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At court today, Judge Wou didn't put up with any of Crystal's bull, and it made me feel empowered. She kept trying to say how I'm a bad mother yet has no proof.

"How is she a bad mother?" The judge had asked her. "She hasn't been given the chance to be a mother. Please, if you're going to state your opinion, back it up with some facts!" Were his exact words.

I had smirked over at Ricky, who put his head down in shame.

Judge Wou called for a twenty minute recess. Ashely, Ayesha and I went to the diner across the street for a drink before we had to meet back at court.

"I'm feeling pretty good about this case you know.." Ashley started to say. "He's getting upset with Ricky's lawyer, and really doesn't want to hear it. That's always a good sign." She smiled. "And I have a surprise."

"I've always liked surprises." I smiled.

She pulled out a picture from her purse. I rose an eyebrow.

"This is Alex." Ashley said. "A family friend who use to be partners with Ricky.. He was Ricky's right hand man. He stopped dealing with Ricky bout a month ago when he suspected the Feds were on to him and Ricky."

"Wait.. Is he gonna testify?"

"Yup." She nodded. "Willingly. He told me Ricky burned him anyways. Alex had to handle all the street druggies while Ricky handled the money and got him the drugs. He said he wasn't getting his fair share and made just as much as working two honest jobs." She shrugged. "Honesty is always the way to go."

"Wow! That's great!" I said. "There's no way in hell a judge would let a child live in an unsafe environment."

"True. Next court date he'll appear in front of the judge. I think Miss Blane has another person as well."

"Who?" I asked.

"Her name is Mary Chalmers, do you know her?"

"The name sounds familiar." I shrugged. "Not sure who she is."

"Alright, well.. Let's get back into the court room, shall we?"

We all followed her back.

Judge Wou asked Ricky to come up and speak his peace first. He said he was excited to hear his claim of fate.

They swore Ricky in, and he sat down. He stated his name and age for the court like the usual.

"Alright, say what you want, but all I want to hear are facts. Miss Blane, you may ask your client some questions." The judge softly rolled his eyes.

"Thank you Sir." Crystal smiled, then cleared her throat. "Mr Fernandez, can you tell the court exactly why you believe you should still have full custody."

"Um, yes.." He began. "I've been with my son since he was first born. I watched him take his first steps, I watched him learn to crawl, I heard his first world, which was dada. I bathe him, feed him, clothe him, I take care of all his needs. I've been there since day one! Now all of a sudden his mother wants to pop into his life! Move him out to Texas and keep him away from me! No! I refuse to let that happen! I want my son in my life!"

The judge nodded.

"Why?" He asked.

"What do you mean why? I love my son. Why wouldn't I want him in my life?"

"I understand, but why keep him away from his mother now? If she is this improved, mentally stable women that she seems and claims to be? And if I do recall correctly, she was granted the right to come back at a future date to review this case.."

Fire We Make (August Alsina)♥Where stories live. Discover now