Chapter 4

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after about half an hour of talking to everyone and saying hello we were all told to sit down as there was going to be a speaker, the event was based outside in a field, there were chairs set out in rows, a lot of celebrities were here today and also a lot of children who i am guessing were sick as they were also a lot of nurses, everyone pilled into the rows trying to find seats, luckily me, my mum and josh all got a seat together, we weren't near kendall and her family but it was okay. i noticed Justin walk near me and walk into the row behind me with a women and a man, im guessing his parents? i really don't know much about his life. 'hello, i would just like to welcome and thank you all for being here today' the speaker began 'i will just keep this short and sweet so yo can all mingle and enjoy the day, as you know we are trying our very best to keep all our facilities open and keep everything in order. We have now decided that we are going to open a special ward dedicated to all young children with any type of cancer, to offer them the best care and treatment for both them and the best support care for there family. and on behalf of all the team i would like to thank each and everyone of you for all your donations, support, everything, we wouldn't be able to do it without you, so enjoy the day everyone' he smiled, awww that was cute, it makes me want to help out even more 'finally its over' josh groaned 'stop moaning' i smacked his arm 'you two, pack. it. in' my mum gritted threw her teeth causing both me and josh to laugh a little. everyone stayed in there seats for a little while longer but then everyone stood up 'how long do we have to stay here?' josh asked, i swear this boy moans about everything, he gets so annoying some times 'you are so annoying, mum can you like take him home or something?!' i said in annoyance 'woah calm down' he said in a pissy tone. i just walked out not wanting to cause anything. as soon as i walked off Khloe walked over to me 'told you he was looking at you, and he is doing it again!' she said happily and clapped her hands, i just laughed as we both walked back over to the rest of the Kardashian's and Jenners, i went and stood with Kim and Kendall whilst Kourtney was with Scott and Mason and Kylie, Khloe and Rob were all messing around. 'so how's the modelling going?' kim asked 'good, thanks!' 'any shoots soon?' 'erm i dont actually i was going to do a lot of charity work this month and relax but i have a last minute booking in 2 weeks and apparently it is too good to miss, but lacey wont tell me who it is' i didn't understand why lacey couldn't tell me but she told me it was a surprise so whatever 'oooo, sounds exciting!' 'how's Zack?' kendall asked with a wink, i just shook my head at her 'Zack, who is Zack?!?' kim pipped up 'no-one, we went to the movies together ONCE, and now Kendall is obsessed! he is a nice boy though' 'oooooo, where did you meet?' kim asked so interested 'at a shoot, but i dont like him like that, just friends!' before kim could reply, i could feel the presence of someone else with us, i turned around and there stood Justin Bieber looking as sexy as ever. He have kim and hug, then Kendall and then me one. 'nice to see you again Barbara' he said and smiled at me 'you too' i smiled back, Kim looked at me, then at Justin then back at me, she just sighed and walked away, and Kendall leaving only me and justin... hmm this isn't awkward. we stood there for a few minutes just in silence. honestly i didnt know what to say to the teen pop sensation Justin Bieber, im rubbish in situations like this. 'you look beautiful today' he said finally breaking the silence 'aww thankyou' i said as i blushed and looked down 'and its cute when you blush' he added 'can you stop because right now i look like a tomato' i said as i looked up but covered by face with my hands, he pulled them away from my face to reveal a very smug smirk on his face 'your meannnn' i whined 'im kidding, i'll stop' he said, i smiled in victory and then my phone started to ring in my bag, i took it out and it was Zack 'sorry i gotta take this' i said to justin he mouthed 'i'll see you later' i nodded and walked away and so did he 'hello' i said pickng up the phone 'hey beautiful, how are you?' 'im not too bad you?' 'im good, so what you up to tomorrow?' 'ermmm, i think i have some interview thing, but i can check and let you know?' 'okay, speak to you later, byeeee' 'bye bye' i said before hanging up the phone. Zack, awww he is a cutie. i turned around and a lot of people were scattered around talking to different people, so i decided that i would go and speak to some of the patients, i walked over to a little girl, who was so thin, so pale, but yet she was smiling and seemed so happy, i crouched down to the floor next to her 'hello' 'hi' she replied sweetly 'whats your name?' 'Claire, i've seen you in mummy's magazines!' she said, i just laughed and nodded 'how old are you?' i asked '6' she replied with a big smile. all i could think was how strong she is, a 6 year old going through this must be hard, beyond hard. 'can i get a picture with you and Claire?' an older women asked who i am guessing is her mum. 'sure!' i replied, i stood up and picked her up and smiled for the camera and so did she, the mother showed us the picture 'you're beautiful' i complemented her, she was, she had piercing blue eyes and long blonde hair. Suddenly she gasped and her eyes widened, i began to panic not knowing what happened, but i looked to my left and there was Justin crouched down on the floor next to me 'are you stalking me?' i asked him 'maybe' he said and winked 'h-h-h-hhi' the little girl stuttered, awww! 'hello sweetie!' 'can i have a picture?' she asked 'sure!' he replied, and they took a picture just like i did with her a minute ago 'sorry to be a bother but can i have one with you and them to?' her mother asked me 'don't be silly you arent bothering me, and sure!' justin picked her up so he was on his side, and wrapped his other arm around me, we all smiled and took the picture, we stayed and talked to Claire for a while until Lacey came wondering over 'ahh barbara! there you are' 'here i ammmmm' 'so you have an interview tomorrow yes?' 'yeppp' 'and you need to clear things up' 'things?' 'that you don't have a boyfriend, and you dont CHEAT' 'wait... WHAT?!' 'justin... zack..ill tell you about it later' she said and walked off, what the hell is going on!? ever since i won this 'hottie' award everyone's eyes are on me? im just me, nothing special, nothing great, just me. i sighed loudly and sat down in a chair 'having a hard day?' someone asked me, i looked and saw justin, okay this is stalking me now. 'yep' 'whats up?' 'well everyone hates me, they think im cheating on you with Zack, or cheating on Zack with you, and im not! i just met both of you, this is crazy!' i said and sighed again, covering my face with my hands 'dont worry, it gets better' he assured me 'im not used to this though, people following me, calling my name, im just a model!' i added 'but a teen model, who has been voted 'teen hottie' and is most likely to get really really really famous' 'im just a model though' i repeated 'and im just a singer' 'no because you are justin bieber ' i said 'and you are barbara palvin' i sighed in defeat knowing that he wasnt going to give up 'be happpyyyyyy' he sang in a whisper into my ear, sending shivers down my spine, he put his arm around my neck and left it there 'im happppyy' i smiled, i was happy just stressed 'no your not' 'i am, i promise!' 'good' 'okay barbara, we need to go!' lacey said, 'okayy' 'byeee!' i said to justin before walking away 'what no hug?' he winked 'hmmm nope' i said and winked back, two can play at this game, he walked towards me and wrapped his arms around me and gave me a massive hug 'bye, see you soon' he said as he pulled away and winked, i smiled back at him.

(next day)
i have an interview with ryan seacrest today and i am a little nervous, i dont usually do interviews, but i have had this one booked for a long while and also i dont like the though of people knowing all my personal business, not that i have a personal life, i mean my best friend is Kendall Jenner and she lives her life in the spot light? 'Barbara, in now!' lacey told me, so i walked onto set 'barbara!' ryan greeted me with a hug 'heyy' i smiled and hugged back 'so you want to tell us the deal with these two boys you have recently been spotted out with?' ryan asked, wow jump straight in there mate, he showed a picture of me and justin at the TCA's and then me and Zack and the movies 'ahaha, well like i met justin about 2 minutes before that picture was taken, and i met Zack the day after at a photoshoot, so i am still single and they are both just my friends' i smiled sweetly 'do friends hold handss?' ryan asked referring to me and Zack 'yes! they do actually' i joked 'well like there were loads of paps, and he like took hold of my hand, im not sure whyyy, but he did' i added 'oooh okay!' 'now you were seen with Justin Bieber again yesterday repeatedly' he said as he showed pictures of us with kim and kendall, us with claire, and when he had his arm around me, whispering in my ear although it did look like he was kissing me 'well yeah we were both at this Cancer Research event, i didnt know he would be there and then we spoke a little, and i met this amazing little girl Claire, and i was talking to her and Justin came along and she asked for a picture with both of us, and then the last one, no he isn't kissing me, he was telling me to be happy because i was being miserable' i laughed 'what about?' ryan asked 'my little brother was annoying me!' i told him, even though i lied it was easier than Justin your little brother like his ex?' ryan asked laughing, i giggled lightly although i did want to laugh hard becauyse i saw everything on twitter, hmm twitter i havent been on there in a while actually its probably good that i havent, i would be getting hate from beliebers, i swear strongest fan base i have ever seen. 'nooo! well like i know that we have the same birthday.. so like i think he is older than me anyway, but no not any relation to him!' i said laughing 'ahh thats good, so any relationship coming soon with either of these?' 'ermm i dont know like i said i met them like what 3 or 4 days ago, i have just met them, but right now i am happy being single and im focusing on my work a lot and charity work so i dont really have timee!' 'ahh well we are all sure you'll get snapped up being as stunning as you are!' ryan complemented me 'aww thankyou' i said as i blushed 'well thats all we have time for, thankyou for coming!' 'thankyou for having me' i smilecd at him. and it was over! 'that was good, well done!' 'thanks!' i said 'okay, so you have a photo shoot in 2 weeks and im sure you'll enjoy it! but until then you have 2 weeks off to relax. 'oh wow thanks!' 'welcome, you work hard!' 'hmm' and with that i went home to catch up on some well deserved sleep.

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