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I rolled over, Jackie laying down beside me, her clothes from the night before scatterd around my room along with mine. I kissed her gently to see if I could wake her. The sun came in through my bedroom window and glistened off of her golden skin. I swear I seen it sparkel a little. She rolled on to her right side, leaving her bare back towards me. I let my naked body rest up against hers. Jackie was hot, my skin was cool, together we created a perfect temperature.

I started to kiss her shoulders, and I heard her moan. Then I nibbled on her ear, pushing her hair out if the way. She smelled so good, but I wasn't sure the name of her perfume. I kissed the side of her neck, letting my hands rub up and down the side of her soft, golden skin. She turned to face me, by the look of her face I've woken her up, and she was still half tired.

"Good morning Baby girl." I said, kissing her forehead gently. She stretched herself out a little bit, then turned onto her back. Jackie smiled.

"Good morning August." She said back. She peeked at herself under the covers and looked back up at me. "I got the meanest headache right now. How much did we drink?"

"I didn't drink at all, you was chugging em down left and right.. You looked all stressed though."

"I was all stressed out." She sighed. "I got so much on my plate right now."

"I know Jackie."

"We had sex last night.. Didn't we?"

"Yeah... A few times."

"Oh my god." She shook her head.

"You said that A LOT!" I laughed. "But come on, don't act like you didn't want to."

"I'm not saying I didn't want to.. I just feel bad." She sat up, pulling the sheets up to her chest. I won't lie, I wish she would have sat up with her naked body showing, but then I'd probably be all over her.

"Break it off with Jeremy." I suggested. "You spend more time with me, I know you're feeling me.. And you know I'm feeling you too." I sat up next to her. "Look.. What you do is up to you, but I don't get serious with girls often, and I ain't trying to get hurt either."

"What're you trying to say?" Jacked asked stupidly.

"Jackie, I don't want you to keep doing this to me. Calling me in the middle of the night, sleeping over, singing with me, like.. Don't keep leading me on if you don't want to be with me.. I wouldn't do that to you."

"August I-"

"The last relationship I was in that was actually serious, I was in high school, you know how long ago that was? I'm not the type that gets serious, and now that I want to get serious, the girl I want don't even want me!"

"But I do-"

"Do what?" I cut her off. "Huh? You want something serious but you already have something serious? I don't wanna hear that." I rolled me eyes.

"Are you done?" She said with a straight face, her eyes looking deep into mine. "Are you done? Like really done so I can speak, or nah?"

"I'm done." I said like a bitch.

"I do want to be with you. I don't want to hurt you, and you know what, you're wrong about me.. I'm scared as hell right now. Not all of it has to do with Jeremy, okay? But being with someone else is like starting over. That means, I have to let you know everything about me, and that's what in scared of... My past. Cause there's so many things that I've done, and that've been done to me. August.. I got a history, and it ain't pretty. Jeremy was the only guy that was fine with it, and accepted me for who I was cause he knew I changed. I don't want you to run away from me.. I don't mean to make it seem like in pushing you away. Jeremy was the first person I've ever been happy with, he's all I really know. He was my first real relationship. He was the first guy I had sex with were there was feelings actually there.." She paused, looking away from me with watery eyes. "Where do you want me to start?" She asked.

Fire We Make (August Alsina)♥Where stories live. Discover now