Hello August

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I was going to the studio right after class today, which ended at one-thirty. I was excited, unable to keep still. My phone was laying on top of my open notebook, I was waiting for Jeremy to text me back.

We talked about him going to the studio to meet my uncle and cousins. He's met my mom, Aunt Tammy, some cousins from my moms side and my step dad, but not anyone from my dads side of the family.

After my father was killed, his family became distant from my mom and I. They felt they had no need to talk to us anymore. They hated the fact my dad left them behind to be with my mother. Uncle Dre was the only one who really kept I'm contact with me.

My phone vibrated my desk. I opened up his message.

"I'd like to meet you're uncle, but what if he don't like me?" The text read.

"He'd be stupid not to babe. He already knows you're a good guy, he wants you to show him, ya know." I responded.

Jeremy always got like this before meeting someone related to me. I think he's just being modest, he knows that he's very likable. I've only met his mom though, because he's from Jersey. His mom came down to visit, his sister couldn't get the time off to come, but I talked to her on the phone and via Skype.

"Fine.. Saturday then. I'll go down with you." He texted back. I smiled hard at my phone.

"Yayyy!!!!!" I sent to him. I was happy that he agreed. It meant a lot to me that he knows my family well.


Junior picked my up after class, driving me to the studio. We were only two weeks apart, I was the younger one of course. He always held that over my head. He was born June 6th, I was born on the 20th.

"August is already there." He said. "Only been there maybe twenty minutes, pops called and told me."

"I still don't know who he is."

"You don't?"

"I know the name, but I can't think of what he looks like."

"You know that picture you have of Kirko Bangz with some guy standing next to him that you showed me?"

"Yeah.." I said. "What about it?"

"August was the guy standing next to him."

"Oh damn! He's fine as hell!" I laughed. "This will be fun."

"Aye! You got a man! Don't even try girl."

"I'm not! I can still think someone is hella sexy even though I'm taken, it ain't no sin!"

He laughed, shaking his head at me.


I walked into the studio behind Junior. Uncle Dre, and Joey were the only other two in there. I seen August, who hasn't seen me yet. He was taller than Uncle Dre and Joey. I heard his voice and almost became weak. I loved his accent.

"August! My man!" Junior said aloud, then dapping him up. "How you been?"

"Pretty good mane, how bout-" he stopped in the middle of his sentence when he seen me. "Who's this?" He walked around Junior, making his way towards me.

"That's my niece, Jackie." Uncle Dre answered his question. "I just hired her."

"You made a good choice." He smiled, then licking his lips. "I'm August." He shook my hand.

"Jackie." I smiled, my cheeks a little red.

"Ima remember that." His eyes stared into mine for what seemed like an eternity. I felt my skin getting hotter and hotter, to the point were I wanted to rip off all my clothes. I broke the eye contact, looking over at Joey.

"August, you got the songs you wrote?"

"Yeah, I got em." He turned away from me slowly, getting out his phone. "I wrote em in my notes."

"What ya got?" Uncle Dre and August sat down on the big leather couch. Joey and Junior left the room, for what reason? I'm unsure, but I sat down next to August.

"Here read em, there's only two." He passed him his phone.

I couldn't help but stare at his side profile. His jawline looked so kissable, and perfect, I wanted to touch it, oddly. I've never seen a jawline as sexy as his. His lips seemed so juicy and soft. His face looked like it would be smooth to touch. I was tempted to find out.

August licked his lips again, looking at me out the corners of his brown eyes. He raised his eyebrows at me.

"Sorry." I mumbled.

"For what?"

"Staring." He laughed a little bit, putting his hand on my thigh.

"I don't mind you looking at me." He smiled. I looked down at his hand.

"Yeah, uh-"

"My bad." He slid his hand off my thigh.

"It's fine." I said. Honestly, it didn't bother me so much that he touched me, it was the fact my Uncle was there. But he was oblivious to the whole thing.

"They're good." Unlce Dre said. "I like it."

"Thanks. I've been wanting to write more songs though."

"Jackie is good at writing songs."

"How would you know that?" I asked.

"I've read some of them." He smiled. "You left your binder at my house."

"Maybe we should write a song together.. If that's cool with you." August half smiled.

"I think I'd like that." I smiled, licking my lips.

"Would Jeremy?" Uncle Dre asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Who? Oh, um, I don't think he'd mind." I shrugged one shoulder. "It's for work. He'll get over it."

"Alright Jackie.. If you say so." Uncle Dre got up, walking out of the room. "I'll be right back, bladder aint been the same after I turned 40."

It suddenly felt awkward in the room. I wanted to get up and walk out, but at the same time I wanted to stay seated next to August. There was something about him that made him so interesting, but I couldn't put my finger on it. He turned his body a little to face me.

"So.. Who's Jeremy?" He asked.

"My boyfriend."

"How long ya'll been together?"

"Three years." I said. "Next month."

"Oh.." He nodded. "That's nice."

"It is nice."

"He's lucky, for real."

"I'm the lucky one, trust me."

"Why you say that?" He asked, leaning in a little closer, acting like he was actaully interested to hear my answer.

"I ain't that easy to love.. I can be stubborn, sarcastic, jealous-"

"What girl aint?" He laughed. "You don't seem that bad to me."

"I ain't a bad person, I just-"

"Nope, don't wanna hear it. You a dope ass chick."

"You haven't got to know me yet."

"But I will, and I bet ima still think that." He bit his bottom lip.

"Oh, you bet huh? I'ma make you hate me on purpose." He started laughing. "You think I'm joking, but I'm not!" I started to laugh with him.

"I think it'll be impossible to hate such a pretty face."

"See, now you're just fucking with me!"

"Nah, I aint! I'm serious."

"Alright August, sure." I rolled my eyes, trying not to smile.

Uncle Dre walked back into the room, giving us a funny look.

"Why ya'll smiling like that."

"Ya niece is a trip." He smiled. "I like her though, a lot."

"Good, cause you'll be working with her for a while."

"When do you want to get started on this song writing Miss Jackie?" August asked.

"Whenever I'm not busy, you know, I got class three days a week." He took his phone out of his pocket, handing it to me.

"Give me your number, I'll call you and ask when you ain't busy." I took his phone, enetering in my name and number. "I'ma probably call you tomorrow."

"Sounds good to me."

Secretly, I couoldn't wait for him to call.

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