Chapter Eighteen.

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A calloused hand was covering my mouth preventing me from screaming like I wanted too. Everything happened so fast I wasn't even sure how I got in this position. I looked up into the deep brown eyes that were Shane's. My breathing was heavy and ragged as he also had an arm across my chest preventing me from moving away from him. My eyes widened looking at the crazy look in his eye, and I wondered what the hell he wanted to do with me. "Shhh" He said quietly looking across my face. 

"Now your gonna listen to me....your going to take a walk into the woods right here, and your not going to come back" He sneered standing so close to my face I could feel his hot breath across my forehead. I tried wiggling out of his grasp but he was much stronger that i was. "Why?" I tried mumbling against his hand, but I wasn't even sure he was able to hear me. "Because your messing things up for me!" He shouted at me. I was wishing at this moment that Daryl and T-Dog would walk around the corner to get me out of this, but when I glanced behind us I saw nothing. 

"I have been meant to be the leader of this group for some time now, but none of the group seems to realize this." He mumbled getting even closer to my face if that was possible. I heard a click and looked down to see he had pulled out his knife and was pointing it at my stomach. "You scream, and I will shove this through your tiny stomach...understand?" He asked. I nodded and he finally let his hand that was covering my mouth drop to his side. 

I tried catching my breath and with every inhale I could feel the tip of his hunting knife touch me ever so gently. "Shane you don't have to be this guy, I know you aren't this guy" I said desperately trying to get him to at least drop his knife for a second for me to get away, he only stepped forward. "You don't know shit!" he screamed and then proceeded to slap my across my face. My face turned to the left, and in the distance I could see one lonely walker stumbling around in the woods behind out hotel.

My head jerked as my hair had caught onto a piece of bark causing me to jerk forward, big mistake on my part, Shane's knife ended up cutting open my stomach. I groaned in pain as I felt the trickle of blood drip down my stomach and down my black shirt. "You stupid bitch! I didn't want to hurt you!" Shane yelled once more, but I ignored what he was saying and tried focusing on the wound on my abdomen. It wasn't a deep cut, but the serrated edge of his blade ended up shredding the skin around the wound making it quite painful. 

"Shane just stop it" I said softly, gripping the bark on the tree behind me since Shane still had ahold of me. I saw the walker before had stumbled even closer to us, and was now about twenty yards away and Shane still hadn't realized it. "Now your going to leave right now, and Im going to be the leader as I was meant to be" He said nodding his head and looking off into the distance smiling to himself as if he had just won this big prize. 

"Emma?" I heard a familiar voice call out towards the hotel, I recognized it as Daryl. "Fucking Redneck" Shane mumbled to himself. I opened my mouth to call out for Daryl, but Shane ended up covering my mouth once more. "You say anything, or move and I wont hesitate to kill you" He said, let his hand fall and walked off towards the sound of Daryl's voice. I slid my back down the tree, the bark cutting it on the way down. I lifted my shirt to inspect my wound, and it was worse than I thought, blood was pouring down my stomach and some even ran down one of my legs.

"i don't know where she is man, said something about leaving and then took off into the woods" Shane said, I could tell he was attempting to sound worried about me....I knew Daryl could see right through him. "Where the hell is she Shane!?" Daryl said loudly, and I knew he was coming in my direction. At this point, if Daryl went back inside without finding me slumped hear because of Shane Shane would either kill me or I would bleed to death if he forced me out into the forest by myself....either way it wouldn't look good for me.

"Daryl!" I called out as loud as I could, given I was slowly loosing more and more blood. "Emma!" He called and I heard his loud boots running in my direction, but didn't make it very far because I heard what i was guessing was Shane tackle him to the ground. "Woah Man!" T-Dog's voice said, but all i could hear was scuffling as I was facing the opposite direction. "Shane Stop!' Someone new said, It was Carl...

The walker I saw before had now wandered closer, and was only feet away, its snapping jaw growling at me hungrily. It had long grey hair, and one of it's eyeballs was hanging out of the socket......she was not a pleasant sight. I grabbed a knife out of my boot and held it at the ready for when this walker would attack, and pulled my knees closer to my body despite the pain in my stomach. 

I could still hear the scuffling going on behind my spot on the tree, but someones footsteps were running towards my direction. I held my knife tighter in my hands as the walker was now only feet away, It prepared to lunge, but before it could get remotely closer to me an arrow pierced through it's skull, causing it to fall forward on top of me. "Daryl" I whispered knowing it was him who had come to find me. 

And his dirty brunette head soon appeared next to me. I saw he had blood dripping from his lip and a bruise forming under his eye from his fight with Shane. He dropped his crossbow in the dirt before dropping on his knees beside me. He took my face in his hands gently and gave my head a look over, im sure I had a bruise from where Shane hit me....and guessing by Daryl's pissed off look I was guessing I was right. 

His eyes then wandered down from my face to my blood soaked stomach and his eyes went from angry to worried within a second. "What did he do to you?" He whispered, almost more to himself that to me. I felt my eyes starting to grow heavy and my body weakening as I was still continuously loosing blood. "Give me your shirt" I whispered. He chuckled for a second before taking off his plaid button up and gently handing it to me. I tried grabbing it to tie a tourniquet around my stomach to stop myself from loosing more blood, but I was too weak. 

"Can you do it?" I asked him, motioning for what i wanted him to do. He nodded once, immediately knowing what I was asking him to do. He took the shirt and gently leaned me up so he could put it around me, and tied the sleeves right above the knife wound. It was tight, and uncomfortable but it needed to be done. "Thanks" I mumbled, and let my head flop back against the tree for a second. 

It hadn't been but maybe a minute before I was picked up off of the ground. I freaked out for a second but settled down when I saw it was just Daryl who was carrying me. His arms wrapped tightly around my weak body. I wrapped my arms around his neck and let my head rest on his shoulder. When we came back to where the campfire was set up I could see Shane in handcuffs, with Rick standing above him....I guess he came back and i never noticed him. Rick didn't look happy, as his best friend was bloodied up laying on the ground....Rick scowling at him every few seconds.

"Emma!" Rick gasped and ran over to Daryl's side. Rick's face turned just as angry as Daryl's had when he first saw me. "Get her inside" Rick demanded, and Daryl barely nodded before carrying me towards the backdoor of the hotel. I could feel my body falling asleep, my head still flopped onto Daryl's shoulder. "Your going to be ok Emma" He whispered in my ear. I moaned slightly letting him know I heard him.

"Just don't leave me" Was the last thing I heard him say before my world went to black....

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