Chapter 4: The Broken Bond

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A/N: Yep. Definite spoilers. The first freaking paragraph is spoilers of the last book. Anywho, Malec above, as always plus Raggedy Man, Goodnight from Doctor Who (one of the best British TV shows out there) piano.



It burned. It burned like hells gates, and Alec had been there once before. A memory he'd rather never remember again. Magnus, barely alive. Sebastian, or Jonathon as he was, dying. Asmodeus, bargaining. Magnus, willing his own life away from Alec. Oh, how Alec wished those memories away. Oh, how Alec wished that Magnus would hurry up and find him.

"Is that not a lot better?" Lucca asked, tracing his finger over the sensitive Parabatai rune, causing Alec to flinch. "No more Parabatai weighing you down?"

"What do you mean by that?" Alec breathed through his teeth.

"I figured out how to free you from your egotistical Parabatai!" Lucca beamed, excitedly.

"You. Did. WHAT?!" Alec growled. It didn't take long for the dizziness to slowly set in. "Do you know what that can do to me?" Alec asked, his voice breaking and becoming weaker rapidly.

"Yes. Yes, I do. Now, you are going to listen to me. You will not think about your past life. I have removed what was keeping you from moving on. So now, move on. You will. Do you hear me?" Lucca snarled. In his barely conscious state, Alec could only nod. The darkness overcame him faster than Jace to perform a perfect spin kick and he passed out, still tied down to that table.


"He's still out and the rune is fading. The Silent Brothers are looking into it and trying out new runes to see if there's anything they can do about it without Alec being here. They're struggling." Izzy explained, sitting down beside Magnus, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"He was there. He was moments away from me and I couldn't get to him." Magnus mumbled into his hands.

"Magnus, you did what you could. Don't beat yourself up." Izzy tried.

"It's my fault. I should've done something!" Magnus began to shake with anger and fear. Izzy noticed that Magnus began to shake and carefully pulled him into an embrace which, to her surprise, Magnus didn't fight.

"We're doing everything we can. I promise you. Take a few deep breaths. Alec is a fighter. You know this. He's not going to go down without a fight. He's strong. Emotionally and physically." Izzy soothed, gently stroking Magnus's back.

"I know. But then there's Jace." Magnus spat.

"Jace is physically stronger but the way to beat Jace is to mention family and friends. Especially Clary and Alec. With Alec, you show him anything heart-breaking about us, it'll make him angrier and he'll fight and only become overcome after he's won. But, it makes it harder, yes, even more so if it's about you or Jace but he fights like there's no tomorrow. I've seen it." Izzy explained. Magnus nodded slowly. "I'm scared to Magnus. He's my brother. I love him too."

"I should be there to protect him. Like he's there to protect me." Magnus sighed, pushing himself away from Izzy.

"We all should've protected him. Paid back the favour." Izzy smiled, half-heartedly.

Isabelle Lightwood. Magnus Bane. We wish to talk with you. A voice sounded in their heads.

"Duty calls." Izzy groaned, standing and aiding Magnus up who stood on shaking knees.

"Indeed it does." Magnus agreed as they opened the doors to the infirmary where Jace lay. He looked pale, deathly pale.

"What's the outcome?" Izzy asked, regaining her natural Shadowhunter stance. Magnus had drawn himself up to, into the High Warlock he normally was.

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