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* Jackie's POV *

I think I felt more guilty about not feeling guilty, if that makes any sense.. I do feel bad, I really do, but not as bad as I should. I know that if this all comes out I'll be breaking Jeremy's heart, and that's the last thing I want to do. I still love him, and I do want to be with him, but in the back of my mind I know the truth. I made a mistake, I cheated on him. I did the one thing I promised him I wouldn't do. The one thing I'd never want to be done to me.. I did it.

I spent the next day in my dorm room, skipping my two classes I had with Jeremy. I took about three showers to try and scrub away all the dirt that seemed to be spread throughout my body. I didn't want to be touched, talked to, or even looked at. I spent all day in bed just thinking, I couldn't even fall asleep. August called me a few times, but I ignored him. I had no idea what to say to him. The sex was amazing, but it was wrong, and even though I had fun, it shouldn't be a reoccuring thing with him. At least that's I'm trying to convince myself.

Yvette came into our dorm room, a huge smile on her face. I raised an eyebrows at her. She asked, what?

"Why you so happy?" I sneered.

"You'll never guess why!" She laid down next to me.

"I don't want to guess."

"Awwwww! Come on! Guess!"

"You're pregnant?" I said sarcastically.

"Hell no! I'm happy, not devastated.. But I got an B minus on that paper for English."

"Oh shit, I got to go get that." I sighed.

"Jeremy wanted to know why you wasn't in class.. He picked up your paper though, I think he said you got an A on it."

"I'm just not feeling good." I shrugged. "It's been a weird past few days."

"Look at me.." Yvette said.

"Why...?" I asked.

"Look me straight in my eyes and tell me what happened between you and August." She said sharply. "I'm serious."

"It's nothing." I didn't look her into her deep hazel eyes. "Seriously.. It's not him."

"You're a horrible liar!" She raised her voice. "What the hell is going on between you two?"

"It ain't nothing serious!" I yelled back. "Okay?!"

"Really?" She picked up my phone. "You have seventeen missed calls from him and you're telling me there's nothing going on?" She rolled her eyes. "Jackie..."

"Stop it Yvette." I shook my head. "Please."

"Did y'all...? You know.." She asked in more quieter tone.

"What?" I asked dumbly. "Have sex?"

She nodded yes.

I said nothing.

"So you did?"

I still said nothing.

"You did... Didn't you!?"

I shook my head no.

"You liar!" She punched me in the arm. "What?! I'm so jealous!"

"Shut the hell up! It was a one time thing.."

"How was it?" She winked.

"Yvette.." I said. "Stop."


"You do realize I cheated right?"

"Oh shit.. Jeremy."

My head fell back into my pillow. I started to ball my eyes out.

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