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The next few days went by quicker than I expected. It was Tuesday now, and I was on my way to my English class. I sat down in the last seat of the last row, isolated from most of the others on the class. I sighed as the professor started to talk. Only 70 more minutes I kept saying to myself, looking at the clock periodically. I took notes like a good student, and stayed quite, which is unusual for me, I always talk.

Jeremy walked into class 15 minutes late, sitting down to people away from me. I'm guessing he got out of work late or something, I'd ask him, but we haven't talked to much the past few days. His jealousy was getting the best of him. I told there was nothing to worry about, but he couldn't get himself to truly, 100 percent, believe me. A part of me just wanted to get up and pull him out of class and just tell him how I feel, but the other part of me wanted to stay quite, and not make things any worse.

After class, I waited outside for Jeremy who was talking to the professor about something I didn't know. I watched as every other person in the class walked out of the door, a few moments later, Jeremy walked out. He faked a smile when he saw me waiting.

"You didn't have to wait for me Jackie."

"I know. I wanted to though." I smiled, taking his hands. "What time do you have practice?"

"It got canceled tonight, coach had a family emergency."

"Oh, okay."

"Why?" He stopped, looking down at me.

"I was just wondering, that's all."

"Let me guess, you're going to go see Aug-"

"I'm not! I wanted to spend tonight with you... Only you. I'm with you, I'm not with him Jeremy, come on, you know that. You're over reacting. Me and him are co-workers, nothing more. I swear."

"Alright..." He paused. "Sorry."

"Don't be." I grabbed his hand, wrapping my fingers around his. "Lets go out tonight, maybe grab a bite to eat downtown or go see a movie. Just me and you." I smiled, hoping he'd like the idea.

"Okay babe, that sounds good." He kissed me on the forehead. "I think we should go out to dinner then go see a movie. We can have a date night or whatever you girls call em." He smiled. "I'm gonna go back to my dorm and shower, maybe take a nap. I'll call you later."

"Sounds good to me.. Oh Jeremy, one last thing." I stopped him as he started to walk away. He turned back to face me, his beautiful eyes were fixated on me. I almost melt, but I kept my cool. "Tomorrow my uncle said he's gonna come get me so I can go to his house and see everyone else, I figured that be a good time for you to meet the rest of my family. If you can make it, you don't have to come. It's like a small family reunion tomorrow."

"I'll go, as long as we're back before five, you know, when practice starts." He rolled his eyes. "You know how Coach Stratton is."

"Yeah I know." I laughed. "I'll tell him you said it's cool. I'm looking forward to you meeting them actually. But we can talk more about it later, i'll let you go now."

I watched him as he walked away from me, all I could think about was how much he really loved me, the most impossible lady in the world to love, and him, out of every guy in the universe, loves me. How could I get so lucky? But how could I get myself into this? In the back of my mind was August, the guy I hardly knew, but yet had that connection with. I shook myself out of a trance, walking back to my dorm.

"Jackie!" Yvette yelled across the hallway. "Hey!"

"Whats up?"

"August was looking for you."

"What?!" I stopped her.

"August came by the dorm and asked if you where around.."

"Oh what the fuck.." I mumbled, rolling my eyes.

"Why you so mad about it?"

"Because Yvette, I'm taken! You don't get it.."

"Come on Jackie, you're like over thinking all of this."

"I'm really not.. Nothing good is going to result in us being together. Trust me."

"I don't get it.. You were excited to work with him."

"I know.." I said. "But look... There's no way in hell I'll be able to keep my hands, or my mind off of him with him always trying to come around. He called me like four times while I was in class. Girl, I don't know if you understand me or not, all I've been thinking about is him, all the damn time! "

"So you like him?!"

"No.. I mean, I dont know.. I-"

"Aw, Jackie!"

"NO! I'm with Jeremy, I wanna be with him, and only him."

"Alright Jackie, if you say so." She rolled her eyes.

"You don't get it." I sighed, shaking my head. I just walked away, craving the feeling of my bed, all I wanted was to lay down. The moment I opened my dorm door, I saw August sitting on my bed. I rolled my eyes, walking up to him. "What are you doing here August?"

"I wanted to see you Jackie." He said, standing up in front of me, taking my hand. "Look, I know you're with Jeremy but-"

"No buts August.. Seriously. I don't mind you coming to see me, but I don't need people getting suspicious. Theres nothing going between us!"

"Come on Jackie, you know that from the moment I saw you-"

"August please don't.." I pleaded, trying to turn away from him, but he grabbed my wrist turning me back to face him.

"Maybe there isn't anything going on between us NOW, but we both know there's still something there. I look at you and my heart starts skipping beats, my heads are sweaty, I'm starting to fall for you and I have intention of giving up on you." he leaned his face in closer to mine, his lips only centimeters from mine. "Do you feel the same way? I can hear your heart from here."

"I think you should go.." I mumbled. Though I didn't want him to leave, there was a tiny part of me that knew wherever this was going wasn't any place good. "Please."

"Fine." He sighed. "But one last thing.." His hands wrapped around my face, I closed my eyes knowing what was about to happen, though not wanting to expect it. His lips, softer than cotton, silk, plush, flees, anything soft you can think of, that's what his lips felt like on mine. My mind went blank, words I couldn't form, I felt a sense of nostalgia. I was lost in the feel of his lips, the way his tongue brush against mine, and how his hands grabbed tiny bits of my hair. He slowly lifted his lips away from mine. I opened my eyes, seeing his were already staring into mine. "I'll leave now if that's what you want."

I couldn't even say anything. Did I want him to leave? No actually, not at all. But should he leave? Yeah. I didn't want him to stop kissing me, but in the back of my mind I saw Jeremy, and the look on his face if he found out. Imagine how he'd feel. How heart broken he'd be, and how mad he'd be at me. I knew he'd hate me for this. I was more mad at myself for not caring as much as I should. I don't want to hurt him, but a kiss like that, how could I not be hooked?

Temptation walked out the door, and I watched every step he made. I almost fell to my knees they were so weak. I curled up into a ball, hugging my pillow tight on my bed. I reached over to get my laptop, figuring this would be good for my essay.

Temptation is something that can't be controlled. You try hard to ignore the voices inside, and the feelings you can't seem to hide. The voices scream one more hit, maybe even one more kiss, one more time in his bed and you'll be alright. Maybe if I do this, I'll get their attention. Temptation is strong, and may be present for many reasons.

"That's a good start." I said to myself. "Maybe one more kiss would be good... but then again, maybe not."

I looked up, seeing Yvette walk into the room with her little boy toy Alex. I wiped away the tear from my cheek, looking back down to the laptop screen.

"You okay?" She asked, laying down on her bed next to Alex. "Jackie?"

"I'm fine, okay?" I barked back.

"Damn, alright.. I was just asking." 


"Do you wanna talk about it?" She asked sweetly.

"Not really." I lied, sitting up. "But it might be nice to get it off my chest." She patted Alex on the chest, telling him to get up. 

"I'll be back in 20, is that cool?" He asked, Yvette nodded yes, crawling into bed next to me. 

"So, tell me what happened? Did you and Jeremy get into a fight or something?"

"Nah, not yet.." I said softly.

"Then what is it..?"


"August? What did he do?"

"He kissed me.. I'm not talking 'bout no kiss on the cheek, or a soft one on the lips, I'm talking 'bout a long, french kiss. And when I say french, I mean a whole lot of tongue." I spilled. "It was a good minute and a half, I froze, I didn't know what to do."k

"Jackie, I don't even know what to say.. I'm low-key jealous, but whoa, what is Jeremy gonna think?"

"He's gonna think I lied to him, and I didn't! It's not like I wanted him to kiss me, or I told him too, you know? It just happened, right before he left, he just, Kissed me."

"Was it nice?"


"Sorry.. I was just wondering."

"It was amazing.." I thought to myself. "Actually, perfect.."

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