Chapter 8

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(1 week later)
today i am going shopping with Justin for an outfit for his premier of 'girlfriend' i am excited i haven't seen him since i was round his house, we text most days and occasionally call, we do actually have a lot in common and he seem's to just understand me, i feel like i can talk to him. i am not sure about how i feel towards him, i think i do like him but i doubt he likes me, and i am happy being single but we shall see how it goes! it is hard because a lot of the time on days when he is free and off work i have a shoot, but today we are both free! i haven't told my mum that i am seeing Justin today, and i don't plan on any time soon, over this past week we haven't spoken much i am so annoyed at her who is she to tell me who i can see or speak to? i am eighteen, i'm an adult i can make my own decisions and fight my own battles. Luckily she is at work today so i don't have to deal with her asking me question's as to where i am going and who with, she is stressing me out so much lately! My phone vibrated next to me as i just finished adding the final touches to my make up, i was wearing a black maxi skirt with a plain top that had LOVE written on and my gold sandals, i wasn't very dressed up but we were only going shopping. i grabbed my phone and i had a text from Justin, it read 'hey you! can't wait to see you today;) do you wan't me to pick you up?xxxxxx' i smiled and began to tap away at my phone 'hey! and me too, and yeah sure here: (address...)xxxxxx' 'great, pick you up in about half an hour? xxxxxx' 'perfect:)xxxxxx' he didn't reply after that so i picked my phone, keys, purse and threw them into my bag and walked down stairs 'where are you going?' Josh asked me 'out..' i said hoping he wouldn't ask anymore questions 'where?' he added 'to see Kendall!' i snapped at him, he seemed a little taken back but right now, everyone seems to be on my case at the moment 'no your not' he said smugly 'w-what?' i asked 'you're going to see Justin' he said straightly, aah fuck how did he know?! 'how did you know?' i asked much calmer now, i sat down on the couch next to him 'you phone is always lighting up with his name' he said in a 'DUH' tone 'don't tell mum, please!' i begged 'why would i?' he asked a little confused 'she doesn't wan't me to see him' i said a little bummed 'oh, i have met him, he is a nice kid' he said 'Josh he is older than you, you can't call him a kid' i said as i laughed 'i don't care, but don't worry i won't say anything' he said and smiled at me, i pulled him into a hug and said thank you i believe him that he won't say anything to my mum, i trust him, my phone than began to ring, it was Kendall so i picked it up 'hey!' i beamed through the phone 'i need to kinda ask you something' Kendall said nervously through the phone, i walked out of the living room and made my way to the kitchen so i could hear properly, i sat on the work surface 'okay, shoot' i said a little concerned 'so err you remember Zack?' she asked 'err yes?' 'well we have been out on a few dates and i really like him' she said with a hint of happiness in her voice 'ken look, i am happy for you and i am not going to stop you or anything but please make sure that he isn't using you because i don't trust him' i warned her, she sighed deeply into the phone 'he's changed' she said, i then heard a beep coming from outside the house i assumed it was Justin 'i'll speak to you later, i'm going out' i said 'okay, bye' she said and hung up. i am not bothered at all that she likes Zack because i never actually liked him, i am just worried for her, i don't want her getting hurt that is the most important thing to me 'bye Josh' i called before i closed the door.
i walked out and there was Justin looking as sexy as ever, he was wearing dark blue jeans with a white V neck and red Supra's with his chains around his neck his hair was spiked up like his new trade mark style, i loved his hair like this but i loved it any way. i climbed into his black Range Rover 'hey beautiful' he said as he leaned over and gave me a quick hug and kissed my cheek 'hey' i smiled sweetly at him as he pulled out of my driveway, the drive was short and we both made small talk about everything, nothing was awkward between us. as we pulled into the parking lot at the Shopping center we were instantly greeted with thousands of paparazzi, great, Justin sighed loudly and mumbled 'i'm sorry' i shook my head at him 'no don't be it's fine' 'just stay close i don't want to loose you in the thousands of them' he told me, i nodded in agreement, he jumped out of his car and made his way over to my side and opened the door for me, he held out his hand for me to take, so i took it and climbed out of the car, i expected him to let go of my hand as soon as i climbed out of the car but he didn't his grip only tightened on me as we battled our way through the crowds of paparazzi, they were shouting all different question's at us like 'are you an official couple now?' 'Barbara how do you deal with the hate?' 'Barbara are you pregnant?' 'Justin do you love her?' all of the questions made me laugh actually at how stupid everything is, we are JUST friends, well i guess we are but friends don't exactly hold hands do they? after fighting our way through the crowds we got inside the shopping center, i once again expected Justin to release the grip he had on my hand, but once again he didn't, he tugged on my hand making me lean over to him and stumble over closer to him 'did i tell you, you look beautiful today?' he whispered in my ear, i blushed and shook my head 'well you do' he said proudly, intertwining our fingers as he gently rubbed his thumb over mine sending butterflies to fly around my stomach, just with the slight touch from him and i get butterflies 'where first?' i asked 'up to you' he said as he smiled at me.

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