Chapter Sixteen.

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The way to explain the actual scenario of what we saw when we walked into the shack was....blood. Just mass amounts of blood on every surface in the room. Blood somehow even managed to make it's way onto the ceiling. I couldn't help the gasp that came form my mouth as I looked around in horror....

I could see two dead bodies laying in this room....Dale, and Lori. I cried out looking at the two dead figures I had grown to care for so much. Dale, he had a bullet hole through his head, meaning he must have turned into a walker at some point. He had blood surrounding his mouth, and stains of it down his shirt. I sank to my knees beside him and took his cold dead hand in mine. "Im so sorry Dale" I whispered. I felt the warm tears trickle down my face as i stared at a man who I thought of like my family.  I felt a warm hand on my shoulder, and looked to see Daryl looking at Dale with saddened eyes. 

I stood up remembering that there was another body in this room, and her son happened to be with us. I heard heart shattering sobs coming from Carl, who had fallen to his knees next to his dead mother. Lori had been cut open towards the bottom of her belly, blood still poured from her abdomen, meaning all of this must have happened recently. But what about the baby?? The womb looked empty, and I didn't see a newborn anywhere in the shack. My guess was Lori went into labor and decisions were made to kill her and save the baby. It really wouldn't have mattered if I was here or not, we had next to no medical supplies before we got here, and the results would have been the same....but it didn't make this any easier. 

I placed a gentle hand on carl's shoulder, who just shrugged me off and wrapped his arms around his mothers shoulders. I wiped away the tears that were falling down my face and took another glance around the room. Someones leg was laying beside Dale, cut right under the knee. I couldn't figure out who's leg this belonged too, but I was guessing it was male. But what confused me most, was that Dale and Lori both had bullet holes through their heads, and neither of them had bite marks from walkers. 

"I don't get it" I mumbled to myself, still not tearing my eyes from the bloody mess. "What?" I heard Daryl ask as he wrapped an arm around my waist. I could feel my skin tingling at his touch, and slightly leaned into him. "They weren't bit, why were they shot in the head?" I asked quietly as not to upset the grieving young boy who sat before us. "You don't have to be die and you turn" He whispered in my ear. "That's what Dr. Jenner told us at the CDC" He added.

Knowing that no matter what, if you die from anything makes you come back as a walker, made me suddenly feel sick to my stomach. Dale must have not made it through the night, came back as a walker and then all hell broke loose. I just shook my head and left outside of the shack, I couldent stand looking at the mess any longer. I sunk to my knees outside of the shack, in the cold wet dirt and just cried to myself. 

I heard the shack door close again behind me, I just sat in the dirt with my head in my hands. "Emma, we need to go, we have visitors" Daryl said placing a hand on my shoulder. I wiped my eyes and looked up to see around five walkers heading up the hill in our direction. I jumped up from the dirt and ran over to the car with Daryl and Carl close behind me. Daryl jumped in the drivers seat and took off down the dirt path towards the main road...

It was dark outside and no way of telling where the group had gone to, or any way if knowing if any of them were alright...But i know they needed me desperately, with a newborn and someone with a missing limb a doctor was essentially a key part for their survival, especially since we now have medical supplies. "We need to find the group" I said quietly, looking outside at the dark woods that were passing by the window. "Lets just head back to the hotel, we can find the group in the morning" Daryl said glancing in the rear view window for a response from Carl...Carl just sat looking out of the window, his tears had finally dried, he now just looked angry....

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