Chapter 10: The Potion

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A/N: More spoilers. MALEC above plus Home from the game Undertale piano tutorial. Please keep you story idea suggestions coming in. I need all the help I can get and I really appreciate your awesome feedback.


"Oh, Alexander dear. Where are you hiding now?" the sly voice of Lucca drawled out.

"In here," Alec called out reluctantly. "As usual." he added quietly.

"Aah! There you are! I have a present for you." Lucca's voice was genuinely excited which made Alec's stomach drop.

"W...What?" he asked.

"Here!" Lucca held out a phial of purple, glimmering liquid.

"What is it?" Alec questioned, taking the phial and smelling it. It smelt quite nice actually and Alec was hungry.

"It is a surprise! Drink it!" Lucca encouraged. Alec raised the concoction to his lips and looked at Lucca before lowering it.

"Are you sure it's safe?" he asked.

"Oh, darling. I have tested it before and I promise you, it is safe with no side effects." Lucca explained. "You will not even lose your runes or become a mundane!" Alec raised the drink again and sipped it. It tasted sweet. "All of it." Alec sighed and downed the drink in one. Living with Jace and Izzy had its upsides.

Something in Alec's chest started to churn and he started to feel incredibly ill. His legs started to tremble and his knees gave out below him. Lucca surged forward and caught Alec in his arms. Alec's vision began to blur and his mind stopped working as it should. "Whaa..." Alec slurred, not being able to form a full sentence.

"I said you wouldn't lose your runes." Lucca grinned mischievously. "It will be over soon." Alec's head lulled back against Lucca's shoulder and passed out.


There was a quite humming in Alec's ears that wasn't like the buzzing he got when he wakes up after a particularly dangerous hunt that left him unconscious. This humming was tuneful. It had a beautiful haunting melody and Alec recognised it. It was a Shadowhunter Hymn that Alec had learnt himself a long time prior. Alec's head was on someone's lap and there was a soft breeze blowing through his hair. He was content and didn't want to open his eyes. When he did, however, it wasn't Lucca that was running a hand through his hair softly and singing to him. It was someone that Alec knew well and had probably heard him many times sing that melody that they were humming. Alec looked straight into a pair of gold-green cat eyes. "Magnus." Alec breathed, shooting up only to fall back down with a thud. Magnus smiled softly and ceased his humming.

"Alexander." Magnus whispered, moving his hand from Alec's hair and gently stroking his face.

"Where... Where am I? Did you get me out?" Alec asked hopefully. Magnus's soft smile fell from him lips and Magnus raised his head from looking at Alec's and instead, looked ahead.

"I wish I have, Alexander darling. Only, this is not reality." Magnus spoke, sadly.

"Then where-"

"You're dreaming Alexander." Magnus interrupted. Alec carefully pushed himself up and moved so he could look into Magnus's eyes again.

"How is it, that you always know when I'm dreaming? In hell when the demon showed me what my deepest dream was, you snapped me out of it. Told me to wake up." Alec mumbled quietly. Magnus reached forward and took Alec's hands.

"Perks of being a Warlock." Alec gave a quiet laugh. "Look around you, Alexander. Does this look like reality to you?" Magnus asked. Alec drew his eyes away from Magnus's and looked around. They were alone in what looked like Central Park. Alec looked up and saw the sun high in the sky. Midday.

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