Chapter Eight.

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I was running as fast as my legs would take me....There were a dozen of those infected people chasing after me through this deserted town. I had run into a drug store to see what supplies I could find, and little did I know there were surprises waiting for me....and not good ones. I ran track in high school and college so i was pretty fast, but that was a while ago, it had been almost 10 years since I graduated college and took off for med school. But i felt as fast as i did back then...

My feet were loud against the pavement and I was hoping it wasn't attracting any more attention then necessary.These things were too quick for me to attempt to shoot them with my bow, and the knife in my hand would be gone once I threw it, and I wouldn't have enough time to get another out of my bag. I felt screwed as they were slowly gaining on me, and I felt this day would be my last....surely I would die right here in this street being torn apart by drooling freaks.....and I hated calling them that, being a doctor I felt there could be a cure out there somewhere for them..

But I wouldn't go down without a fight...I lasted this long without anyone to help me, why should now be any different...I started running backwards so I could face them, but it slowed me down slightly. I threw my knife at the infected that was coming the closest, and hit him right between the eyes, he landed on the ground with a thud, and was then trampled over by the ones behind him. I turned around and sprinted towards the end of town. 

I tuned between two buildings, in a wide alley way and smiled when I found a ladder that was enclosed leading to the roof. I hopped on the closed dumpster and jumped up grabbing the edge of the ladder by inches. But I needed to hoist myself up quickly as the freaks were now running down the alley towards me. I climbed up two more steps hoping to be able to reach my legs soon, but one of the freaks grabbed my boot trying to make me his breakfast.

"Get off you fucker" I shouted and wiggled out of his grasp, kicking him in the face in the process. I used all the strengh I had in me and hoisted myself up a couple more steps where I could finally get my feet on the ladder. I took a breath for a second before climbing up the rest of the way...I layed down on the ground of the roof for what felt like hours before getting up again. I had been running and trying to get away from those things for hours, and I was rather exhausted. 

I looked over the ledge carefully, I didn't want falling off a roof to be the way I go in this world, And the freaks were still clawing at the wall trying to get to me....But thankfully the ladder was up higher and they couldn't reach it, even the dumpster was a ways away, one of the freaks was standing on it and looking around aimlessly. I was low on food, had barely any water....and this was where I spent the next four days, stuck on a roof waiting for the freaks to move on.....which they finally did when I heard a gunshot sound out in the woods somewhere. I would have died had they not moved on, and I hate to say i was grateful for whoever was getting shot at...

My eyes opened wide, my breathing quickening as another memory of what has happened to me came to me in my sleep. It was barely light outside, signifying it was very early morning. I pulled the sleeping bag around me tighter and rolled to my side to face away from the window. I figured Daryl would still be sleeping, but no he was looking in my direction while laying on his back, his eyebrows raised. 

"Sorry, did I wake you" i mumbled while shivering slightly when a breeze blew in through the window. "Nah, been up for a while" He said playing with one of his arrows. "No sleeping in for us then huh?" I asked stretching my arms out above my head. Daryl just grunted me a response and tossed his arrow on the ground. "Bad dream?" He asked sitting up and slipping his feet into his boots, and quickly lacing them up. I looked at him confused. "You were mumbling in your sleep, kicking you legs a lot" he said putting his jacket on and standing up, pushing some of his long brown locks away from his face in the process. 

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