Chapter 32

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‘hey!’ I yelled out to my mum and Josh as I saw them walk out of the terminal ‘Barbara!’ they both screamed, they were both much more tanned than they were before which only made me hate them slightly due to the fact that they went on holiday and I didn’t ‘how was Cuba?’ I asked as I pulled away from giving them both a hug ‘good!’ said Josh ‘lovely but we missed you’ my mum said although I have a feeling she was only saying that to make me feel better ‘you’re so tanned!’ I whined as we walked over to the baggage claiming area ‘that’s what the sun does’ Josh said sarcastically ‘ha. Ha. Ha.’ I said giving him a glare and then laughing ‘there is it!’ My mum said pointing we all just stood there not moving ‘I’ll get it?’ I asked sarcastically before walking closer and dragging my mum’s first suitcase off the conveyer belt ‘what have you got in here?!’ I said dragging it back with both my hands, seriously did she pack the whole house!? ‘Don’t over exaggerate’ she said giving me that look, I just rolled my eyes.

On the way out of the airport there were about four or five paparazzi, I just assumed they were here for a celebrity or something but as soon as they saw me they came rushing over to me and shoved there camera’s deep into my face screaming questions at me ‘WHERE’S JUSTIN?’ ‘HOW’S JUSTIN?’ ‘HAVE YOU BROKEN UP?’ ‘ARE YOU LEAVING THE COUNTRY?’ yes I’m leaving the country that why I just came OUT of the airport and am walking TOWARDS my car… People can be so stupid! I muttered rude comments about each photographer to myself just to make myself feel better I guess. I hadn’t really thought of Justin since I read that magazine article… I forced myself to push it to the back of my mind although now everything is coming flooding back. I’m still pissed off with him, unbelievably pissed off but at the same time I hate fighting with him it just makes me feel so shit and instantly puts me in a bad mood. Should I text him, because I want to but then again in my opinion I didn’t do that much wrong I was only looking out for him and therefore he should be the one to speak to me.. Not the other way round… but if he was sorry wouldn’t he have already text me millions of times, called me? Ergh I’m just over thinking everything.

‘What was that about?’ my mum asked climbing into the passenger seat as I began to drive out of the airport ‘me and Justin just ad a fight and now everyone is making a massive deal out of it’ I said leaving out what we actually fought about ‘what did you argue about?’ my mum asked, I let out a loud sigh ‘he was being all stressy and took it out on me’ I said ‘well what happened?’ she asked persistent to find out what happened exactly ‘can you just drop it?’ I snapped at her ‘don’t be rude’ she scowled me. Does she not get that I don’t want to speak about it?! I guess I am more sensitive to the subject than I thought.

My phone began to rang in my bag and I instantly got butterflies in my stomach I wanted it to be Justin calling me ‘mum can you grab my phone?’ I asked pointing to my bag quickly and then focused on the road ‘it’s Lacey’ she said ‘oh, pass’ I said grabbing my phone and stopping at a red light ‘Hey Lace’ I said putting my phone on loud speaker and sounding a little bummed out ‘haven’t seen you in a while missy!’ she said happily through the phone ‘I know’ I giggled ‘so err my phone has been blowing up with people asking about what happened with you and Justin?’ she asked I groaned and sighed into the phone ‘I really don’t want to talk about it’ I said ‘okay well.. Are you still together?’ she asked me ‘yes’ I replied without hesitation we aren’t going to break up over this we just need time to cool down ‘okay that’s all I need to know, don’t forget about the meeting with Jeffery Campbell about designing your own shoe with them!’ she said ‘oh shi-crap I forgot about that thanks for reminding me!’ I said, yes that I right I am designing my own shoe for Jeffery Campbell. I quickly corrected myself so I didn’t swear to heavily in front of my mum ‘that’s what I’m for honey! See you tomorrow nice and early’ she beamed through the phone I honestly don’t understand how Lacey can be happy pretty much 24 hours a day… ‘Bye!’ I said before hanging up.

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