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I laid there on my bed, deep in thoughts. I had no motivation to do much, only eat of course. I just wanted to stuff my face, and nap. Yvette was out, and I didn't ask where she was heading, but I know she's been gone for a while, maybe she had work or something. I turned my phone off, no interruptions what so ever. As I closed my eyes, a loud knock can from my door. I sighed, getting up to go answer it. I looked a mess, no make up, messy hair, sweat pants and a bra on.

I opened the door, Jeremy was standing there, his arms folded across his chest.

"I called you like four times, I hope you're not ignoring me." He spoke, a tint of anger in his voice. He walked in. "Jackie, what the hell did I do to you?"

"Nothing." I said, closing the door behind me. "It's just one of those days I guess." I shrugged, sitting down on my bed. "My phones off, I wasn't ignoring you."

"You were acting weird last night when I came to see you after practice... Is everything okay?" He sat down beside me, he placed his arm around me.

"Everything's fine babe, seriously. I have work tonight, I'm tired, and that paper is due tomorrow and I need to finish it."

"I can help you with that, I finished it." Jeremy suggested, with a sincere, innocent voice, almost naive.

"Thanks, I just have another paragraph to do. Seven sentences at the most."

"Alright Jackie... I wish you'd just tell me the truth. There's something more you're not telling me.."

"There really isn't anything else.." I lied. "Look, it's been a really long week, I'm just worn the hell out."

"I've known you for how long? I know you better than that."

I turned my head to look at him, with everything in me I was trying not to cry. I felt as if I've betrayed him, that I was crossing lines I never thought I'd cross, and moving mountains that didn't need to be moved. As tears filled my eyes, I looked away.

"Tell me." He whispered.

"I can't." I cried. "I'm not ready."

"You trust me, right?"

"Yes, yes! Of course I trust you! I trust you with everything I got!"

"Then what the hell is it?!"

"I fucked up! Okay?! I messed up."

"What did you do?"

"I can't Jeremy-"

"Okay look, I don't see what you did that was SO wrong, that you just can't tell me.."

"It has nothing to do with you.. It's me, I messed up, and I need to fix things." I sighed, taking his hand into mine. "You know I love you right?"

"Yes, I know. I love you too baby girl, with all my heart." he kissed my forehead. "As long as whatever's going on isn't bad, I can wait for you to tell me."

"Look, I can't lie to you. I'm not one to lie." I said, taking a step back. "August came to see me yesterday-"

"I knew it!" He boasted.

"Let me finish!" I yelled back. "He was in my dorm when I came in, Yvette let him in, I had no idea he was gonna be in here! He was telling me how there's a spark between him and me, and before he left.. Well, he kissed me Jeremy. He grabbed my face and he kissed me." I confessed. "I feel like complete shit!"

"No.." He said to himself, shaking his head. He started to pace around the room like he always does when he's angry. "Jackie, really?"

"It wasn't on purpose! I swear!"

"You need to stay away from him! I'm serious! He's bad news!"

"I told him I'm with you.."

"He obviously doesn't care Jackie! He wants you, you know that right?" I nodded yes. "He's not gonna stop till he gets you."

"I know Jeremy, he told me that already."


I finally took a shower, washed my hair, and put on some makeup. I dressed up for work, nothing fancy, just casual. My hair was up in a bun, a blank tank with an indigo cardigan over it, and blue jeans, with my black vans. Yes, that is considered casual to me. I was never the type to care about fashion.

Thought I looked half way decent, I didn't feel it. I was not looking forward to seeing August at work, at all. He was the last person I wanted to see at this moment. Uncle Dre was picking me up, it was a last minute thing. I wasn't expecting Jeremy to bring me after this morning. I swear today was going by slower than a turtle.

When I got in Uncle Dre's range rover, he shook his head at me. He drove away right after I shut the door.


"I heard what happened." He said sharply. "I'm disappointed in you. August, really? He's a player! He's just like your father! We both know it!"

"He came on to me! There's a difference. And don't bring up my dad, seriously. He's nothing like August, and August is nothing like him." I snapped back.

"He is, don't deny it. He says he likes you, but why was he at the strip club last night and not with you?"

"Cause I'm dating Jeremy!"

"You wouldn't have kissed him." He said to himself. I seen him roll his eyes. I wanted to tell him to pull over so I can get out and go back to my dorm, but I wasn't walking back two miles.

"August kissed me."

"And you kissed him back. All he wants is sex, if this continues you're both out of my record label. He's not recording with me, and you're out of a job. I run a business, not a dating service!" He scolded. "You understand me?!"

I nodded yes.

"I can't hear your head shake."

"Yes.. I understand." I said quietly.

"Good," He responded. "Now lets get to work."

I walked in with my head hanging down, my eyes looking towards the floor. I was ashamed at the least. My heart was pounding loudly as I walked into the studio. The guys were all there, there eyes were glued to me as I made my way to the couch. I looked around to see that August wasn't here yet, I was relieved. Some of the heaviness lifted off of chest. I checked my phone in my pocket, I had no missed call, no text, nothing, just the picture of Jeremy as my lock screen. Just seeing the big smile he had on his face tore me apart, I knew at this moment, that precious smile of his was no longer on his face, but anger was, with a mix of pain. I hurt him. And something deep inside was telling me it doesn't end here. Nothing in my life ends the way everyone expects to you. In the end, it's all one big surprise.

I looked up from my phone, August walked in the room, a tall, pretty dark skinned girl walked in behind her. I almost shit myself when I seem them. She was holding his hand, and smiled at me when she seen me looking at them. I am the jealous type, but what I was feeling was more on the lines of confusion.

"I'm gonna be right back, I need some water." I said to Junior who was sitting to my left.

"Alright." He responded, knowing what I meant. I needed air.

I walked past the two, so called "love birds" and shook my head, disgusted in his behavior. What the hell is wrong with him? He's the one with problems, not me.

"Jackie, wait!" He called out to me.

"Nah, I'm good. I need air." He grabbed my arm, pulling me to him.

"She's just another groupie, you know that."

"August, I don't have time for you." I rolled my eyes, trying to get loose from his grip.

"She don't mean nothing to me, come on. I seen your face."

"You're trying to make me jealous, and you know what, you've failed at that. I'm just confused, how can you say you want me one minute, and the next you're sleeping with another girl. You make no sense at all! You're not proving anything to me." I yelled.

"People are staring." He whispered.

"I really don't give a rats ass if people are staring! Dre was right, you ain't nothing but a player! I'm done with you! You know what, this ends now.. You need to stay out of my life. After this whole recording thing is over, you're out of my life for good! You understand me?!" My face was hot, my cheeks red, my heart pounding even harder than before.

"Jackie, you're over exaggerating." He sighed. "Let me explain."

"Nope, I've heard enough. I'm going home to my man, and leaving you behind."

"You don't really mean that.." He said.

"I mean it." I said. "Goodbye August."

I finally got free of his grip, walking right out of the studio. My phone was on one percent, and i wasn't taking any chances. I had ten dollars on me, so I walked to the nearest diner that had a pay phone, called Roy's Brunch And Dinner. Good food, I'd give it an eight.

I asked Roy to make change out of a five for me, three one dollar bills, and two dollars in quarters. I made my call to Jeremy on the pay phone.

"Hello?" He answered, sounding exhausted. He must be coming from practice.

"Babe, um, I kinda need a ride home..."

"Where are you?"

"Roy's brunch and dinner, we came here a few weeks ago, remember?"

"I remember, why are you there?"

"Well, it's a long story. We can talk about it when you get here. I'm gonna order the bacon cheeseburger, do you want one? I'll get the cheese fries you like."

"Yeah, that sounds good. I'll be there as fast as I can, okay?"

"Okay, thank you so much." I smiled.

I sat down at a both with our food, waiting for him to show up. I wasn't gonna wait to eat mine, but his was in a to-go box, getting cold.

"Hey Jackie!" I heard a voice say. I lifted my head up from my plate. It was Alicia, my cousin. By the looks of her, she worked here. "How are you?!" She sat down in front of me.

"I've been better." I smiled. "How about you? It's been how long since I've seen you?"

"Three years, almost four. I'm really good actually. I had a son about a year ago. Um, I'm going to school, and I work here part time. I live with my dad though, which sucks. But I'm making it by, just living each day."

"Aw! Congrats on the son! What's his name?"

"Darien August McNally. He has his dads last name." She said. "He's nine months old today, he looks like you a little bit, which is kinda weird." She laughed. "Let me show you a picture." She took her phone out of her pants pocket. "He has your eyes and your smile, but his dads nose."

"Your mom always said we looked like sisters." I chuckled.

"She did say that!" She laughed, showing me the picture. "Ain't I right?"

"I can see what you mean, he does have my eyes, he's so damn cute! I'm not saying that because he looks like me either!" I laughed, taking the phone. "Did you have him with Jay, or no?"

"Nope.. I broke it off with him. I'm not dating Darien's father."

"Who's his dad?"

"Justin McNally, I don't know if you remember him."

"The name sounds familiar. White boy?"

She nodded yes.

"Green eyes, black hair, tall, he played baseball for our high school. You kissed him at prom to piss off Ashley!"

"Oh my god yes! I remember him! He's a good kisser." I winked. "But hey, he's cute, and so is your son. I was wondering why he was so light skinned, but hell be getting bitches when he's older."

"I hope he's gay." She laughed, taking her phone back. "I don't need a player! His fathers already one! But hey, as long as he's happy and healthy."

"Oh hey, I want you to meet someone." I stood up as Jeremy walked into the diner. He was wearing his football jersey and sweats. "This is my boyfriend, Jeremy." I smiled, proud to say it. He sat down next to me in the booth.

"It's nice to meet you" Alicia smiled, shaking his hand. "He's cute unlike your ex." She said. "He was just... Never mind."

"Yeah.. Lets not go there." I suggested.

"Babe, I'm tired. Will you drive us home?"

"Yeah that's fine." I told him, taking the keys. "I got your food." He thanked me, taking a large bite of his burger.

"How long have you two been together?"

"A few years now." He said, whipping his mouth with a napkin. "Four almost."

"Four years?!" She exclaimed. "Wow, good for you! Y'all are cute too."

"Thanks." Jeremy and I both said.

"I have to get back to work, but Im gonna write my number down. Call me sometimes. I miss talking to you."

"I'll call you tomorrow, okay?"

She passed me a napkin with her number written on it. "That sounds good." She smiled once more.

"What happened at work?" Jeremy said, getting right to the point.

"Well, August walked into the studio with a groupie hoe, and I told him off. I got angry and left."

"Sounds like you were jealous." He groaned.

"Not so much, more like I was confused. He says he's going to 'fight for me' or whatever but he's having sex with other girls. Obviously he doesn't mean it. I figured it was perfect timing to tell him off, and tell him to leave me alone with you, and stay out of my life." I shrugged. "I told him after his album is done, so is any type of communication between us is."

Jeremy just nodded.

"Babe, this is good.. In a month or two, he's gone for good."

"Jackie, he's not gonna leave you alone until he gets you. He just wants sex."

"I know, but I'm taken."

"Lets keep it that way." He smiled. "If he's saying he's gonna fight for you, he's gonna have to get through me."

"You know, I'm happy with you, I really am." I nestled up against him.

"No, you make me happy. I keep you sane." He laughed. "You were a lot more crazy when I met you."

"I was never crazy." I rolled my eyes. "Just crazy about you." I kissed his cheek.

"That was so corny." He laughed at me, putting his arm over my shoulder. "But that's what I love about you."

Fire We Make (August Alsina)♥Where stories live. Discover now