Chapter Twenty-One

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When I woke up the next morning I was beyond exhausted. The storm only got worse throughout the night, and with every flash of lightning came the unsettling sight of the figures of the undead. Many of them were just walking down the street getting soaked, but some of them were staring at the reflection of themselves in the rain against the clothing store window. Sometimes a few of them would bump into the doors by accident making me jump from my sleep with my bow ready to shoot, but they quickly moved on. I didn't sleep well to say the least, I was so used to the calmness of the hotel and the soft snoring of Daryl that I forgot what this felt like.

I rubbed my eyes fiercely and slapped my face a few times to make sure I was plenty awake. The sun was coming in through the windows, which was good and meant I could travel today. I gathered all of my belongings before taking a quick peek out of the door. I was happy to see that not too many walkers lingered here after last night, not many that I could see at least....But I knew the second I revved the engine of Daryl's bike and unseen walkers would come stumbling in my direction.

I easily killed one walker with my bow that was up ahead at the entrance to the alley, and a second one that was in the bushes in front of the clothing store, but all other walkers were far off enough to let me escape. I crouched down low and sprinted down to the open alley that held Daryl's bike. The alley was empty thankfully, and i easily guided the bike from its parking spot behind the dumpster. Daryl kept the keys in the saddle bag just in case we needed a quick getaway, and he taught me how to drive it shortly after we found the shack in the woods.

I inserted the key into the ignition and quickly turned it. The engine revved to life, sputtered a few times before steadying out for me to hop on. My arms were really short, so it wasn't the easiest thing hanging on to the tall handle bars, but I managed. I sped out of the alley way, past several growling walkers before speeding away down the street. I had to drive with one hand, and had my other hand clutching my knife in case any walkers snuck up on me.

The group had all made a pact, that if we all were separated like today to meet at a certain spot off of the highway. We had been to this spot a few times before we found the shack, had a good water source but not shelter, which is why we moved to the shack. We made a rule to wait a maximum of two days for any of the group to find their way back, before everyone would move on somewhere else. The only thing that would ruin my plan was if the bike ran out of gas or something terrible happened to the group in the night. 

I drove for about thirty minutes, switching my driving arm that was going numb from reaching so far. I didn't have much more to go when I heard the terrible knocking sound of Daryl's bike, meaning it was out of gas. "Dammit" I cursed jumping off and setting it down on it's kick stand. I pulled my bow of my back and an arrow out of my quiver before quickly making the rest of the trip by foot....

The spot was only about half a mile away from where I left the bike, but walking made me a little slower. I would have ran, but I felt I needed to be completely aware of the surroundings and keep my eyes peered for walkers, or the off chance of the unfriendly human. I almost cried with joy when I saw the familiar vehicles parked on the side of the road, causing me to quicken my pace. I wanted to call out to them, but knew better than to draw unnecessary attention to the group. 

When I finally reached the cars, I could see Bath, Maggie and Hershel sitting around a fire. Carol was beside them rocking baby Judith. And it looked like Glenn was on watch. They didn't see me walk up, and Im really surprised Glenn didn't hear me as he was keeping watch. "Miss me?" I asked quietly making all of their heads to jerk in my direction. "Emma!" Maggie and Beth squealed before jumping up and running to engulf me in a tight hug. I chuckled at them before greeting Hershel as well who was hobbling slowly over with a relieved look on his face.

"You have a golden horse shoe up your ass" Glenn said laughing as he swung his rifle over his shoulder and wrapped an arm around my waist. Carol walked over and pecked my cheek as her hands were full from the baby. "Were so glad you made it, we weren't sure" Carol said giving me a sad smile and shaking her head. I had to wonder where everyone else was.... I was looking around with confusion and worry as Rick, Carl, T-Dog and Daryl were all missing. "They went hunting" Glenn said before taking his arm off me to continue watch. I nodded and took a spot beside Beth on a log.

I told them the small story of how I escaped the hotel and spent the night in the clothing store, it wasn't a big deal to was nothing like the night we all barely escaped the herd on the farm all those months ago. I chatted for what felt like hours before I felt myself drifting off on Beth's shoulder. Or course it felt like only a moment before Beth was shaking me awake. "There back" She whispered giving me a smile as she nodded her head across the street where I saw the guys walking out of. 

I saw T-Dog walk out first with Carl by his side. "Emma!" Carl yelled before running across the street and hugging my waist tightly. I laughed and kissed him on the top of his head before ruffling his hair. T-Dog smiled and patted me on the back welcoming me back before bringing what looked like a couple of rabbits over to the fire. "How did you get out?" Carl asked eagerly not taking his arms off my waist. After Carl's mom died I took it upon myself to watch over Carl and Judith, and Carl grew a special fondness to me over these past weeks. "Im a superhero! Like all those comics you like!" I told him and holding a super hero pose making Carl laugh. 

Carl squeezed me one time before running behind me to go sit close to Beth. I smiled at the young boy before turning my attention to the two other men walking out of the woods up ahead. I noticed Rick's curly brown hair pop out first before Daryl's crossbow came into view. I couldn't help the goofy grin I got seeing the two of them were ok after last night. The pair of them were deep in conversation about something as they slowly walked across the street. I was leaning casually against the green Hyundai and waited for them to notice me standing here. 

I had to laugh when they walked right past me to the group to tell them something. But everyone in the groups eyes were looking past them to me. I had moved from the car and was standing behind them with my hands crossed across my chest. Daryl noticed the groups eyes looking behind him and turned around quickly with his crossbow aimed at my head. His eyes grew wide as he saw me standing casually only feet away. I raised my arms in mock surrender before Daryl let his precious crossbow tumble to the ground with a loud clank.

He looked mad for some reason...I figured he would have been happy to see that I made it out of the herd from last night. He stomped over to me with his fists clenched beside him, making me go worried. "Don't be-" I started to say, but Daryl didn't let me finish as he had crashed his lips onto mine. My eyes widened even farther realizing what was happening, Daryl hands were holding my face in a firm grasp as if he couldn't let me go, and his lips were trembling against mine. I closed my eyes and began to slowly kiss him back.

It was like this rush or warmth flowing through my body when our lips slowly moved together. I gripped the back of his shirt for dear life, as I let Daryl ravage my mouth with his own. Daryl had always seemed like this guy who had always been awkward around woman, but Mr.Dixon sure knows what he is doing.   I had kissed plenty of men throughout my life, but none of them affected me the way Daryl was right now. I could feel both of our bodies trembling as our chests were so close together. Daryl pulled away from me leaving the both of us breathing heavily. He rested his forehead against mine leaving his rapid hot breath breathing across my face. "I told you not to do that to me" He whispered with eyes closed.

"I didn't mean to" I said breathless. "About time!" I heard someone shout in the group causing the rest of them to clap in agreement. I could feel my face grow hot as I buried it into Daryl's neck. " Man shut up' Daryl growled at whoever shouted at us, but I could hear the growing smile in his voice. Daryl had an arm wrapped around my waist holding me tightly....a little too tightly, like he was scared I would float away, but I wouldn't complain. 

"We found us a new home Em's" Daryl whispered in my ear. I found myself grinning from ear to ear, not only from the fact we now had a new home....but also from the man holding me that kissed me so passionately I was left with no words and out of breath...

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