Chapter Thirty-Three

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I could hear gun fire all around me, people shooting at walkers, and my own members shooting at the enemy. The governor's people were running through the tombs in the attempt to kill us, but they were failing miserably. I stood frozen staring down at the flash bang in my hand, before glancing up to see several strangers running in my direction. I pulled the trigger and sent the flash bang flying in their direction, smoke filling up the tombs quickly. I felt a hand on my arm and was suddenly yanked in the opposite direction, but when I saw it was Daryl I yanked my arm roughly away from him and sprinted ahead. 

I never thought I would feel pain like this before, and I've been stabbed and shot a few times. I have been on the brink of death too many times to count, and yet none of that was as painful as this. I have no idea why Daryl said the things he said to me, and quite frankly I didn't need to know. Daryl obviously was using me for something, was lonely and told me he loved me in a time of weakness. He lied about everything he ever said to me. About how we were family, and he loved me. About how we never would let me go and would do anything to protect me, everything we had was a lie.

Last night when he said those cruel things to me, I broke down and ended up passing out on the concrete pavement. Glenn found me coming off of watch and carried me inside, keeping me in his cell with Maggie. I think he heard the whole conversation between Daryl and I, he was only a few feet away in the guard tower. Glenn and I were really close, and he was now giving Daryl the cold shoulder for what he did to me, Maggie as well. But now was no the time to dwell on hateful words that were said, we were currently at war. And regardless of what Daryl did, I was still going to protect him with every breath inside my body. He may not love me, never loved me, but I still love him.

I turned around and started firing shots behind me, hitting several Woodbury soldiers, barely seeing some of them all to the ground through the smoke. "Come on Emma!" Rick yelled, grabbing me and pulling me down the left pathway. I tucked my gun into my holster and pulled out my knife, following behind Rick, Daryl and Carol who were running in front of me. Like our plan, when we got farther ahead I pulled open a door, letting dozens of walkers pour through into the tombs. They smelled the fresh blood of the Woodbury soldiers and headed in their direction. 

I heard their screams and shook my head before following after my group. Thye deserved this, they brought war to our home. 

We pushed our way through to the back part of the prison, and hid around a wall to wait for them to leave. They did exactly like we thought they would, and ran for the gates with Glenn and Maggie shooting at them from above. People were screaming and running around frantically, but finally they all piled into a couple of their trucks and they left. "I cant believe we did it!" Carol exclaimed with a smile on her face. We all walked back into the courtyard and waited for everyone else. Everyone had a smile on their face, but I just stared down to the ground. I was truly glad we had run them out of our home, but I was having a hard time feeling much with the man who broke my heart standing only feet away. 

Daryl looked the same as always, awkward and silent. He didnt even look too upset over the things he said to me. He must have truly meant them then. I took a deep breath and forced away the tears that were brimming in my eyes. I wiped them away before pushing past everyone and back into the cell block, but not before grabbing my bag and swinging it onto my back. I shoved my bag onto the bottom bunk in Michonne's cell, she wouldent mind sharing with me now. I plopped down on the bed and covered my head with the backs of my arms. 

I was trying hard not to break down, trying my hardest to just do what Daryl said and forget about him but I couldent. I just loved him too much. Silent sobs erupted in my body and tears were staining my cheeks. I clutched my stomach and rolled over to face the wall, in hopes that nobody would witness this breakdown of mine. I never thought losing him would hurt this much, it felt like my heart was trying to rip itself from my chest. I felt warmth on my back that frightened me, but turned to see it was Michonne crouching down beside my bed. 

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