This Could Be It

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The first two days went by fast, and exceptionally well. Today the case manger was coming by to see how Giovanni and are making out. It was an hour before she was suppose to arrive. I placed him in the bath, washed his hair, braided it and got him dressed. I planned on taking him to the park since it was going to be nice out. Ayesha was at work, so it was just him and myself. I'll admit, I was nervous. This was our first day all alone.

"What do you want for breakfast?" I asked, peeking in the fridge.

"Hmmm." He started to think. "Pancakes!"

"Sounds good! With bacon or sausage?"

"Both." He smiled. "I'm really hungry." He started to rub his belly. I rolled my eyes.

"Fine.. I'll make us both."

"Mommy, I have a question.."

"What is it?"

"Will I get to see daddy today?"

"I'm not sure." I responded back. "You'll see him soon though."

"Ok. I kinda miss him. He said I'm staying with you for a few days."

"You are.. Is that ok?"

"Yeah." He smiled. "I'm having fun with you."

"Good! I'm glad you're having fun."

I started mixing the pancake mix.

"So, how often does Aunty A watch you?" I asked him to spark conversation.

"I don't know. A few days week." he said. "When Crystal is working."

"Oh ok.. Where's daddy?"

"I don't know. He just goes out and them comes back.. He talks about you a lot."


"Mhm.." Giovanni nodded his head. "He told me you go to school just like me!"

"He's right. I am in school." I smiled. "Did he say anything else?"

"He said you want me to live with you."

"That's true as well." I cleared my throat.

"Why?" He asked. "Daddy said you live in Texas."

"Because Gio, I want to be a part of your life. I want you to know me better and get to know your grandma, your other aunts and uncles. Is that a bad thing?"

"Well no. But I'll miss my daddy."

"I know you will..." I sighed. "But you'll love it in Texas, I promise."

"I hope so." He frowned. "Are my pancakes done?"

"Yup." I put a big one of his plate with a few pieces of bacon. "Aunty A doesn't have any sausage. Sorry."

"It's ok!" He solved a mouth full of food in his mouth then a knock came from the door. I fixed my hiar, and took a deep breath, answering the door.

"Hello." The woman smiled. "Im Alexia Woods, I'm your case manager, how are you doing?"

"I'm great Miss Woods, come on in." She smiled as she walked past me. She was young, about thirty, if that. She pulled her hair back, wore little make up, and kitten heels along with her pant suite.

She walked into the kitchen, and sat down next to Giovanni. I continued to clean up the kitchen from the mess of making breakfast.

"How has the last few days with your son?" She asked, taking out her tablet. I'm guessing she was taking notes of something.

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