Epilogue part 1: Deja Vu

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A/N: This be the penultimate chapter! Don't worry, once this story is done, you won't have to wait long for the next to pop up and shout boo! Anyway, this is set in the future with a bunch of characters of my own creation. Yes, the original people, Izzy, Simon, Clary, Jace, Maryse and Robert are all dead at this point. Sorry! Anyway, we've got a beautiful image of MALEC above plus Heart of Courage from Two Steps From Hell piano tutorial above. I have one request for a main story next but, I need input here, should I do a oneshot set of Malec, Sizzy, Clace and maybe, is requested, Climon, Jimon and Jalec? Please give me input here. Anyway, enjoy the penultimate chapter!


100 years later

Lexi Herondale had never seen something quite so beautiful in her entire life. Everyone who was stood around her was in awe. She, Rueben Lewis and Kai Lewis had never seen their trainers train before and it was something they'd wish to see again. The three young teen Nephilim were bored and so went to train a little earlier than normal only to stumble into their trainers, Alexander Bane and Magnus Bane, training.

They worked together like a Parabatai would. Alec was flipping and weaving around Magnus's magic that was glittering beautifully. Alec was using his bow and arrow and the two aimed at the same target as each other. The grace in Alec's flips and lands were extraordinary. The precision and movement of Magnus's hands were mesmerising. None of the three could look away. The time they'd been standing there, as Lexi was counting, Magnus had hit the bullseye nine times and Alec thirteen.

It ended when Alec jumped upwards incredibly high and Magnus shot a killing blow, splitting the board in two. Alec landed down on one knee with Magnus behind him. Alec noticed the damaged and spun to look at Magnus. "That's the third target this week Magnus! Calm down!"

"I get over excited." Magnus shrugged.

"That was amazing!" Kai exclaimed, causing Magnus to jump backwards.

"Thank you, Kai." Magnus grinned after composing himself.

"That was... Astounding! How on the earth can you do that?! Are you mentally liked or something?!" Rueben cried, running forward and searching Magnus's arms for any signs of runes. None came to view.

"Nope. Just a lot of practice. I am one hundred and eighteen you know. Magnus is nearly Nine hundred-"

"I'm eight hundred and ninety-three thank you." Magnus sniffed indignantly.

"Alright then, Magnus is eight hundred and ninety-three. You pick up things when you've been around a lot, you know." Alec explained, hanging his bow up and pulling out his stele.

"You have GOT to teach us that!" Kai insisted, glaring harshly at Alec who only raised an eyebrow. "Or you'll regret it."

"Just like your grandmother. Listen, Kai. You can threaten me all you like but it's going to take more than that to intimidate me." Alec smirked, crossing his arms and leaning back against the wall.

"Hmph." Kai grunted, turning to glare at Magnus instead.

"Listen short-ass-"

"I AM NOT SHORT!" Kai yelled. There was the quiet chuckling from Reuben behind him.

"You are to me. Anyway, I do what Alexander tells me. If he says no, I say no. Got it?" Magnus spoke sternly.


"Kai, calm down." Lexi decided to intervene.

"But... But..."

"No buts Kai. They say no and you know what they can do. They are head and co-head of the institute."

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