Chapter Thirty-One.

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I peered through the scope on my rifle, only to see two walkers banging on the fence surrounding the prison. I sighed and put the rifle back by my side, I was currently on watch by myself up in the guard tower and I was getting rather bored. It was really early in the morning with the sun barely peeking through the forest and just enough light for me to see the area. I had just relieved Glenn and he seemed more than willing to let me take over for him, he had been taking late night watched for days now. The one good thing about watch this early, was that it wasn't too hot, but that would only last for a few hours. 

I set the rifle down by my side and picked up the binoculars to get a better look of the prison area. And just like I suspected there was nothing wrong. That was really the only thing I could do up here on watch, was check and re check the surroundings, especially since the attack from the governor, but that didn't make this any less boring. I don't even think Daryl knew I had watch this morning, he was dead asleep when I left him about an hour ago. 

It had been two days since Rick told us we were going to war with the governor, and the group was getting increasingly worried as the days passed. Carol and Hershel were determined we should pack up and take our chances out on the road. And when I looked at baby Judith and Carl, it made me consider that option as well. The others I'm pretty sure wanted to stay and protect what was ours, and at the moment that was where i was standing as my decision. We took this prison, spilled blood to get it and I didn't want to just leave without a fight. And I would protect every last one of these people with the last breath of life I had in my body if it came to that, even Merle who was starting to grow on me. I no longer wanted to slice him up in his sleep.

"Em's?" I head behind me, and whipped around to see a sleepy looking Daryl standing by the door to the stairs. I smiled when I saw him and nodded my head for him to come over to me, he silently walked over and rested him arms on the railing beside me. "Been looking for ya" Daryl said softly, rubbing the back of my hand with the knuckle of his finger. "Didn't wanna wake you, you need sleep" I told him, placing the binoculars on the ground beside me with the rifle. I turned around and leaned my back against the railing so I could see him properly.

He had bags under his eyes and looked as if he hadn't slept in weeks, I wasn't lying when i told him he needed his sleep. Daryl had a tendency to toss and turn in his sleep, I knew this as I was laying beside him. The stress of everything going on right now was taking it's toll not only on him, but on all of us. "Don't worry me like that Em's" Daryl said softly, reaching over and pushing some of my hair behind my ear. I sighed and closed my eyes, taking a step closer to Daryl. "I can handle myself Dare" I told him opening my eyes. 

"I know" he said with a nod. "When's next watch?" He asked shifting his position so we were now facing each other. "Two hours" I told him. He nodded again before looking up and looking into my eyes, and i couldn't help but feel nervous at this look I was receiving. He was looking at me as if i was about to leave him and never come back, looking as if i was about to leave him and head off to war or something. I couldn't place what was wrong but i had a feeling the thing with the governor had something to do with it. 

I reached over and placed my hand gently on his cheek, he leaned slightly into my touch. I took another step closer to Daryl, to where our chests were now touching and I could feel every ragged breath he was taking. Daryl reached up and cupped my face in both of his large calloused hands, the way he was looking down at me was making me lose my breath. Daryl's beautiful blue eyes looked down at me with so much love and passion, I honestly could barely take it anymore. Daryl closed his eyes and rested his forehead against mine, "I love you so much" He mumbled to me. I couldn't help but smile at him even though he couldn't see it. "I love you too Daryl" I told him.

Daryl eyes opened and he looked slowly from my eyes down to my lips, before leaning down and capturing my lips with his in a gently yet passionate kiss. His hands still had hold of my face, so i let my arms go around his waist and hold him tightly to me. I opened my mouth and let Daryl's tongue wander inside with mine, and I bit slightly down on his bottom lip causing him to groan in pleasure. I was gripping his waist so tightly I had his shirt in bunches under my fingernails. Daryl was breathing heavily, his breath fanning some of my hair in disarray around my face.

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