Chapter Twenty-Seven

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I groaned as my entire body was aching and my eyelids were heavy, heavy and ignoring my pleas for them to open. My head was pounding as if someone took a sledge hammer to the back of my skull, and my eyes felt as if they were going to pop right out of my head. I rubbed my forehead against the back of my head and all I felt was sweat. Finally after several minutes of trying my hardest to wake my body up, my eyes finally fluttered open. I winced at the bright light that was pouring in through the cell window across the hall, and covered my eyes quickly with both of my hands. 

A sharp pain shot through my right side and that's when I remembered that I had been shot by one of the inmates. My hand traveled down to find my side completely wrapped in white medical gauze, and a hand held lung pump was laying bloodied on the ground by my bed. I felt fine really, just exhausted and very very hungry. My cell was empty, but I knew I was in Hershel's cell by the bible that laid unopened on the table. Several bloodied rags were piled up in a bin on the ground beside the table, along with my old black shirt I was wearing. I noticed someone had changed my shirt, it looked like I was wearing one of Beth's plaid shirts with my blue tank top. 

I slowly reached up and grabbed the top bunk, pulling my body up with it. It took me a while seeing I was a lot weaker right now than normal. Finally I was sitting up, trying my best to keep my vision leveled  while putting my hair back into a pony tale. I could hear small chatter down the hall in the cell block, less than the normal for our group. I stood up slowly and steadied myself on the chair before slowly walking out of the cell. I felt disgusting, like I hadn't washed myself in years, and that's how long it felt I was asleep as well. 

Walking felt almost foreign to my small legs, like a baby learning to walk for the first time. I clutched my side in one hand and steadied myself against the concrete wall just outside the cell. After several steps i felt slightly better and let go of the wall to walk on my own. Peering into the cell I didn't see barely anyone, just Carol rocking little Judith, and Hershel sitting beside her cleaning the wound on his stump. I slowly walked through the open door, and the shuffling of my feet caused the two of them to quickly look over at me. "Emma!" Carol exclaimed loudly and ran over still with Judith in her arms. She gently hugged me with one arm, and i saw Hershel hobbling over on his crutches over her shoulder. 

"We never thought you would wake up" Carol said softly as she pulled away and wiped a tear that was running down her face. Hershel rested the back of his hand against my forehead before handing me a bottle of water. I quickly chugged the bottle of water and instantly felt better. I sat down at one of the tables and smiled at carol as she handed me a small bowl of oatmeal before sitting across from me at the table. "How long was I asleep?" I asked slowly savoring the bland taste of wet oats that slid down my throat. 

"A week" Hershel answered taking the seat to my right. I nodded and slowly finished my food as not to get sick. I felt like I had so much more energy just after a few bites of food and some water, it didn't shock me I was asleep for so long, nothing shocked me these days anymore. "What did I miss?" I asked  hesitantly realizing how few people were here right now. Carol and Hershel exchanged looks before once more Carol had tears running down her face. "What is it?" I asked louder grabbing Carol's hand in mine. 

"We lost T" Hershel said for her, he reached out and rested his hand on her shoulder before taking my hand in his. Carol quickly recovered herself before looking down and rocking Judith in her arms. I could feel my own eyes stinging with tears at learning of the loss of one of our group members and a dear friend. "How?" I whispered closing my eyes and playing with my dirty chipped fingernails. "T-Dog, Daryl and Glenn went to a local hospital to find equipment for your lung, T-Dog got cornered by a heard and never made it out" Hershel told me gently. My eyes snapped open and looked to him finally letting my tears roll down my dirty cheeks.

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