Chapter 15

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Today is the day that Justin and Pattie are coming round, i am looking forward to it, i haven't seen Justin in a while because this past week we have both been so busy and tired but today we are both off work which is good. although there is one slight thing i am worried about.. Josh asked for Kylie to come, and then i felt bad for not inviting Kendall so i did invite her and then she asked for Zack to come so now.. he is coming to my house and although i really really strongly dislike him i have to play nice because he is dating my best friend, but i am going to not speak to him and avoid him. the weather is gorgeous today, the sun is shinning high and it's hot, so me and my mum decided to have a BBQ because they are the best things to have in the summer... Justin is coming around one with Pattie and everyone else is coming around two. All this morning i have been making all sorts of food and dips but i want everything to be perfect, it is now twelve which leaves me an hour to get ready, wait less then an hour because knowing Justin he is always early, i ran upstairs into my room diving straight into the shower, washing my long brown hair and washing my body. after my quick shower i scanned through my wardrobe wondering what to wear.. hmm, no, no, no, no, maybe, no, no, YES :

 it made my skin look tanned and hugged my body in all the right places, although it was short it covered my bum so its all good! Then i slipped on my shoes

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it made my skin look tanned and hugged my body in all the right places, although it was short it covered my bum so its all good! Then i slipped on my shoes. i added some light summery make up and allowed my hair to dry naturally, it was beginning to dry and you could see the curls forming and bouncing around as i walked.. i looked at myself in the full length mirror and i was... satisfied. i have never liked the way i look but i just get on with it i can't change it so i should just accept it although Justin makes me feel beautiful no matter what, i added some rings and a necklace and walked out of my room and back downstairs to help my mum out, i plugged in the radio and blasted the music as i was dancing a little whilst cooking the food. 'okay so this next track is by Justin Bieber who is now off the market.. sorry ladies, here it is.. Boyfriend' the radio presenter said so me being an amazing girlfriend turned the volume up and sang and danced to it all, it does help that it is a truly an amazing song 'if i was your boyfriend i'd never let you go' some one whispered in my right ear as they wrapped there hands around my waist tightly from behind and that someone being.. Justin. i was embarrassed that one he had heard me singing and two he saw me dance. the music must of been so loud that i didn't hear the door bell ring, mum must of let them in. i turned around on my heels 'Justin!' i yelled as he picked me up and kissed me tenderly on the lips, he placed me back down on the kitchen counter top standing between my legs as he kept his arms around my waist 'hey beautiful' he said planting another kiss on my lips although this time it was harder, heavier and firmer but i embraced it and wrapped my arms around his neck, playing with the ends of his hair pulling our bodies closer together, and what started out as an innocent kiss had now turned into a full on make-out session, but i wasn't complaining and by the looks of Justin neither was he 'guys seriously?!' i heard my mum and Pattie both say sounded a bit grossed out and shocked. both me and Justin laughed and pulled away blushing slightly i raised my hand up to his face and rubbed away any lip gloss on his face 'your lip gloss tastes good' he said with a smirk 'i know it's strawberry' i said returning the smirk and kissing him again but pulling back straight away not wanting to have another make-out session in front of our parents 'hey Pattie' i said as Justin moved out of my way so i could go and say hello 'hey sweetie' she said giving me a hug. i got everyone a drink and we decided to all go and sit outside before the others came and we would have to cook.. oh yeah i have to tell Justin that Zack is coming he will not be happy. My mum and Pattie went and sat on the chairs by the table with the glass' on wine, oh i hope they get along they should because Pattie is such a lovely women, and so is my mum just my mum can be a bitch sometimes but everyone can be a bitch sometimes can't they? i took Justin's hand in mine and pulled him onto the grass and sat down with him opposite me, Justin held out both his hands and i took them but he pulled me over to him so i was sitting in-between his legs i giggled and he kissed the top of my head 'so, er Kylie and Kendall Jenner are coming today' i said sweetly and i lifted my head to see him 'aww that's nice' he said kissing the tip of my nose 'yeah but Zack is coming' i said a little angry myself 'Zack? as in Zack that practically stalked you a month ago?' Justin asked, his voice changed slightly and became more angry, i just nodded and looked away 'why?' he asked bluntly 'him and Kendall are dating and she asked if he could come and i couldn't say no, but don't be annoyed at me' i said as i leaned my weight against his chest 'oh, baby i'm not annoyed at you, just i don't like that kid and if he tries anything on with you i will punch him' he said protectively 'you won't have to because i don't plan on speaking to him' i said as i turned around so i was fully facing him 'good' he said as he tackled me to the floor so he way laying on top of me, he kissed me passionately, making everything around us move in slow motion, fireworks exploding in my stomach, everything was perfect until my mum cleared her throat 'guys!' my mum scowled at us 'just not in front of us' Pattie said as Justin climbed off me as we both blushed slightly 'who knew it was a crime to kiss my girlfriend?' he asked me 'who knew' i agreed.
After about an hour of talking and just messing around, the others arrived i said hello to both Kendall and Kylie but not Zack, the bastard should count himself lucky that he is in my house so he better not push his luck. Josh decided to appear now that Kylie was here and they were cute. Justin came with me to open the door and when Zack saw Justin, his face slightly dropped causing me to laugh 'BARBARA, CAN YOU START THE BBQ?' my mum yelled to me from inside the kitchen 'yeah!' i called back 'i'll help' Justin said as he stood up and walked over to the BBQ, he pulled a chair inf front of it and sat down pulling me onto his lap as i began to light the BBQ 'i hate him' Justin groaned into my shoulder 'why?' i asked 'because he keeps looking at you and i don't like it' he said and kissed my shoulder 'well i don't care about him because i'm yours' i said as i turned to face him and kissed him. as the BBQ lit mum brought out all the meat for me to cook so i began with Justin's slight help 'did i tell you that you look beyond sexy in that dress?' he growled in my ear sending shivers down my spine 'no you didn't' i said as i turned to face him, i was first caught off guard when he smashed his lips against mine violently, i soon gave into the kiss and let his tongue slip into my mouth, i sighed against his lips and pulled away 'babe i need to cook the food' i mumbled against his lips 'sorry beautiful' he said kissing me one more time 'i just missed you these past few days' he said 'i missed you too' i said as i faced back towards the food cooking as the fire beneath grew slightly as the fat dripped off the burgers. Justin began to kiss any part of my body that was exposed, my shoulder, the top of my spine, my arm. he kissed my shoulder and began to kiss higher and higher until he reached my neck and began to kiss my neck and suck on it, this is definitely going to leave a hickey, i tried to get him to stop, but i just couldn't i was enjoying it to much 'Justin, leave the poor girl alone' Pattie interrupted us as she brought more meat out for me too cook 'sorry ma' he said and blushed slightly, she sighed and walked away and mumbled 'he just can't keep his hands to himself' under her breathe causing me to giggle slightly 'i'm sorry, i just want to kiss you all the time' he said as he rested his chin against my shoulder 'it's okay baby, i want to kiss you too' i said to him reassuringly, and it's true i just wanted to kiss him like there was no tomorrow but i couldn't because that would be inappropriate 'babe, i gotta take a leak' he said patting my thighs implying for me to get off him so i climbed off him 'have a good one' i called out to him as he walked away inside 'i will' he said back with a wink, nice now i have images of my boyfriend taking a piss. 'look's good' someone said from beside me, i turned around and there was Zack, really i swear he better leave me alone right now, was he waiting for Justin to leave to talk to me, what a loser, Justin better hurry up and get back. 'yep' i replied not looking at him and just focusing on the food 'how are you? it's been a while' he asked 'good' i replied hoping that from my one word answers he would understand that i don't want to talk to him or be near him for that matter 'oh that's good, need any help?' he asked 'nope' i replied still not leaving my eyes from the food 'hey baby' Justin said as he returned from the bathroom as he kissed me and sat down on the chair and pulled me down onto his lap, Zack didn't say anything else he just awkwardly walked away 'what was that about?' he asked curiously although it came across very protectively, and to be honest very sexy 'he was just like "looks good, how are you, need help"' i said imitating his annoying voice 'and i was just blunt hoping he got the hint and he did' i added 'good' Justin said as he kissed my shoulder 'OKAY FOOD READY' i called out to everyone, climbing off Justin's lap i got a bundle of replies such as 'mm smells good' 'nice job' 'thanks' and other things, we all dove into the food and we decided to all sit around the seats set out in the middle of the grass i sat next to Justin and of course Zack had to sit next to me, out of all the seats available he picked the one next to me, Kendall was next to him, i looked over to them both and they weren't kissing and hugging and touching each other like me and Justin were, heck they were barely speaking 'thanks barb, this is amazing' Kendall said as she dove into her food 'it's alright' 'why are you sitting there?' Justin asked me like i was stupid 'where else am i supposed to sit?' i asked looking around to all the taken seats, he just looked down to his lap and then back at me, i giggled and went to sit on his lap 'you two' Pattie said shaking her head smiling 'can't you leave each other alone for ten minutes?' My mum asked laughing slightly 'no sorry' Justin said, flashing a million dollar smile to my mum who just laughed. everyone seemed to be getting along, Pattie and Mum were getting along good which is what i was most worried about, Josh and Kylie were giggling and talking which was cute, me and Justin were being all lovey dovey feeding each other and kissing, and then there was Kendall and Zack who were just about speaking.. i am not getting involved in someone else's relationship! 'baby, he is staring at you ago' Justin whispered into my ear so only i could hear. i looked out the corners of my eyes and sure enough he was staring at me like i was a piece of meat, ew 'what is his problem?' i mumbled 'i know, he has his own girl just because he is jealous i have you the most beautiful, amazing girl in the world and he doesn't' he said matter-of-factly, i blushed at his comment causing Justin to lightly chuckle, against my shoulder, i could feel his warm breathe against mine shoulder sending butterflies and sparks to erupt around my body
After eating we all sat around just speaking and joking, when i went to go and sit down, Justin pulled me back onto his lap, although this time he made me sit on him as if he was carrying me bridal style, with my legs across him 'babe, i can't sit like this my bum is gonna be on show' i said trying to fix my dress, me just moved hi hand so that one was resting on my bum, but it was holding my dress down 'you just wanted to touch my bum didn't you?' i asked 'just helping you out baby' he said as he kissed my forehead, Pattie walked out and just stared at us 'Justin.. is your hand.. on her bum?' she asked getting everyone's attention 'no.. i'm er holding her dress down he defended his self, Pattie just shook her head and muttered 'teen's causing me to laugh again.

It's now around ten pm and everyone expect Justin and Pattie have left, although they are leaving now 'so what are you doing tomorrow night?' Justin asked me, resting his hands on my waist 'nothing' i said with a smile knowing he was up to something 'good, so how about that first date?' he asked 'sounds good' i said reaching up and kissing him 'good, i'll pick you up at 7, wear something fancy' he said with a wink 'Justin, i don't want you to spend a lot of money' i said 'ah ah ah, i'm your boyfriend so don't disagree i want to spoil you and make you feel like a princess' he said kissing me again 'fine, thank you' i said kissing him again 'you're. welcome. now. i. have. to. go. i'll. see. you. later. baby.' he said in-between kisses 'bye baby' i said and giggled a little, and with that he was gone, leaving me very excited about what lies ahead in our first proper date tomorrow.

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