallic arm off the spot where his hand should be. The once white medical bandages were disgusting looking, like they hadn't been changed in weeks. "What are you? A doctor?" He asked with a snort as he placed the metal piece back on his arm. I rolled me eyes at him, "Actually I am" i said calmly before walking away to help Michonne who was sorting a pile of ammo on a separate table.

"I swear, if it wasn't for Daryl I  might steal your sword and Merle just might find the end of it" i said glaring across the area at Merle who was now taunting Glenn and Maggie about something. 

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