Epilogue part 2: Surprise?

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A/N: We did it guys! 1k reads! Thank you all so much for sticking by me! Anyway, big twist in this FINAL CHAPTER OF MY STORY! NO MORE ON THIS! I do apologise but I won't be gone for long. I promise you that. Anyway, like normal and for the LAST TIME THIS STORY we have Malec above plus, my all time favourite music, Ori and the Blind Forest game soundtrack medley piano tutorial. I guess, I'll see you in the next story then.


When Alec woke, he was lying in the infirmary. There, sat beside him in a chair fast asleep, was Magnus. Alec grinned. "I'm definitely feeling major déjà vu."

Magnus grumbled something before his eyes slid open. He blinked a few times before he properly saw Alec. "You're awake!" Magnus announced.

"I hadn't noticed." Alec joked.

"What you did Alexander, that was dangerous." Magnus spoke, his tone instantly getting serious.

"Yes. I know. But I did it for the good of the world. Now Abaddon's lost in Hell again." Alec sighed, running a hand down his left cheek and grunting slightly as pain shot through his back as his arm moved. Magnus pushed himself up from his seat beside Alec and onto the bed, carefully moving Alec so he was bent over forward. Magnus placed a hand over Alec's wound and took the pain away for him. "Thanks." Alec mumbled, laying down again. The door suddenly flew open.

"ALEC! YOU'RE AWAKE!" Kai cried, running over to Alec's beside.

"Hey little one." Alec chuckled as Kai grabbed Alec and hugged him tightly.

"Thank the Angel Alec!" Reuben, as he was the older he didn't get worked up, sighed.

"Alec, I going to be the one that says it as no-one else will. What you did was dangerous," Lexi began, ticking off the points on her hand. Alec rolled his eyes. "And FREAKING EPIC! That was so cool!" Lexi jumped onto Alec's bed by his feet. Alec grinned widely. "When you did the jump down, with the cry and the arms above your head, that was awesome!"

"Yeah! Yeah! And the way you clung onto your blade which was stuck into Abaddon's neck, that was so cool" Kai agreed.

"I have to admit, even by my standards, that was pretty neat." Reuben agreed.

"Why thank you, you three. I promise I'll be back up and on my feet soon. We can train... How about next week?" Alec suggested.

"HELL YEAH! Can I go spar with Reuben now? We were waiting for you to wake up because you were out for so long." Kai admitted sheepishly.

"Yes, you and Reuben can go and spar now. Lexi, go with them. Make sure to come to me immediately if something goes wrong." Alec ordered, sternly as the two young Lewis's ran out the door. Lexi nodded and dashed after them, leaving the old Nephilim and the even older Warlock alone.

"How long have I been unconscious, Magnus?" Alec asked, quietly.

"Three days." Magnus responded, his tone matching Alec's. Alec closed his eyes with exasperation.

"Three days." Alec repeated. Alec felt the bed shift as Magnus moved to prop himself up against the headboard. Alec moved so he was curled up against Magnus's side.

"I thought I did something wrong. It didn't take that long before." Magnus murmured into Alec's hair as he gently stroked the smaller boy's ebony locks.

"Didn't meant to scare you like that." Alec mumbled back. Alec felt the warm body under him rumble slightly as he laughed.

"You're a Shadowhunter, Alexander. You scare me every day you go out on patrol." Magnus smiled. Alec laughed a little before he fully relaxed into Magnus, Magnus's hand in his hair.

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