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*Still August POV*

The last few weeks I've kept my distance from Jackie, which was hard for me, I'll admit. We've been at the studio at alternate times, when she was leaving, I would be coming in. She had helped Junior make a few beats that I plan on using with the lyrics we wrote.

Tonight, I wasn't going into the studio, I faked the whole, cough cough, I think I'm sick, thing. On my table was a bottle on Henny that I planned on drinking all on my own. I felt like I needed to get drunk tonight, just to erase all of my feelings for a while and just pass out. I had a few shot glasses lined up in front of me, I poured all four of then to the top.

One after one, I shot then back quickly, then filling them up again. After about ten minutes, and a countless number of shots, the bottle was just about half gone. I ripped my phone out of my pocket, through slightly blurry eyes, I picked out the name who's face I wanted to see the most, Jackie.

"Hello?" She answered. She sounded so angelic and sweet. I couldn't help but smile.

"Jackie?" I slurred. "You busy?"

"No.." She paused. "Why?"

"Can you come see me?" I pleaded. "I need you right now."

"August, I-"

"Jackie, baby girl, please? A few minutes.. I need you."

"Fine." She sighed. It took a moment to speak. "I'll be there in a little while."

I'm aware of how drunk I am, and I know my limits. I stumbled slightly as I put the bottle back on the shelf. I laid my body down on my bed, waiting for her to come see me. All I could see was her face in the back of my mind. I watched the clock as every second passed, getting lost in time itself. It seemed like forever, as every minute went by I became more anxious. Suddenly, a knock came from my door. I hurried to go up in answer. I opened the door to see Jackie standing there, wearing black sweatpants and a white tank top. It amazed me how an outfit so simple could look so sexy on a women.

"Hey beautiful." I smiled, moving aside to let her walk in. "I'm happy you came."

"I wasn't doing anything anyways." She said, sitting down on the foot of my bed. "Is everything alright?"

"It is now." I sat down on the side of her. "I just needed to see you."

"August, look-"

"Don't badger me when the whole, you're still taken, shit. I don't care." I interrupted her. "I'm don't hearing that, okay?"

"I'm sorry.." She said softly. "Should I just leave?"

"Nah, please don't leave." I took her hand.

"Your eyes are so red.. Have you been drinking?"

"A little bit." I shrugged.



"What?" She responded.

"Would you be mad if I kissed you right now?" 

She shrugged, avoiding eye contact with me. To my surprise, she looked back up at me, straight into my eyes. I could see just how guilty she felt, as if it was taking so much out of her to not tell me no, that she wouldn't mind at all. I could tell exactly what was going through her mind, Jeremy, and how the result of her being here would turn out. Just by her eyes, I could see the betrayal mixed with uncontrollable temptation she felt inside. I felt the same way, tempted, and oddly guilty. I knew this was wrong of us, but damn.. I just couldn't resist. 

I reached my hand up to her jawline, caressing her cheek with my finger. I wanted to tell her to not feel bad, and just ignore how she's feeling, but that'd be wrong of me to tell her. I could practically hear how hard and fast her heart was pounding inside of her chest. It reminded me of a south bound train going 108 mph on the tracks, in a complete rush to get to the middle of nowhere just to out of the storm. 

I didn't think about it, I just kissed her. The moment she licked her lips while looking me deep in my eyes, my mind shut off, impulsively I pressed my lips hard against her's. Jackie didn't stop me, and I'm beyond glad that she didn't. 

As the kiss got more heavy with passion, I laid her down on her back, positioning myself on top of her. My body felt perfect on top of hers. I couldn't help but imagine how it would feel for her body to be on top of mine. 

As I pulled slightly on her hair, she wrapped her legs around my waist, pulling my hips towards hers. I slowly grinded my hips against hers, hearing tiny moans slip out of her lips and into my hears, turning me on even more. 

Fire We Make (August Alsina)♥Where stories live. Discover now