Chapter 2: Nightmare

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A/N: Possible spoilers again so I urge you to read the books, ALL OF THEM, before reading this. Song-Time from Inception Piano cover


"OPEN THIS DOOR DAMMIT!" Magnus screamed as he knocked, hit, kicked and punched repeatedly at the Institute's main door. It took a few moments for someone to throw the door open in fury.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT?! IT'S EARLY!" yelled a very tired and annoyed looking Jace. He saw it was Magnus and his face relaxed before turning to fear. Fear? That's something that never EVER crossed the Herondale's face. "What's happened to Alec?" Jace asked.

"How do you..." Magnus trailed.

"Parabatai. I felt something happen to him. Where is he?" Jace asked, his voice starting to tremble. Of course. If something happened to one, the other always knew. And, judging by how Alec couldn't scream for help or move, then Jace would've sensed it.

"I... I don't know Jace." Magnus's voice cracked as he talked. Jace turned slightly and placed his hands against the door frame. He breathed heavily a few times before stepping inside.

"You'd better come in." Jace gulped, allowing Magnus in. Magnus nodded and stepped into the institute.

"MAGNUS!" a loud voice cried from down the hall. Before Magnus could even turn to see who it was, he was forcefully, and rather painfully, pinned up against the wall. He looked down at his attacker. Isabelle. Her face was angry and damn was she terrifying.

"Um... Hi..." Magnus tried.


"Isabelle. I didn't hurt him. He called for my help and I wasn't fast enough. I needed help tracking him. Please, Isabelle. Help me." Magnus begged. Izzy's resolve broke and she moved away from Magnus with a nod.

"Do you have something we can track him with?" Jace asked.

"Um... Yes. I do." Magnus dug deep into his pocket and pulled out a little ring. A promise ring that Magnus had bought for him on their one-year anniversary. He found it on the floor near the door.

"His ring. He never takes it off." Jace observed.

"I know," Magnus whispered. "I'd like to try Isabelle first if that's alright. You and Alec, Jace, do have a stronger bond but I want to try Isabelle first to see if it's necessary to have something stronger." Magnus explained. Jace nodded and took a step back.

"What do I do?" Izzy asked. Magnus told her that all she needed to do was focus on the person they wanted to track. To think of their strongest memory of that person. Izzy nodded.

Magnus dug around in his mind for a memory and soon he landed on the look on Alec's face when Magnus gave him the ring. The way his pristine blue eyes lit up with excitement and happiness. Izzy and Magnus locked eyes and linked hands. Izzy had drawn the tracking rune on her hand and Magnus started to perform magic to enhance the power of the rune.

They were stood for about five minutes and still, however, nothing came to mind and neither of the two of them could see where Alec was. Izzy got frustrated and pulled back. Magnus looked over at Jace and he nodded, taking the place where Izzy had been moments before. With Jace already prepared with the tracking rune, the two linked hands and tried again. Still nothing. With frustration, Jace yanked his hands away and punched a wall.

"WHERE THE FUCK IS HE?!" Jace yelled.

"What's going on out here?!" yelled a voice from the end of the corridor. Clary, Maryse, and Robert. They had no idea.

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