Chapter 15: Hello Again

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A/N: Ups and downs and I think I mentioned I liked cliff hangers. Anyway, as always, Malec above plus a Gravity Falls medley piano tutorial. SO! Few things to note down. This story is coming to a close very soon now. We have maybe two or three chapters remaining of this. So, I must ask something of you. What big ship should I write about next or should I keep my page exclusively for Malec. I also need ideas on what you guys want to see so please leave a comment on what ship I should right next plus a story line and I can work on that. Thank you all for sticking with me through this story and I really hope you enjoyed it.


Alec sidestepped Jace's stab manoeuvre and grabbed his wrist, spinning it around, causing Jace to cry out. Jace dropped the blade. In one swift movement, Alec flipped Jace over his arm and held his own blade to the fallen Shadowhunter's neck. "Even when you're injured and mentally scarred, you're still better than me." Jace joked as Alec helped him up off the floor.

"You're going easy on me." Alec mumbled. Jace flexed his hand. "I didn't hurt you, did I?"

Jace waved off the comment. "Nah. I'm fine." He pulled out his stele and drew a quick Iratze on his arm, healing his wrist. "Believe me, if I was going easy on you, that whole battle we just did would've been over ten minutes ago!"

"Touché." Alec agreed.

"Do you want to do some target practice?" Jace asked. Alec shrugged and grabbed his bow and sheathing his sword into his belt as Jace set up the target. "Straight shot."

Alec huffed. "Make it easy for me why don't you." he grumbled, taking the simple shot and hitting the bullseye.

"OK then. Want a challenge?" Jace asked.

"Yes. Challenge me!" Alec complained, taking the shot again and hitting directly next to the first one.

"Alright then. Lower your bow and give me your arrows." Jace instructed.

"What?" Alec asked incredulously.

"I'm intrigued to see how this turns out." Magnus voiced from the sidelines.

"I agree." Alec admitted, lowering his bow and handing his quiver to Jace. Jace removed all of Alec's arrows and changed them over to be his other training arrows. The soft tipped ones that didn't hurt when it hit someone.

"Let's train up your hearing because that was always your downfall. Magnus, come here." Jace told and Magnus made his way onto the training floor. "ISABELLE!" Jace yelled causing Alec to flinch away with a grunt.

"WHAT?!" Izzy replied and appeared in the door.

"Join us for training? We're training Alec's hearing up." Jace requested. Izzy nodded. "Call Clary." Izzy did and soon, Clary joined them. The four circled around him. "As we don't have the blindfold and I'm too lazy to go search for it, Magnus can you temporarily blind him?" Jace asked. Magnus looked at Alec.

"Do you trust me?" he asked. Alec nodded so Magnus performed the magic and slowly Alec's vision blacked.

"If he hits you, you're out." Jace explained and everyone went silent. Alec slowly, silently, pulled and arrow and knocked it in, listening intently to someone moving. He heard someone on his left take a single step forward and Alec spun, letting lose the arrow. Someone cried out. "Clary is OUT!" Jace announced from behind him. Alec spun, knocking a second arrow. He raised it to where he thought he heard Jace but he was expecting him to move. Someone let out a loud swear on his right and Alec turned and fired. "There goes Isabelle." Jace announced from behind him.

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