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Jeremy snuck into my dorm, he was going to spend the night with me. I told him how I met August, but that was it. I knew he wouldn't like me and some other guy being alone together, even if we're only writing songs. I was laying in his arms, about ready to fall asleep, and I heard my phone start to ring.

"Can you pass me my phone babe?"

"Yeah." Jeremy reached over, grabbing my phone. "Here."

"Thank you." I looked at the screen, the number wasn't saved into my phone. "Hello?" I answered.

"Hey beautiful, it's August." His voice made my skin hot, as if it was going to melt off from my bones.

"Hey August." I smiled. "What's up?"

"I'm all alone in my hotel room." I could picture his face, pouting out his bottom lip. "Can you chill?"

"I'm busy right now actually.."

"You with your man?" He asked. I looked up at Jeremy, who had his eyes locked on me.

"Yeah I am. We're chilling in my dorm."

"Oh, alright. Well um, you dong anything tomorrow? We can get started on the songs."

"I'm free tomorrow night." I said. "I can be there by six."

"I can't wait.. Can I tell you something though?"

"What is it?"

"I've been thinking about you since you left.. Not in a creepy way, but I don't know, there's something about you."

"That's kinda sweet actually." I giggled.

"I guess so.. I'ma see you tomorrow though Jackie. Have fun with you man." He said sarcastically.

"We are having fun, don't you worry about that." He laughed.

"You trying to make me jealous?"

"Nah, I ain't trying. But if I did i'm sorry."

"You ain't sorry boo!"

"Yes I am! I'm joking around with you." I bit my bottom lip.

"I know you are babe.. I'll see you tomorrow though, alright?"

"Yup, see you tomorrow."



When I hug up, I looked up at Jeremy, who was raising an eyebrow at me.

"Who was that?" He asked.

"August, the guy I'm working with."

"Why he call?"

"We're writing a few songs together for his new album."

"Oh, alright.."

"It's for work babe, don't worry about it."

"You really think you can chill with other guys alone? Alright Jackie." He pulled his arm out from under me.

"Uncle Dre is gonna be there." I lied. "I won't be alone with August, I promise."

"You better not be alone with him.. I'ma trust you with this."

"You should trust me, I'd never hurt you." I kissed his cheek. "Nothing bad will happen."

"Jackie, you know I love you right?"

"I know.. I love you too." He held me again in his arms, resting his head on top of mine. I turned my body towards him, putting my head on his chest.

"So, uh, I was thinking about the whole meeting your uncle thing.. I think we should do it Monday since we don't have any classes."

"Alright, I'll tell him when I see him tomorrow." I started to kiss along his jawline. As much as I hate to admit it, I started to think of August's jawline, and me kissing his instead. Goosebumps rose to me skin the more I thought about it.


I started to write my essay on temptation, but I was having a writers block, I couldn't think of anything. I had told Yvette about me and August, she suggested I used my situation hypothetically. But I knew if I wrote about it, Jeremy would become suspicious. The last thing I want to do is hurt him, I really do love him. This will all pass, I know it. August will get over me, and I won't be tempted by him, right? That's what I had to tell myself. Besides, we barely know each other, what's the worst that could happen?

I was sitting alone in my Business Management class, taking notes like I'm suppose to. My phone started going off in my pocket, someone was calling me, it was August. Luckily, another professor walked into the room, they both had their backs to me. I picked up the phone.

"Hello?" I whispered.

"Hey, can you talk?"

"For a minute, I'm in class."

"Alright, well, um.. Is five a good time for you? For tonight I mean."

"Yeah, that sounds good."

"You sure?" He asked.

"Yes, I'm sure! Now, I gotta go."

"Okay, Jackie. Bye."

"Bye August."

The girl sitting next to me tapped my arm.

"What?" I asked.

"I hear you're working with August Alsina? Is that true?"

"Uh.. Yeah, how'd you hear about that?"

"Dylan told me, he said Jeremy told him."

"Oh..?" I said, thinking what a nosy hoe she was. I peeped the cold sore on her lip and hoped it wasn't herpes. It really didn't look good at all. It made me a little nervous.

"I date Dylan." She smiled. "You know, August is soooo sexy! I'd tap that so damn quick. You are so lucky girl!"

"He's a cool guy." I said. "Really talented."

"Yeah.. You and him would be cute together but not as cute as you are with Jeremy. Like, y'all are perfect, you'd be crazy to cheat on him, he's really one of a kind. Oh, and I heard he's nine inches is that true?"

This bitch looked like she was about to drool, talking about my mans dick like I'm not sitting right next to her. I rolled my eyes, turning my focus back to the professor.

"Is it?" She whispered to me.

"Nah, bigger." I said sarcastically. I wasn't going to tell her thirsty self. I wanted to tell her get a life, and treat the cold sore on her lip, but I remained calm and ignored her ratchetness. Her weave was all types of wrong.

After class, Yvette, her sister Vienna, and myself walked back to our dorms with Large coffee's in our hands. I looked at my phone for the time, it was about three o'clock. I knew I had to get ready for my night with August. But my gut was telling me not to make a big deal of this. Don't get all dressed up, go light on the make up and be yourself. I didn't want it to be awkward between August and I. So not a lot of cleavage, no short shorts, nothing hanging out. Just plain ol me! Just Jackie.

"Does Jeremy know about your date with August?" Vienna winked, sipping her large French Vanilla.

"It's not a date." I said, rolling my eyes. "It's work. Strictly. And he does know, not that he likes it very much, but he's letting me go."

"Are you two gonna be alone together?"

"We might, but nothing is gonna happen. He knows I love my boyfriend, and plan to stay with him, and besides, he said I was pretty, not the love of his life. August finds me attractive, so what? It's a compliment really."

"You're a lucky woman!" Yvette said, punching my shoulder. "I'd love to have me a piece of that! He is so fine!" She seductively but her bottom lip. "The things I'd do to him!!" She laughed.

"Only if you was single Jackie... Only if." Vienna shrugged her shoulders. "Too bad!"

"Yeah.." I chuckled. "Too bad huh?"


I ended up wearing a pull over sweater and jeans since it was cool out tonight and the sun was down. I was going a littler later than expected, it was a little past 7, he knew I was going to be late. I lost track of time and took a nap, which I needed badly.

He was going to pick me up in front of my dorm and we'd drive back to where he was staying. I put on a little bit of make up, but nothing major. I pulled my hair back, no earrings or necklace. I looked fine, but not the type of girls he goes for fine.

My phone started to ring in my pocket. I saw that it was August calling, he must be out front. I put on my pair of vans and started to walk out my dorm I picked up the phone.

"Hey, I'm coming outside now."

"Alright." He said, hanging up. I looked at myself in the mirror one more time before I left.

As I walked down the hallways I bumped into Cold Sore girl, dropping her notebook.

"Sorry." I said, picking job the notebook for her. "Kinda in a rush."

"It's fine, go have fun with August." She winked, playfully pushing me. I rolled my eyes and kept walking.

When I went outside I didn't see his car. Great. I made me way towards the other side of the dorm building and spotted him next to a tree. I guess he was trying to hide or something, but that was a very poor choice of a hiding place.

I opened up the passenger door, sitting down. I looked over at him to see he was already looking at me, I smiled to be nice.

"Hey Jackie." He smiled back. "You ready to go?"

"Yeah, let's go." I answered.

We drove off through the campus. I tried not to make eye contact with any of the students, yet at the same time I did so they wouldn't get any suspicions. Even though I wasn't doing anything wrong, I felt guilty, my gut had a weird feeling, but maybe it was just gas. Who knows?

I looked over as we passed the football field. I seen Dylan, Jeremy and Ty, the three amigos. They were practicing before the rest of the team go there, they had a big game tomorrow. I told him I'd make it, but I honestly don't understand football and he's explained it to me more than once.

"Is your man mad that we're working together?" August asked, pulling up to the red light. I didn't even realize how long I was deep in thought. It must have been ten minutes already.

"I wouldn't say he's mad, but he ain't so happy about it. But he trust me, so he's letting me do this. He has no reason not to trust me really." I said. 'I'd never do anything to hurt him."

"You've been together a while, right?"

"Yeah, throughout all of college actually."

"Oh, that's nice."

"It is nice."

"Are you happy?" He asked.

"Why...?" I rose an eyebrow.

"Just curious.. That's all."

"I'm happy." I said, questioning myself. "Why wouldn't I be happy?"

The ride to the hotel was quiet, with a muffled sound of music in the background. I could see him looking over at me every few miles. This car ride seemed like it was five hours long when it was really only about one. Neither of us really knew what to say, so we both stayed quiet. I wanted to talk to him, but I felt, well, awkward. All I could think about was Jeremy.

We finally pulled up to his hotel. He opened the car door for me, and lead me inside and up to his presidential suite on the top floor. We walked into his room. August sat on his bed, next to him was a pad and a few pens.

"Well.. You ready to start writing?" He asked. I nodded yes, sitting down on the other side of the notebook and pens.

"What do you want to write about?" I mumbled.

"A love song maybe.. I don't sing enough of em" He smiled. "Can you song at all?"

"Oh god no." My eyes got bigger, August chuckled. "I wish I could."

"I wanna hear!"

"No! No! No!" I shook my finger. "Not happening."

"Pleaseeeee?!" He playfully pouted, flashing me big brown puppy dog eyes. "Jackie?"

"Maybe later." I rolled my eyes, giving in to his sweet talk. He licked his lips, a smile painted across his face. "What?" I asked.

"Nothing.." He shrugged.

For the next few moments the whole room was quite, both of us stood still. All I could think of was Jeremy, and how I knew he wouldn't approve of any of this. I could tell August was thinking something similar. I couldn't take my eyes off of him, I didn't even want to. My eyes scanned every inch of his skin that was visible. I won't lie, I started to wonder what it looked like under all his clothes. But, I had to snap myself out of it. August caught me staring, raising an eyebrow.

"Look I-"

"Nah, I get it Jackie. You look like you feelin a little awkward, I understand."

"It's not like i don't wanna be here August-"

"You didn't have to come Jackie.."

"I wanted to though. I wanna be here with you."

August looked deep into my eyes, not saying a word. The words just slipped off my tongue, I had no actually intention to admit I wanted to be here with him. I couldn't help but to stare back at him. There was something about his eyes that has me mesmerized.

"Really?" He whispered. I nodded yes. "I'm glad to hear that." He half smiled, looking away. "You know.. I was talking to your Uncle earlier bout you, he had nothing but good things to say, well, for the most part. I don't think you're as bad as other people think you are."

"I stopped caring what other people think a long time ago." I said. "But what makes you say that? What did Uncle Dre tell you..?"

"He said how growing up you didn't have many friends cause everyone thought you was mean till like the eighth grade. Dre said you was misunderstood and misguided. But he didn't go into detail or anything, I'm kinda curious now though."

"We ain't close enough to tell you all that yet." I chuckled. "There wouldn't be enough time in the world to tell you everything that's wrong with me. Just know, every bad thing I've ever done made me who I am today. I ain't the best person in the world, but I'm loyal."

"I feel you.." August sighed. "Same here."

"So um, are we gonna write any songs?" I asked, trying to deflect where this conversation was going. I made myself more comfortable on the bed without having to lay down.

"To be honest, I don't need any help. I wrote some earlier."

I looked at home strange.

"Why am I here then?"

"I didn't wanna be alone tonight."


"Come on, why can't we just chill? I ain't tryna fuck you, I know you got a man!"

"Yeah, I mean, we can chill-"

"Okay then, that's what I wanna do. I wanna get to know you a little better. you seem.." He paused. "Interesting."

"I'm so far from that, I can insure you."

"Oh come on, you know you are. There's more to you than what you're showing me."

He put his hand on top of mine, smiling slightly to try and reassure me that I should feel no shame or betrayal in being here with him. And that this night was, though not strictly business, was nothing more than two friends hanging out, going to order some pizza and watch a movie. I smiled back, accepting the fact that there was no way out of this.

We ordered a movie off of the TV one I've never seen, nor heard of, but looked funny. I wanted to watch "the other guys" but August showed no interest in that, so I let him pick some random movie. All I wanted right now was the cheese, pepperoni and onion pizza. Just the thought of it made my mouth water.

"Do you mind of I turn the lights off? The glare is bothering me."

"I don't mind, go ahead." I said, taking my phone out of my pocket, seeing a missed call from Jeremy, who had only called about five minutes prior. I called him back right away, hoping he'd pick up.

"Where are you?" He asked. "I thought we were gonna study tonight."

"I'm still working babe, but I'll be back at my dorm soon. I was gonna eat before I leave."

"I'm guessing you're with August, huh?"

"Yes I am, but we're wrapping things up right now anyways. You can come see me when I get home, or see me tomorrow since neither of us have classes."

"I'll just see you tomorrow. I'll take you out for lunch or something, we'll spend the day together."

"No practice tomorrow?" I asked.

"Morning practice, so I got the night off. Just me and you babe."

"I like the sounded that!" I said a little seductively, biting my lip. "Come see me after practice then, okay?"

"Alright baby, call me when you get home." Jeremy said, sighing at the end. "I love you Jackie."

"I love you too babe, I promise I'll call you when I get back it."

I hung up, looking over at August who's eyes have been staring at me since I picked up the phone. I got a weird feeling in my gut. What the hell are you doing Jackie?!, I said to myself, what are you getting yourself into? Me and my conscience both knew that from this very moment on, it was going to be hard to choose.. August or Jeremy. 

Now, I'll be honest, I'm not saying that I have any type of feelings towards August, I barely know the guy! But there really is something about him, aside of his good looks. I've never been the type to blow people off, or be fake, and I sure as hell wasn't going to start now. So what? I have to work with August, big deal! I don't have to see him everyday, maybe just a few days out of the week, three at the most. I wasn't going to let a guy interfere with my job. I told myself to just get over it, go home to your man, and  just call it a night. Sounds a lot easier than it really is, but I'm down to try. 

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