Chapter 11: Rescuing Alexander

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A/N: We're coming to a close here but not without a few more twists. I like cliffhangers, just so you know. Anywho, more Malec above along with Oogway's Legacy from Kung Fu Panda Three piano tutorial.


Chapter 11: Rescuing Alexander

"All arms!" Robert called out to all the listening in Shadowhunters aiding in Alec's rescue. "Weapons and armour and all!" Shadowhunters started running around in an organised chaos to gather weapons, armour and get prepared. Magnus flicked his wrist and kitted himself out. Jace, Izzy and Clary got ready pretty quickly. Clary handed an ear piece to Magnus, Jace and Izzy, courtesy of Simon who wasn't joining them in the field but was watching from the Institute and giving them information.

When everyone was ready, Magnus opened the portal to the outer area of the place where Alec was. "Simon?" Izzy called out to her boyfriend.

"Systems online, just need the cameras to be set." Simon replied from his place at the computers.

"Cameramen, have your cameras been checked and do you know where you're setting up? The cameras are vital for Simon and us." Izzy asked the crowd of waiting Shadowhunters. Ten Shadowhunters raised their cameras in the air.

"Let's go then." Magnus mumbled to Maryse, who was stood beside him. Maryse raised her hand and signalled everyone to go through. Silently, the Shadowhunters flooded through followed by Maryse and Robert, then Izzy, Clary, Jace and finally Magnus.


"That's the place. Signal the cameras." Magnus whispered to Izzy who was crouched beside him. Izzy gave a quick hand signal and the ten cameramen ran off in their associated directions. Magnus activated his ear piece. "We're in place and the cameras are off." Magnus mumbled.

"Rodger." came Simon's voice. There was a pause. "Camera one is activated." Pause. "Camera three." Pause. "Nine. "Pause. "Four... Ten... Six... Eight... Two... Five... Seven. All activated. The operation is a go." Simon confirmed. Magnus looked at Izzy and she nodded. She made eye contact with Jace and Clary and the four set off to scout ahead. A few minutes later, the distraction came. The waiting Shadowhunters had instigated the battle. With that in place, weapons at the ready, the four headed right for the huge house that sat in the middle of the rolling hills.


Alec started hopefully out of the barred window that sat above his bed down at the fight scene below him. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?! WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?!" Lucca yelled from the door. Alec spun unsteadily on the bed to look at Lucca fearfully. His teeth were fully out and he was snarling.

"I didn't do anything!" Alec retaliated. Lucca lunged forward and grabbed Alec by the neck, slamming him against the wall. Lucca was considerably taller than him.

"LIAR LIAR LIAR!" Lucca screamed, tightening his grip. Alec reached up and gripped Lucca's wrist as he gasped for breath. In one swift clench, Alec crushed Lucca's wrist beneath his hand. Lucca removed his hand with a scream and Alec inhaled deeply, coughing. Alec didn't dare run. Not again. Mere minutes later, Lucca's wrist was healed and he was advancing on Alec who's back hit the wall.

"Please! I swear! I didn't tell them anything! How could I?" Alec tried. Lucca ignored his attempts at reason and was about to pounce again but froze, head facing the door.

"Someone is here." he breathed, reached forward and grabbing Alec's wrists, twisting him around and pinning him up against the wall. Alec felt something sharp and painful attach his wrists together. He was pulled back and forced to face the door, one of Lucca's arms around his waist.

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