Chapter 13

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i'm on my way to pick barbara up from the airport, and i am leaving extra early just so i am there and don't leave her waiting. i'm nervous, this has been playing on my mind for a while now, and i'm going to do it, i don't care, i can't hold it in any longer, i NEED to do it. my palms were clammy, my forehead was sweaty and my right leg was bouncing up and down, all these happen when i am nervous, and i don't think that this is a good condition to be in when i am driving, but right now i don't care. i just want to get to the airport, hold her, kiss her, be with her. usually i would take girls out on proper dates to get to know them, but with barbara it's so different we don't need to go to a fancy restaurant to have a good time, we just need to be with each other. Gosh i'm getting nervous just thinking about it, what if she doesn't like me? what if she doesn't want anything to do with me?. Barbara has an effect on me that no one else does, she makes me feel nervous, i feel like a little boy with a crush although i am not a little boy and this isn't just a crush, it's bigger than that. a lot bigger. the drive to the airport was shorter than i expected and honestly i wish it wasn't i wish i was still driving because then i would have something to concentrate my mind on, instead of having nothing and thinking, over thinking in fact which is just making me more and more nervous. i checked my phone to see what the time was and it was 11:43, okay around fifteen minutes until her plane lands, fifteen minutes until a lot of things could change, for good or for bad, fifteen minutes of my nerves growing and growing. i walked over to the luggage collecting area and pulled up my hood hoping nobody would recognize me although it was practically empty in here which was strange for an airport at midday, regardless of the day. i can just see her walking out now in my head, no matter what she would be wearing she would look beautiful, just the thought of seeing her makes me more nervous and yet so excited. it has been a week and that is not even a very long time, yet it feel like a lifetime and i missed spending time with her because she is truly amazing.
After what seemed like hours of waiting, twelve o'clock finally arrived and people slowly began to come out of the terminal and towards the luggage collection, and that's when i saw her, looking as perfect as ever, the way she dresses.. it isn't like everyone else in LA she isn't all flowers and girly stuff like everyone else, i love it.. which only made me more nervous.


i cannot wait to go home, i'm so excited to see Justin, although it has only been a week, that is still a long time considering we haven't been able to text or call as much as we would like. i am on the plane to LAX now and it feels like the longest plane ride ever. i am nervous to see Justin.. but then again he always makes me nervous whenever i see him i get butterflies. i wanted to dress up a little, well look nice, so i decided to wear these

i was freezing wearing this in Canada at the airport, but i knew it would be worth it when i landed in LA and the heat hit my body

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i was freezing wearing this in Canada at the airport, but i knew it would be worth it when i landed in LA and the heat hit my body. i like the clothes i wear, i like the fact that i don't dress like every other girl in LA who wears flowers and hearts, rich designers and everything, don't get me wrong i love all those things but i just love high street clothes. 'the flight shall be landing shortly be fasten your seat belts, thank you for flying with us' the pilot said, thank GOD this flight seemed to be going on for hours and hours and hours. Within 10 minutes we landed and people began to exit the plane, i was asked my the flight attendants to wait until last because they thought it would be easier for me, but seriously i am not that famous, i am a normal human? but i just with it to be polite 'thank you' i said to the flight attendants as i got off the plane. and as i expected as soon as i stepped off the plane i could feel the LA heat hit me and i was loving it, if i am honest i missed it. i took out my phone and turned it on, i had a text from Justin telling me that he was waiting by the luggage, every step i took i was getting closer and closer to him, and yet every step i took i was getting more and more nervous, i am not even sure why i am nervous i just am! i finally reached the luggage area and i was looking for him, but i could see him, i was turning in circles looking like an idiot, i just couldn't, i began to think he stood me up even though he told me he was here and that he didn't even care about me in the first place, but all those thoughts were pushed to the very back of my mind when two warm hands wrapped them self around the back of my thighs lifting me off the ground, i knew straight away who it was, i knew it was Justin by the butterflies that fluttered in my stomach when he touched me, he wrapped my legs around his waist he was holding me up with his hands high on my thighs. without hesitation or speaking a word he crashed his lips around mine forcing his tongue onto mine, but yet the kiss wasn't heated or forceful, it was calm and passionate, almost desperate like we yearned for each other, we were being pulled together, it was like a couple that haven't seen each other in years and were madly in love.i wrapped my arms around his neck pulling us so much closer, everything around us froze, nothing else mattered and for the matter i didn't care about anything else, i knew that people at this point would know who we both were and would be taking pictures and staring, but i simply didn't care. when we finally broke away from our kiss, Justin still held me tightly not placing me pack on the ground, i rested my forehead against his and we just stared into his eyes 'i missed you' Justin whispered 'i missed you too' i whispered back 'and i er- i really like you barbara like a lot, and we both know that we aren't just friends, and i don't want to be just friends, i wan't to be more, i want to make whatever this that we have official, i want to be with you... i guess what i'm saying is barbara will you be my girlfriend?' did i just hear that right? i could hear my heart pounding so hard against my chest, it felt like it was going to fly our of my chest, i just stared at him in dis-belief, i was confused i wasn't sure if this was actually happening 'yes' i whispered leaning in to kiss him once again, but i stopped myself just before 'and for the record, i like you too.. a lot' i could his body tense under my touch followed my a shiver, did i seriously have this effect on him? he broke a smile and kissed me causing us both to smile, the kiss was only short but it was sweet and meaningful 'you look beautiful as always' Justin complemented me 'thank you' i said and blushed, causing him to laugh a little and kiss my cheek 'i need to get my bag' i said as Justin placed my feet back firmly onto the ground 'come on then' he said holding his hand out for me to take and i took it without hesitation. i looked up to Justin who had a massive smile on his face matching the smile on my face, he looked down and planted a kiss on my forehead, i smiled wider at him and wrapped my arm around his waist as he flung his arm over my shoulder, almost everyone was looking at us, but neither of us cared we had each other and that is all that mattered, i saw my bag so i grabbed it and dragged it over to Justin who was slightly laughing at me 'what?' i whined in a kiddish voice 'you're just so cute' he chuckled giving me another kiss, i couldn't help but laugh 'ready to go?' Justin asked me 'mhmmm' i said and nodded, Justin took my suitcase in his hands 'what are you doing?' i questioned 'carrying it for you, i wouldn't be a good boyfriend if i didn't' he told me, the thought of him being my boyfriend made butterflies flutter in my stomach and make me break out into a smile. i didn't know how to react or respond so i just let him take it 'come on gorgeous' he said taking my hand in his as he headed towards the exit. as soon as we got out, there were millions of paparazzi's and fans, i'm guessing the word got out about us being here.. i didn't mind though because nothing could wipe the smile of my face and by the looks of Justin he was the same 'where is you car?' i asked Justin over the millions of flashes and clicks 'just over there' he said and nodded his head in the direction, we walked over to Justin's bat mobile which i am completely in love with, Justin opened the boot and there was an issue, the boot was big enough for about a pair of shoes to fit in it, let alone a suitcase i just laughed and Justin looked a little embarrassed 'i didn't think this though' he said scratching the back of his neck 'you're just so cute' i said mimicking him from earlier, he just turned towards me and kissed me, Justin pulled away from the kissed but his lips lingered on mine 'you know, i reckon i could get you in there' he said referring to the boot 'no no no!' i said, but it was too late Justin had already picked me up and put me in the mood, surprisingly it was roomy.. 'wait, wait, wait' Justin said as he took out his phone 'now pose' he told me, so i pouted my lips and put my hands on my hips, making a fool of myself as he took pictures of me, in front of all these paparazzi and normal people, but it was too funny and we were both enjoying ourselves. 'i love this one' he told me, i just laughed 'that's my new background' he told me, and he helped me get out of the boot of his car 'no!' i whined 'you look beautiful' he told me as he planted another soft kiss on my lips 'we need to get this in' i told him, referring to my suitcase 'yeah, we should shouldn't we' he said as he picked it up and placed it into the boot, after re-arranging it and forcing it in, we shut the boot 'finally' me and Justin said at the same time, causing us both to laugh. Justin opened my door and then ran around to his side, and he started the engine, and off we went! at every red light Justin would look at me and smile and give me a kiss, when he was driving me would either put his hand on my thigh or hold my hand. the drive back to my house was quick 'are you coming in?' i asked Justin 'yeah if you want me to' he said 'yeah i do' i smiled, we climbed out of the car and got my suitcase out of the back, Justin insisted on carrying it for me, so i let him 'you can just leave it there' i told Justin, he placed it by the front door and came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me and rested from behind 'let's go see my brother' i said he nodded in agreement as he held my hand as we walked towards the living room where he always is, i walked in and there he was with the 6 of his friends that saw me in a towel, oh gosh this couldn't get more awkward 'hi josh, hi boys' i said waving to them all they all smiled nervously and said hi. i dragged Justin into the room 'hi' Justin said as he nodded at Josh with a smile and smiled at everyone else, we both decided to leave because it was boring in there, is shut the door and heard one of the boys say 'damn she isn't in a towel' i just hung my head in embarrassment, as Justin looked at me confused 'right, last time they were here i didn't know, so i has just had a shower and i was in my towel and i was walking around and they were all in there and they saw me..' i said shaking my head, Justin just laughed and then wrapped his hands around my waist pulling me into his body 'well they need to know to back off because you're all mine' he said with a smirk 'and you're all mine' i said with a smile 'barbara?' my mum called from upstairs 'hi mum!' i called back, i heard her come down the stairs 'oh hey Justin' she smiled 'hi Mrs palvin' he said politely 'no no, call me Karen' she said giving him a hug 'okay, hi Karen' he said smiling, i am glad she is being nice, because she shouldn't be horrible 'hey sweetie' she said bringing me into a hug 'hey mum' i smiled 'i know that you have just got back and all, but i am actually going out in a minute.. but we can speak later, have a good day, bye Justin!' she called as she ran out the door 'what do you wanna do baby?' Justin asked me, oh sweet Jesus, i just died, when he called me baby, my whole body stopped 'i-i don't mind' i replied 'are you tired?' he asked me 'a little bit' i replied, when in fact i was incredibly tired, and i had been all week but i just wanted to spend time with Justin 'then lets just watch some films all day' he suggested 'sounds good' i said 'let's go up to my room, my brother will just be annoying' i said 'let's go baby' he said with a smirk knowing what happens to me when he calls me baby. And that's what we did for the whole day, just sat in watching films, with my boyfriend who just so happens to be Justin Bieber, it was perfect.

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