Chapter 9: Runes and Scars

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A/N: Spoilers as normal. MALEC MALEC MALEC along with an Avatar Medley piano tutorial above. Also, I am slowly getting a bad case of writers block so I'm asking for my faithful readers's assistance. Please help me out as to what you guys want to see. Comment what you think would work in here. I'm losing it.


"I have always wanted to know what each rune means." Lucca sighed as he and Alec lay on the bed together. Alec was trying to best to relax but with Lucca's disgusting arms around his waist, he couldn't.

"Why?" Alec asked.

"Shadowhunters fascinate me more than most people of the Shadow World. I have always wanted to know what Shadowhunters need runes for." Lucca explained. Lucca ran his hands up Alec's scratched chest and rested on one that rested over Alec's chest. He traced his softly. "What is this one?"

"That? That's my Courage in Combat rune." Alec spoke.

"This one?" Lucca traced the one on Alec's neck. That one. Alec thought That's Magnus's favourite.

"That's my Vision rune. It's basically my night vision rune."

"This one?"

"My Knowledge rune."

"Hmm. This?"


"And what about this one?"


"This?" Lucca traced the rune on the back of Alec's right hand.

"That? Oh. That's my Voyance rune."

"I do believe that that is not it's full name." Lucca teased.

With a sigh, Alec responded. "It's called the Clairvoyant Sight, Voyance for short. It's my Shadowhunter rune. It's what allows me to see through glamours and spot what's a demon and what's not."

"Aah. So it is your most important rune huh?" Lucca asked, amusement in his voice. Alec nodded hesitantly. "Without it, you are a failed Shadowhunter?" Alec nodded again. "Hmm. How did you get that scar?" Lucca asked, gently pressed down on a scar that started at Alec's left shoulder and landed on his wrist.

"I got that whilst fighting a demon, a long time ago. I was about thirteen and I miscalculated a jump and got scratched whilst attempting a stab." Alec explained.

"This?" Lucca asked, running his hand along Alec's scar that ran the length of his neck.

"Oh, that. That's just a mistake training. It wasn't that serious. Just there because it was somewhat deep. Nothing an Iratze couldn't fix." Alec spoke offhandedly.

"Iratze? The healing rune?"

"Yeah. That one." Alec was starting to feel dirty with the feeling of this disgusting man's hands touching him all over his neck and chest. He felt like he needed a shower.

"And this?" Lucca asked as he traced the long, ragged scar the lay across his stomach and up his chest. The three nail marks placed there by Abaddon.

"That's from my fight against the Greater Demon Abaddon." Alec said.

"Oh. That demon is dangerous you know." Lucca teased.

"I know. I got on the other end of its nails. Poisoned me at that. If it wasn't for... For the help of a Warlock then, I would've died. Us Shadowhunters don't have a rune to heal poisoned wounds. They stay wounds even against an Iratze and Iratzes don't stop the poison. Only magic can draw that stuff out." Alec explained, reminiscing the excruciating pain that followed the slash across his torso. The thud and pain in his head as he landed against the wall of the foyer. The crack in his leg as he landed heavily on the floor. The panic in Jace's eyes as he fretted over Alec's slowly dying form. The feeling of his own blood bubbling in his mouth and trickling down his cheek. The darkness ebbing at his vision before he passed out. Waking up in the infirmary with Magnus sat by his side, sleeping.

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