Judge Who?

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I curled my hear, and put on black dress pants, a teal button up shirt with a black blazer. My case started at nine am, we had about fifteen minutes before it was going to start. Ayesha was still getting ready.

"Hurry up!" I yelled out. I sighed loudly putting my shoes on. "I told Ashley i'd be there twenty minutes ago! Come on!"

"I'm ready, damn!" She walked out, grabbing her keys off the table. "Let's go.."

She looked just as stressed as I was. You could see it in her eyes. She tried to hide the bags with makeup, but it didn't help too much. I kept a natural look for the day. I didn't want to go in looking like a clown.

We walked in just in time, I seen Ashley, but I think she spotted me first. She walked up to me in an unusually fast past.

"Where have you been?!" She tried not to raise her voice. "I've been waiting here almost an hour for you! Do you know how irresponsible you look right now?"

"I had to get a ride with my cousin, she-"

"I don't want to hear it. They're finishing up the last sentence. Come on." She took a deep breath in.

They called us up to the judge.

"That's Judge Wou."

"Who?" I asked.


"Judge Wou?"

She nodded yes.

"Oh ok.." I shrugged one shoulder.

"He's nice.. You got lucky." She added. I was happy about that.

"Miss Rowland vs Mr Fernandez, please step up." The judge said.

Crystal and Ricky sat to the left of Ashley and myself.

"So.." Judge Wou started. "Miss Rowland, you're filing for full custody of your son? Am I correct?"

"Yes your honor." I cleared my throat.

"Alright, Miss Briggs.. You may start."

Ashley took a deep breath, standing up. She flashed me a quick smile.

"Thank you your honor. I'd like to start off by saying that Miss Rowland has come a long way since the first dealing on whether she should have full custody of her son or not. She's in college, full time, has a good job, her own apartment, and is mentally in a better place. Miss Rowland has bettered herself enormously, I cannot stress that enough. She's not the same broken, lost, teenage girl she used to be. She and I both know she's a great person, and she wants to form a relationship with her growing son, and put him a better home. She wants her son to know who her mother is, and every little boy is entitled to knowing their mother, aren't I right?"

"You make a compelling argument Miss Briggs." Judge Wou said. "Miss Blane, you may go now.."

"Your honor.." She started, standing up. "I'll get right to the chase. Miss Rowland isn't fit to be a mother, and that's a fact. Her criminal history, her problems with aggression, and her hate for my client, Ricky Fernandez. Some people don't change your honor, and Miss Rowland is one of those people who just will never change-"

"You know Miss Blane, that's awfully harsh to say. People do change." Judge Wou interrupted. "Watch what you say, but continue."

"Well, Judge Wou.. I looked into her records, and two years ago, almost to the day, there was an incident between an older women and herself. The women said Miss Rowland had gotten physical with her, cussing at her, and pushing her, threatening to punch her. The charges were later dropped."

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