Chapter Twenty-Four

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"So where are we heading?" I asked Daryl as I yawned looking at a map he had spread across the table. We had woken up from our nap not too long ago, and the two of us were heading out to grab some formula while the others in the group went to clear out more parts of the prison. "There's a daycare about ten miles north of here, should have some" Daryl mumbled before rolling up the map and tossing it into his bag. I nodded and swung my bow onto my back and checked to make sure I had enough ammo in my gun. I only had about five bullets since we were running low, but they would have to do.

"We'll leave in ten" I told him as I tucked a knife into my black combat boot. Daryl smirked "Yes ma'am" he said and walked over to talk to Rick. Rick, Maggie, Glenn and T-Dog would be going through the rest of the prison trying to find the cafeteria and what not. Carol, Hershel and Beth along with baby Judith would stay in the cell block, while Carl would stand guard at the gate. I think Carl was excited to be able to run off by himself for a change. I walked into the cell's to see Judith sleeping on a bunk while Beth hummed quietly beside her on the floor. "We should be back soon with the formula, but if something happens and we don't make it back just give her water until you dad can find some, ok?" I told her softly as not to wake Judith.

"You always come back, I'm not worried" Beth said smiling before digging through her bag for something. I nodded and walked back through the cell block to find Daryl. 

"Ready to go?" i asked when I found him standing alone over by the door to outside. He nodded and opened the creaking door, holding it open as I walked outside. The sun was hidden slightly behind the tall trees as it was getting later in the day, it made it cooler weather wise, but the walkers got riled up by the night for some reason....we would need to make this a quick run, especially since Judith needed formula as soon as possible. "Wanna let me drive the bike?" I asked as we walked towards his black Harley. He looked over me with a raised eyebrow while I just grinned eagerly over at him. We went back after i left his bike on the side of the road and brought it back before coming to the prison. 

"Maybe next time Em's" He said with a chuckle before swinging his leg over the seat. I sighed before following suit and wrapping my arms around his waist. Daryl put a hand over mine that was resting on his waist, gave my hand a gentle squeeze before starting the bike up. He took off slowly through the open gate that Carl stood beside before driving through, Carl shutting it behind us before any stray walkers could run through the open gate. 

It wasn't a long drive, maybe fifteen minutes of me enjoying the silence of the nature and the wind blowing through my hair. Daryl pulled up a dirt road and it ended with a small daycare up ahead, I had to wonder why a daycare was off the beaten path in the woods like this, but if there was formula here I really couldn't care less. He parked the bike beside the building before the both of us jumped off and had our bows at the ready. 

Daryl nodded to a window that was beside us, and used his elbow to crack it so we could crawl through. Daryl climbed in first and helped me over the short ledge, careful not to cut myself on the broken glass. We were in a room with plenty of toys, many appeared to be for older children and I knew there wouldn't be any formula in this room. "You look here, I'll take across the hall" I said quietly as Daryl was walking towards a closet across the room. "Stay alert" He mumbled to me with a nod, and his eyes followed me until I turned away and walked out of the open doorway.

There were probably four or five doors across the hall from the one I was currently standing in, and chose the one directly across the hall to start scavenging through. I was on high alert with every step I took, knowing that behind every corner there could be a threat....walker and human. I closed the door behind me and quickly scanned the room, immediately relaxing seeing no obvious threats. The room had a few cribs and rockers across one wall, and a play area on the opposite side. 

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