Chapter 12

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i was woken up by the sound of my alarm clock ringing through my ears aggressively at three am in the morning, this is not a time for any normal human being with a brain to be awake, i should be sound asleep like a baby right now dreaming a sweet dream, cuddled up in blankets. but no, not me, i am up at this ridiculous hour to get ready and get dressed and head of to Canada for a week, but i guess this is the very un-glamorous side to modelling that nobody gets to see. I sluggishly walked to the shower in the hope that it may wake me up a little, i suppose it did wake me up a little i feel more refreshed now, after a short shower i dried both my hair and body down before slipping on a pair of black leggings with a top. i saw that the jumper that Justin gave me yesterday was on the floor next to my bed, i must of forgot to pack it, i threw it over my head, put on my glasses to make me look less sleepy and slipped on my purple vans before dragging my suitcase downstairs, trying to be as possible not wanting to wake anyone up, i left my luggage by the front door. Justin's jumper smelt of him and it was just warm and comforting, and i thought it was incredibly cute how he gave it to me to 'keep warm'. i didn't bother wearing any make up because i knew i could fall back asleep on the plane and it would all rub off so it would be pointless. although i was extremely tired from staying up until around one am texting Justin, i was bouncing around on the inside from the fact that me, Barbara Palvin, had been asked to do a photo shoot for Chanel, that is something big that doesn't occur to many models, let alone teen models, but i am so grateful for the opportunity and i can't wait. Lacey as picking me up and we were going to the airport together to save me from leaving my car there, Lacey was picking me up at three thirty and it was now quarter past, leaving me fifteen minutes to do something. my mum wanted me to wake her before i went, but i knew if i did she would not be able to go back to sleep until she knew i was safely in Canada so i decided to leave her a note, i wrote: 'i decided not to wake you, you looked too peaceful, i'll call you when i am there and whenever i get the chance to. don't worry about me i will be fine! Love you! - barbara xxx' i left it by the coffee machine knowing that she goes there every morning, next i decided to text Justin, he said he would be up to say bye to me, but i knew he wouldn't and who could blame him, it is around three o'clock in the morning! i sent him 'i'm just leaving now, have fun in LA for a week without me and don't miss me too much;) i'll call and text you when i am not working, bye!xxxxxxxx'. around a minute later i got a text, my heart skipped a beat thinking Justin did actually stay awake for me, but i was wrong it was only from Lacey telling me she is outside my house, i'm not mad at Justin, no way, its 3:30 in the morning, its not normal for someone to be up this early and plus i don't think i could ever stay mad at him. I dragged my suitcase out the door and loaded it into the back of her car, i went round to the other side and climbed into the passengers seat 'morning' Lacey chimed, i just groaned in response not knowing how she could be this happy in the morning, if you haven't guessed it by now, i'm not a morning person.

'can we have a picture with you?' a boy asked around 16 me, he was with his family and reminded me of Josh, a lot we had checked in our bags and at the moment were roaming around the airport shops trying to kill time before our plane boarded 'sure' i replied with a smile, he gave his phone to Lacey and stood next to me, although i felt rough and wanted to sleep i smiled and gave him a hug because he did nothing wrong. right now i was very thankful for not packing Justin's jumper and wearing it now because the airport was very cold.. i wrapped my arms around my stomach in attempt to keep me warm 'lets go to Starbucks' Lacey suggested, i nodded in response and made our way to Starbucks, on the way there i was asked for pictures from a group of about 6 boys my age, clearly going on a boy holiday, they all crowded around me wrapping their arms around me and dropping pick-up lines that were ridiculous, one of them even asked for my number but i just blew the question off and said i had to leave. 'flight 4176 to Canada, Toronto is now boarding' the overhead speaker told us, Lacey looked at me and i looked at Lacey 'come on then' she said as we both got up and made our way over to the boarding area, we got on straight away as they didn't want us to be disrupted, we were seated in first class, and wow, the seats were COMFY, i could easily just curl up in a ball and sleep right now 'so, whats the plan for today?' i asked Lacey 'today you can just settle into the surroundings and get some sleep because tomorrow you are going to be working, working working! you have a photo shoot tomorrow (Monday), Tuesday, Wednesday AND Thursday then Friday you have off and Saturday you are walking in the Chanel runway show' she said, wow that seemed like a lot of work but i was so excited and i cant wait! i turned my phone off before we took off, and i decided to catch some sleep during the flight.
'YN, wake up, we are here' Lacey nudged me, wow i slept through the whole flight, landing and all! i rubbed my eyes and sat up. as soon as i walked off the plane i was greeted with cold Canadian air, Justin was right it was freezing nothing like the weather in LA. i turned on my phone as we were waiting for our luggage to appear, i had two new messages, one from my mum and one from Justin, as much as i wanted to read Justin's message first, i though i better talk to my mum considering i did not even wake her up this morning it said 'hope flight was safe, enjoy it, love you always- MUM xxx' i smiled and replied 'just landed and i will don't worry, i have such a full packed week, only Friday off, speak later xxx' i replied and then i clicked on the message from Justin it said 'sorry i fell asleep:( hope flight was okay, i'll miss you!xxxxxxxx' i smiled and replied back 'just landed! you weren't kidding about it being cold here!xxxxxxxx' he replied almost instantly but i couldn't read it because Lacey elbowed me in the stomach telling me our luggage was here, i dragged my suitcase off, helping Lacey with hers. i didn't really know what we were doing or where we were going so i just shut up and followed Lacey into the car we had waiting for us 'okay, we have about an hour drive to our hotel, i', going to sleep' she said already shutting her eyes as she slouched back into the seat, after my sleep on the plane i was not tired anymore so i decided to text Justin considering i hadn't even read his text yet. it said 'told you, are you wearing my jumper?xxxxxxxx' 'yep! it's keeping me nice and warm thanks!xxxxxxxx' i replied 'i can only imagine how cute you look in it...xxxxxxxx' he replied, so i pulled the hood up and let my hair fall down the sides of my face as i hugged my stomach, i took a picture of myself and sent it to Justin, he replied saying 'only you could still look that beautiful xxxxxxxx' only me would blush at that text, although i definitely did not feel beautiful at the moment i knew he wouldn't back down so i just decided to reply 'thank you, he he, how's LA?xxxxxxxx' i replied 'okay, boring without you!xxxxxxxx' he replied 'i'm only gone for a week xxxxxxxx' 'that's too long:(! i have to go to a press conference now gorgeous, i'll talk to you later xxxxxxxx' he replied, i was a bit bummed that he had to go but, he doesn't really have a choice.. is it bad that i miss him? and we are not even a couple, i just.. i don't even know.

and just like that she was gone, i wish i didn't have a press conference today because honestly i just want to talk to her, its weird everyday my feelings for her seem to grow and i just want to be with her, but i can't right now because she is in Canada.. that picture of her, i mean she has no make up on and she isn't making an effort and yet she still looks as beautiful as ever, she looks perfect. she isn't like other celebrities or any other girl for that matter, she is just so.. different and it's good, because she doesn't just fade away in a crowd she stands out, she doesn't copy any one else's style, she has her own. honestly she perfect, and it's gonna be hard not to see her for a week. i don't think i knew how much i like her until now, I've been thinking, i like her.. a lot. and i think she likes me, well if she didn't then she wouldn't kiss me back, or see me. we both know that we are more than friends, but i want to make her mine, everything about her i like. i have known her 2 months, and they say that you know straight away if you like someone or not. and when we first kissed, it was something that has never happened before, it blew me away, cheesy as it sounds, it is like how they describe it in those girly romance films, that's what i felt, and when i looked into her eyes i knew she felt it too, it was something neither of us could explain, but we knew that whatever we have is special, and like my mum always told me, when you find something special never let it go.


although i have been busy all week i miss barbara, and the more time i am away from her, the more i like her and wan't to do something about it, she has been so busy so we haven't really spoken but i understand why.. she is busy and tired so she needs sleep. but finally she is coming home tomorrow morning so i can finally see her


today is Saturday, the day of the runway and i am slightly worried about it but nothing to serious, this week has been.. hard, tiring yet amazing. i have loved every single moment of it and although i have been busy practically every minute from seven in the morning to nine at night, and as soon as i was off work i would eat and then sleep, i have barely been on my phone and when i would be i would send about one text and then fall asleep, so it has been hard to say the least but an experience i will never forget. i was told that i have great potential and that they would love to work with me again, and that is a massive deal for me so i am pleased with myself, i have worked myself to get where i am and i'm proud. i miss Justin, it's been a week since i saw him last but i miss him, i don't care what you say... i just want to be with him, hug him, kiss him. oh gosh, i'm not even in a relationship with the boy, although we do act like we are in a relationship. i have known him two months and i have this strong feelings for him, but when we kissed it was different, like nothing i can explain, but i knew that it was special. i just can't wait to go home tomorrow. Lacey had to go home on Thursday to take care of some 'other business' or something, so she left me in Canada.. all on my own, which at first was scary because i have never been here before but i got over it and i have seen so much in this country and it is beautiful! i had an hour of time to kill before i had to get ready for the runway so i decided to call Justin and after two rings he picked up 'hey you!' he beamed through the phone 'hey' i giggled a little 'i miss you' he said his voice sounding upset 'i miss you too, and i am coming home tomorrow!' 'i know, do you want me to pick you up from the airport tomorrow?' he asked 'you don't have to Justin' i told him 'i want to' 'then yes, that'll be nice, my flight comes in at 11am' i told him 'okay, well i have the day off so lets do something, i haven't seen you in a whole week!' he said 'yeah, and i know so long!' we both spoke for a while longer until i had to go... let's just say i can't wait to go home tomorrow.

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