Chapter 3: By The Angel

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A/N: I don't think there is any spoilers but can never be too careful. Anyway, Can You Feel The Love Tonight (Heh. Irony) from the Lion King piano cover is above with MORE MALEC! The Malec picture involves my favourite quote from the books and I very nearly cried at this point. This one is a little shorter, sorry about that, just a filler... Kind of... Does have a major plot point in it though so I guess it isn't a filler...


"Morning Alexander, darling!" Hearing someone that wasn't Magnus wake him up, call him Alexander and darling made Alec seethe.

"I said you don't have that right to call me-" Alec growled before he got cut off with a shock that resonated through his spine, rendering him temporarily paralysed. But, Alec being Alec, didn't allow Lucca to see him flinch or yelp. So, all he did was gasp and tense.

"I have every right." Lucca growled. Alec lowered his gaze to the floor. "Tell me, darling, why are you not in bed, resting? Why are you up against the wall, just sat there?" Lucca asked, cocking his head to the side. Lucca crouched down and placed a hand under Alec's chin, causing Alec to almost, very almost, recoil from the touch. Lucca tilted Alec's head to look up at him. Lucca gasped. "Oh, my beautiful boy!" Lucca exclaimed. I am not yours. I am Magnus's and Magnus is mine. Always. "You look exhausted! Come come!" Lucca pulled Alec up, guiding him to the bed. "Lie down, please!" Lucca begged when Alec wouldn't. All he did was stare at the bed with hate. A hate that burned in Alec's chest. A hate that made him want to scream. A hate that made him want to lash out and break something. A hate that forced Alec to stand still and just... Stare... "Alexander? Darling?" Lucca tried. Alec flipped.

"DO NOT CALL ME THAT!" Alec screamed, shoving Lucca away from him and making a break for the door. Alec threw himself at the door, willing for it to open. A pair of arms wrapped around Alec's waist and pulled him back. Bad move. Alec was a Shadowhunter. One of the best, as he's been told. Quick. Agile. Strong.

Alec grabbed Lucca's hands and bent them back, causing Lucca's grip to release a little. Alec span, twisting Lucca's arms in the process and he ducked down so his shoulder was in line with Lucca's waist before, at the last second, flipping Lucca over his shoulder but not letting go of Lucca's wrists. He heard two loud cracks that resonated from Lucca's shoulders. With a loud scream, the vampire crashed to the ground behind Alec. Swiftly, Alec returned to the door and started to shoulder it, desperate for it to open. He heard something crack and on the following hit, the door swung open with a loud thud. Alec ran. Not caring where he was going but he ran. Down one flight of stairs, and another, then a third.

At the end of the hallway that Alec had begun to run down sat a large door. A wooden one at that. Alec's stomach flipped in relief and he picked up the pace. Alec grabbed the door handle and threw the door open and he scanned his surroundings quickly. Where the hell was he?

"Alexander." came the low snarl from behind him. Alec jumped and vaulted away before sprinting away again. The landscape around the house was pure fields and hills. He was literally, in the middle of nowhere.

Alec, in his state of panic, had forgotten one simple thing about vampires. They run at least five times faster than a mundane. Which means about three times faster than a Nephilim. Lucca was soon in front of him, causing Alec to skid to a halt. Before the Shadowhunter could turn and run the other direction. Lucca stepped forward and grabbed Alec around the waist and pulled him closer.

Moments later, they were back in the main hallway that Alec had been running down not long prior, Alec being thrown down to the floor with Lucca leering over him. "Bad, bad boy Alexander. Naughty boy." Lucca hissed. Lucca grabbed Alec's wrist and hauled him to his feet, dragging him off into an adjacent room. Inside the room was a table and torture instruments lining the walls. Alec panicked, dug his heels into the ground and refused to move. A cold sweat set in. With what sounded vaguely like a growl, Lucca gave a harsh pull on Alec's arm, causing the boy and stumble forward. Lucca managed to get Alec onto the table and tied his limbs down. Alec knew now struggling wasn't going to do him any good. Lucca grabbed a knife from the side and slid the blade down the front of Alec's shirt, slicing it open and revealing his scarred, runed, pale chest. "Hmm." he heard Lucca sigh. "If I do recollect, I believe that this rune is the Parabatai rune?" Lucca asked. Alec tensed. "So it is then? Wonderful." The blade started at the top of the rune, dug in, drawing blood and a sharp intake of breath from Alec before it began tracing the rune.


"Oh come ON Izzy!" Jace sighed. "We have scanned Manhattan multiple times! Magnus has already ruled out Brooklyn, even if he is researching, and he has his eyes in Great Britain, Asia and Oceania. We have alerted the Clave and they're on the lookout, not to mention we have the Silent Brothers scouring the minds of everyone known in existence and you still think he's here, in New York?"

"There is every chance that we missed him!" Izzy shouted.

"NOT HELPING!" Magnus yelled. He was trying to focus his tracking spell the best he could but with Izzy and Jace going at each other's throats, it wasn't working. He was scanning small sections of Brooklyn at a time, as demanded by Robert, to try and get a bigger picture of any clues. Anything at all. There were a few people who had decided to search Magnus's loft in the hopes of something to help. Izzy and Jace mumbled a quick sorry.

Magnus was slowly scanning the area around his loft when Jace made a pained sound, breaking Magnus's focus. Magnus turned to look at Jace to see his clutching his collarbone. In the exact place his Parabatai rune was. Izzy placed a hand on Jace's shoulder as his shoulders tensed up. "Jace? Is everything alright?" Izzy asked.

"My rune." Jace forced out through gritted teeth.

"What about it?" Magnus asked.

"It's burning." Jace explained seconds before letting out a long, piercing scream that caused him to collapse to his knees. Izzy fell with him.

Magnus noticed it first. "Oh no." he whispered. The Izzy saw it.

"By the Angel." she breathed. Blood was seeping through Jace's shirt. Izzy pulled the shirt down at the shoulder revealing the rune. The rune that was being cut by something that none of them could see. It was being traced exactly. Every last black line. Everyone watched with a fear, a curiousness.

The moment the last line was finished, Jace let out another long, loud, scream of agonising pain. He was scrabbling at his neck, almost like he was trying to tear the rune away from his skin. Izzy was trying to restrain him. "Jace! Jace stop!" Izzy yelled. The rune was slowly turning red. Like it was burning. Other Shadowhunters rushed to Jace's aid and grabbed him as he writhed around, gripping his collar bone.

"Alexander." It was the only thing Magnus knew could be causing this.

After what felt like forever, Jace finally stopped screaming. Shadowhunters around him were carefully easing him up onto his feet and finally, Clary appeared. She's been looking on with an immense fear. She scanned his face before lowering her gaze to his neck and gasped. There was no longer a rune there. Only angry, bleeding cuts that had traced the rune.

"Oh shit." Clary swore before looking back up at the panting, sobbing Jace, who, moments later, collapsed.

"What... What..." Izzy tried. Magnus moved over to her as she began to cry. "He's dead! He's... He's dead!" she cried, turning herself to bury her face into Magnus's shoulder who held her willingly.

"He's not dead. He's stronger than that. It looked more like someone was severing their connection, making it harder to track him. Alexander is not dead." Magnus told her firmly, even though he was heavily doubting himself.

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