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Jackie's POV

Yesterday I got the chance to meet August's mom, who I find funny as hell. We got a long pretty well, and I can tell that August liked that. THroughtout the whole night he smiled when his mother and I laughed at each others jokes. His sister seemed a little pulled back, like she wasnt interested in gettign to know me, but maybe she just felt awkward, I just shrugged it off after a while. I thought she was very pretty though, but had abad attitude. Maybe it was just the way I was brought up, but when someone says hi to you and goes to shake your jhead you dont stand there with a straight face like youre mad at the world, it's rude. I didn't bring it up to August after though, I just told him I thought she was pretty.

I'm spending all of today packing so I can leave tomorrow. My flight leaves at ten in the morning, and I'll be in Chicago by one in the afternoon. Ayesha was going to pickign me up from the airport and told me that she's suppose to be babysitting Giovanni tomorrow aroudn that time. Ricky didn't know what day I was coming down nor what time, he just knew I was going to be in court in four days. I was more exciteted now that I'm going to see my son for the first time in a long time face to face. It warmed my heart, and the more I thought about it, the more it brought me to tears.

I called August so we could get together for lunch or dinner, just the two of us alone. I feel comfortable when I'm with him, I wanted to spend my last night in Houston with him more than I did anyone else. I wasnt sure the exact date I was coming back home, but I'm hoping within a few weeks, a month the longest. They're just revewing the case, there shouldn't be very many court dates I'm hoping.


I smiled as I walked into the resturante, August was sitting there smiling back at me. The waiter sat me down beside him.

"May I get you a drink ma'ma?" He asked.

"I'll just have water." I said. "Thank you."

"You look very nice." August said in my ear. I was wearing a navy blue dress, with my grandmothers pearl neckless.

"Thank you." I kissed his cheek. "You do too.. But you always do so-"

"I try my best to look fly." He chuckled. I laughed back a little bit. "Are you ready for tomorrow?" He asked, changing the subject.

"Um.." I took a deep breath. "I am, but I have no choice but to be ready." He could tell how tense I was over the subject.

"We don't have to talk bout it Jackie.. I'm sorry." He looked away foolishly. I put my hand on his thigh and smiled at him.

"It's fine.. Really. Lets just eat, I'm hungry as hell."

As we sat there, eating, talking, and laughing, I couldn't help but think how it would be for me to be away from him for a long period of time. I missed him like crazy when he was gone for four days. I liked being around him, the only thing that'll keep me sane while I'm gone is Giovanni. I'll be coming back to Houston with my son. I refuse to leave without him.

We walked into August's house, I asked where his mom and sister were. He shrugged, saying they must of went shopping or something. I just nodded, and said ok.

"So we're all alone?" I smirked, putting my arms around his shoulders.

"Yeah we are." He bit his bottom lip. "Let's do it quick before they get back."

August picked me up, carrying me up to his room, putting down on his bed. He climbed on top of me, sliding his hand up the side of my dress. My eyes rolled into the back of my head as he kissed my neck, my chest, and down my stomach. Before I knew it, we were both completely undressed, wrapped up in each others lust, hot with passion.

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