Chapter 10

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'let's dance!' Miley yelled to both me and Demi as she grabbed us both and pulled us towards the dance floor, Justin's grip on my hand slowly loosened as he let me go, i turned back around to him, he was already looking at me as if he knew i would turn back 'have fun' he mouthed with a warm smile, and he turned around and walked in the other direction to me, i turned and faced the girls and by now we were in the middle of the dance floor surrounded by people, all three of us were dancing like there was no tomorrow, having an amazing time 'i'm not kidding i wan't to be you' Miley told me as we left the dance floor to go and get a drink, tonight i wasn't drinking i didn't feel like it and when i do i try to keep it under control 'me too' Demi agreed as we sat down at the bar, i looked at them as if they were crazy, why would they wan't to be me? i don't think i am pretty i don't think i have a good body. heck i don't like anything about the way i look, that's one thing i lack.. self confidence, i may be a model but that doesn't mean i think i am pretty 'why?!' i questioned them both 'i mean you're perfect, i would definitely turn lesbian for you' Miley told me as she took another sip from, her drink 'you are kidding right? i wish i was you!' i told Miley 'YN, you are stunning like the prettiest girl in America right now and i envy your body' Demi said 'i wish i had your body, i mean look, you have boobs! i don't!' i said pointing to Demi's boobs that were half on show, i mean obviously i do have boobs they just aren't big, just normal sized i guess, both Miley and Demi looked at each other and then at me, all three of us all cracked up in laughter 'i need to see you two more often, it's been a long time since we had a full catch up!' i told them 'i know, been a long time' Demi added, we all nodded in agreement 'ooo someone has an admirer!' Demi cooed to me 'me?' i questioned to make sure it was me she was talking to 'who?' i asked 'that guy over there' she said and pointed, i turned around and surely enough there was a guy looking directly at me, he was okay looking, nothing special, i hadn't even looked at any off the boys out tonight like i usually do, i guess i was just to focused on Justin, he gave me a quick wink and i immediately turned around, EWW! he was such a creep, i turned back to the girls and pulled a disgusted look to them and they both cracked up laughing again, so i joined in. i felt warm hands come into contact with my waist and rest there 'walk with me' someone whispered into my ear although it was loud enough to be heard over the music, i knew exactly who it was, i could tell by the voice, by the way shivers were sent down my spine. it was Justin.

i jumped off my the chair as he took my hand in his, we walked around the crowds of people, Justin kept me close to him at all times so he wouldn't loose me, almost like he was protecting me. We stayed silent until we reached the back door of the club where the party was being held, he opened the door and stepped aside allowing me to go first, like a true gentlemen. he closed the door after himself and returned himself back to my side, he intertwined our fingers, we began to walk a little neither of us knowing where to go, walking in silence, nothing was awkward just peaceful, it was pitch black out, nobody was around 'enjoying tonight?' Justin asked me finally breaking the silence 'yeah i am, thank you for inviting me' i said turning to look up to him 'i wouldn't want to invite anyone else' he said looking down at me into my eyes, every time i look into his eyes i get lost, it's like they are dragging me in 'i wan't to know everything about you' he said breaking away from our stare 'like what?' i questioned 'everything, friends, family, childhood, what you like, what you hate' he listed 'aah, well i was born here in LA, lived here my whole life, my whole life my family were never rich but we got by i guess, i-er- 4 years ago just after i got scouted to become a model, my dad died of cancer i went through a very rough patch, i shut myself away from the world i didn't understand why something so bad had to happen to such a good guy, but i eventually got over it, there isn't a day i never go without thinking about him most of what i do is for him and everything i do i just hope that he is proud of me' i trailed of, with a single tear slipping down my cheek, Justin didn't say a word, he was actually listening, he cared. his grip on my hand tightened and he rubbed his thumb over mine 'and when i first started modelling i didn't expect anything to come from it, but when it did i was so pleased and i felt good about myself again, i live with my Mum Karen and my little brother Josh, as much as i hate them at times i love them no matter what. all my friends from school lost contact with me after i became famous, they said i changed and they didn't like it, but i kinda expected it to be honest so i didn't take it to heart and my best friend is Kendall and obviously i am good friends with Demi and Miley. err i like the normal stuff girls like i guess, i'm pretty easy going about everything, and what do i hate? i hate thunder storms they just scare me so much always have since i was a little girl.. oh and i'm really ticklish' i told him, he looked down at me staring into my eyes 'i'm sorry about your dad' 'it's okay, i got over it as time has gone on, and i know that no matter what he is still with me' i said with a smile, knowing that i make him proud 'i'm sure he is proud of you, you're amazing' he said as he stopped walking, he turned to face me and tucked the remains of hair hanging across my face behind my ear 'can i ask you something?' 'yes' i said 'what did you think of me before we met?' 'honestly?' i asked 'honestly' he repeated 'well i thought you were a bit of a jerk, that was full of yourself and was a player, but when i met you i saw that your not like that at all, and you are actually very down to earth' i said as i turned away from him as we began to walk again, our hands still interlocked 'i guess i was like that' he said quietly 'how?' i asked 'i was a jerk i used to think just because i am Justin Bieber i can be a jerk and treat people bad, and i was a player, i never played with a girls heart but i was a big flirt and i used to think i could get any girl with the snap of my fingers, but something clicked with me not long ago that i didn't need to put on this front, i needed to be me which none of those things are so i am just trying to be the best person i can be and make things right' he explained to me 'well i think you are amazing' i said, he stopped dead in his tracks, he turned and faced me, he just stared into my eyes, he took a step closer to me closing the gap between our bodies, he licked his dry lips and brought his face closer to mine, only millimeters apart, he looked at me, and then to my lips, without hesitation he closed the gap between us, bringing our lips together, our lips moving in perfect sync it felt like nothing in the world around matters, like time was still, Justin released my hand from his and slowly wrapped his arms around my waist pulling my body even closer which seemed impossible, i lifted my arms around his neck, playing with the ends of his hair, as neither of us broke the kiss, the kiss was soft, so gentle, it was like nothing i had ever experienced before, no kiss could ever compare to this, no kiss would ever be this good. i never wanted it to end, my body was buzzing, it was filled with happiness, i had sparks and butterflies flying around my body, everything about it was perfect, like how the describe a kiss in romantic films, i has those feelings, feelings that i never knew existed for him, nor anyone erupted throughout my body, my feelings for him were confirmed, i knew i liked him and i liked him a lot. after what seemed forever we pulled away, he rested his forehead against mine, and just stared into my eyes, i could read him like a book, he felt those sparks, he felt what i felt, but it was something that neither of us could explain 'Justin, that's not something just friends do' i whispered against his lips as his forehead was still pressed against mine 'then i guess we're not just friends then' he whispered back, but i knew that i knew we were more than friends, i wanted more of an answer, was he ready for a relationship? did he want a relationship? all these questions, and i had no answers.


'i was a jerk i used to think just because i am Justin Bieber i can be a jerk and treat people bad, and i was a player, i never played with a girls heart but i was a big flirt and i used to think i could get any girl with the snap of my fingers, but something clicked with me not long ago that i didn't need to put on this front, i needed to be me which none of those things are so i am just trying to be the best person i can be and make things right' i explained to her, and she listened she took everything in, she cared she didn't like me for the Justin Bieber who everyone thinks i am, she liked me for Justin, who i really am. 'well, i think your amazing' she told me, i stopped dead in my tracks, i liked her, and i liked her a lot and i needed to this. i turned to face her and stepped closer to her bringing our bodies closer together, i leaned my head closer to hers, millimeters apart now, and she didn't pull away, i licked my lips, looking at her lips and then back at her, without hesitation i closed the gap between our bodies by kissing her, our lips moving in sync, i let go of her hand and wrapped my arms tightly round her waist bring our bodies even closer than we thought was possible, she lifted her arms up around my neck and played with the ends of my hair, everything around us seemed to be still, at this moment i didn't have a care in the world, everything was perfect and i never wanted it to end, i was feeling sparks fly through my body, nothing that i have felt when i have kissed anyone, but this wasn't like every other kiss i ever had it was different, she was different. we both pulled away slightly gasping for air, i rested my forehead against hers and just stared into her eyes, i could tell she felt it to 'Justin, this isn't something just friends do' she whispered against my lips, my forehead still against hers and our faces only millimeters apart 'then i guess we aren't just friends' i whispered back, and it was true both of us knew we weren't just friends, but neither of us knew what 'we' were, is it possible to have this strong feeling for someone after knowing them 2 months? the answer? yes, it is possible. but for me telling her we are more than friends isn't classification, we both knew that we were more than friends, but was she ready for a relationship? did she want a relationship? all this questions, and i had no answers.

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