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We picked up August a little later than expect, his flight got delayed an hour. Ayesha and I haven't talked much since the argument from the night before. August gave me a tight hug and passionate kiss.

"I missed you babe." He smiled. His accent sent chills down my spine. I smiled back and told him I missed him too. "I can't wait to meet your son." He added.

"You'll like him, he's a good kid." Ayesha said. I avoided eye contact but agreed with what she said.

"He's a mini me, how could you not like him?" I joked, making August chuckled.

"Good point."

We ended up getting back to Ayesha's around one, and had a late lunch, early dinner kind of thing. I heated up the collard greens and the left over baked Mac and Cheese from last night, and put the ham in the oven.

August walked in, taking a Whiff of the food.

"Smells good babe." He came up from behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist, and kissing my neck softly. "you smell good too." He said into my ear.

"Thank you." I turned around to meet his face. "Is that a cut under your eye?"

"Yeah." He rolled his eyes. "Momma wanted to get a car cause she's scared of dogs. Little bitch jumped up on my bed, and laid on my face, when I woke up i kinda yelled and he scratched me."

I started to laugh.

"Really? Scared of a cat?" I joked.

"No, he just scared me when he jumped on my face."

"Sure." I smiled. "That's what it was.."

"Is that your phone? Your ass is starting to vibrate." August looked past my shoulder.

I reached back and grabbed my phone.

"It's Ashley.."

"Your lawyer?" I nodded yes.

"Hello?" I answered the phone.

"I just talked to Judge Wou, and he said that within the next few days you'll get Giovanni back in your custody. Hopefully tomorrow or the day after. But um, the thing is, with Ricky arrested, you're gonna have to win custody from Crystal.. Ricky lost that right with him getting locked up for drug possession.."

"That's a fight I'm willing to fight, I'm not gonna stop till I get him back." I said in a stern tone.

"Good. All we have to do is convince the judge to hand you over full custody. We have the same judge, he said he only needs three court hearings to do so. I'm positive he's already leaning towards you. Our first hearing is tomorrow morning, right o'clock sharp. Is that alright?"

"Yeah, that's perfectly fine. Thank you so much!"

"Don't thank me, I'm just doing my job."

"Well, you're doing a good job then."

"Thank you Miss Jackie." She said sweetly. "I will see you tomorrow, alright?"

"Yes, I'll see you then." I hung up the phone. "We'll be going home soon." I grabbed August's face, wanting to kiss him.


"A few weeks, at the most." I ended up kissing him quick. "A few more hearings and we'll know if I get custody or not!"



"I'm happy for you babe, I really am!" He gave me a kiss. "I can't wait to go home with the both of you."

Fire We Make (August Alsina)♥Where stories live. Discover now