Chapter 1

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they say that when you fall in love you know.
they say that when you find your soul-mate you know.
they say that when you find 'the one', you know.
they say that love is the most powerful thing.
they say that love is better than anything.
they say that love is beautiful.
they say that love can over power any emotion.
they say that love keeps the heart strong.

but who are 'they', and have 'they' ever been in love?
have 'they' experienced love before? and how can the heart be strong after being broken?

i believe in love, but i believe that its hard and you never know who is your 'soul mate'. i have never been in love. i have loved people, well i thought i was but never been in love. i believe that they are different, loving someone isn't as powerful as being in love.

i'm Barbara Palvin i'm 18 years old and my birthday is on 1st March 1994, 2:18pm. i have long brown hair which is naturally curly with loose curls, i have big dark brown eyes and lightly tanned skin. i am 5'8 which i guess is tall for a girl. i live in LA with my mum (Karen) and little brother (Josh) who is 14 . My dad died 4 years ago from lung cancer, it was hard believe me, i loved him with all my heart and to see him slowly die in front of my eyes was the worst thing i could ever experience. throughout my life my family were never rich, we got by but never had a lot of money. but 4 years ago, just before my dad died, i got scouted to become a model, at first i thought it was crazy, i never considered myself to be pretty, but i took the opportunity and it paid off because now i am a professional full time model. i wouldn't call my self famous, just well known. i rarely have paps following me but sometimes i do usually after i just do a big billboard photo shoot, i do have some fans ask me for photo's and for my autograph which i love. everything i earn i give to my mum so she can support me and my little brother. i also do a lot for charity, i do as much as i can and donate a lot to help people get through what i have with my dad as i would never wish for anyone to go through that, not even my worst enemy. i am best friends with Kendall Jenner. yep as in the Kardashian's sister. we did a photo shoot together years ago and been friends ever since, she lives a few blocks away from me so i can always so see her when i need a chat. my house is similar to hers, although its a bit smaller, considering there are only 3 people living in it. i have met a lot of celebrities demi, taylor, miley. they are all so sweet and great people, i have a lot in common with them. one thing i dislike about fame.. the boys, you never know who truly likes you and who likes your fame. i would love to meet someone in this lifestyle but most boys that are famous are players, but right now im happy being single!
everyday i count my life as a blessing and thank those who are there with me.

today i have been invited to go to the Teen Choice Awards! I have been nominated for Female Icon and Female Hottie, i'm surprised to even be nominated, but i'm grateful. i decided to take my younger brother with me today, we are so close and i love him to death, i would do anything for him! We are going to both walk down the carpet together to have our pictures taken. i just finished getting ready so i pulled out my phone and tweeted 'TCA's tonight, very grateful, thanks x' to my 7 million followers, don't know why i have that many i don't even think my tweets are interested, but they follow me so it's choice! Kendall and Kylie were coming to the teen choice awards tonight as well and i think we were sitting with them so its good, see me and Kendall have a plan, we both want Josh and Kylie to get together, they would be like THE best couple ever! i walked down stairs to the front door where my brother was waiting for me 'awww Josh! you like nice!' 'thanks, you too!' i smiled at him and said thanks, we then left to get to the awards! i was really excited for it, i haven't been to one before so this is my first! Once we arrived Josh climbed out of the limo first and then helped me out, we were a little later than expected but everyone was still on the carpet so it was okay! we were blinded my lights straight away, camera's flashing, people screaming my name, it was very overwhelming, i wasn't used to it! i slowly walked up the carpet occasionally stopping for pictures with Josh, i stopped when one of the presenters were standing waiting for me to talk to them 'Barbara!' 'hey!' i replied 'how are you? and who's this?' they asked 'i'm good thank you! and thisss is my little brother Josh!' i moved aside so he could be caught on camera. We had a short conversation before moving on. i looked ahead and saw Justin Bieber, i haven never met him before but im not going to lie, he is beautiful! just a shame he is a COMPLETE player and in a relationship with Selena Gomez. although right now they didn't look as if they were a couple. they weren't walking together like they usually do.. hmm.. i just shrugged it off and walked inside to my seat. Kendall and Kylie were already there so we went up to them and said hello and sat down. I was on the end, next to Kendall, then Kylie, then Josh.

going through a break up sucks, and it sucks even more knowing that she was using me for fame and didnt even like me. but i just have to suck it up and ignore it, get over her. Selena who? i kind of knew that she didn't actually like me, but she is hot so why would i end it? i'm a guy okay? i was in the middle of talking to an interviewer at the TCA's when i saw that beyond beautiful model across the carpet, i think her name is Barbara? i have seen her in practically every magazine! i must of being staring at her for while because the interviewer coughed 'sorry bro, what did you say?' i asked slightly embarrassed 'its okay, i said where's selena?' oh fuck. is he serious 'i don't know, we er broke up' i awkwardly laughed and scratched the back of my neck 'oh why?' 'she used me' i said it straight i don't care, her fault! after we spoke a little bit more i left to go in and find my seat. i was pumped to perform tonight and i was ready! i was excited to see what/if i get awards. i just hope that i don't get male hottie and then selena gets female, because that will be AWKWARD!

'and the Male Hottie award goes toooo..... JUSTIN BIEBER!' everyone cheered and clapped 'are you surprised, he is so hot' Kendall whispered to me 'i was thinking the same thing!' i laughed, now time for the female hottie, i wasn't expecting to win this award because i am not pretty compared to anyone in that is nominated! i didn't win the Female Icon, but i am still grateful to even be nominated! 'This award is err.. a nice one to have, thank you to everyone who voted!' justin laughed into the mike and walked off backstage. now time for female hottie 'okay, and the Female Hottie award goes to....... BARBARA PALVIN!!!!' me? wait me? everyone around me stood up and clapped, i stood up and hugged Kendall, Kylie and then josh before walking off down to the stage. this is crazy! i won Female Hottie? i walked down to the stage and they handed me the award, or should i say surf board? 'wow, erm i wasn't expecting this! thank you *giggle* for voting me female hottie, i appreciate it, everyone in this group that was nominated is beautiful, so thankyou' i said and flashed a smile before walking off back stage. a lot of people said well done to me, which i thought was a little strange as it wasn't a serious award but i loved winning it, it made me feel special.
After the award show we all went backstage to have a talk to everyone, i saw demi and ran up to her 'demi! you were amazing out there!' i completed her 'well thankyou miss hottie' she winked at me, i just laughed. i stayed talking to demi for a while as kendall and kylie left and josh was talking to Jaden smith, oh my gosh, what if WILL SMITH IS HERE?!?! i would die, he is so hot. 'did you get nervous before presenting and everything?' i asked demi 'yeah! like crazy but when i got out there it was great!' 'yeah i bet!' i agreed, i felt something warm touch the crook in my back, i quickly turned around and saw justin bieber standing there 'justin!' demi almost screamed and engulfed him a hug 'hey demi! nice job out there!' 'thankss!' she smiled wide, justin stood next to me and then turned to me 'im justin by the way!' 'Barbara' i smiled back 'wait you guys havent met?' demi asked in disbelief 'how?! you two are like THE hottest people in the world?!?' i just laughed and so did justin. 'sorry guys, but can i get justin and barbara in a picture together?' a photographer interrupted 'yeah sure' i smiled 'see you guys laterr' demi winked, oh this girl! i faced the camera as justin wrapped his arm around my waist although his hand was basically on my ass, is this boy serious? like i said player! but i sucked it up and took the picture with a smile on my face. 'well it was nice meeting you, i have to go now' i smiled at him 'oh okay, see you around' he smiled and then winked. i just went weak at the knees, but just because he is beyond beautiful doesn't mean he can be a player. 'josh, you ready to go?' i asked him as i walked over to him and jaden 'that's your sister?!' jaden asked and pointed at me josh laughed awkwardly and said yes 'okay lets go, byee!' i quickly remembered that i forgot my surf board award so i turned around on my heels and went to get it only to see justin walking up to me and nodding 'forget this?' he asked 'yep, haha thankyou' i said as he handed me my award 'byee' i smiled and turned by back 'byee' i heard him say after me.

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