Chapter 18: The Hearing

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A/N: Welp, coming to a close. Most things are explained in this chaper. I think there will be one last chapter, maybe one plus an epilogue of something like 100 years later, I don't know. Thoughts? Anyway, we've got, as always, MORE MALEC plus Requiem for a Dream piano tutorial above because I believe the intensity of it and the beauty fits something you;d have at a trial. I wouldn't know. I've never been to one!


"Believe me, Alec. I don't want to do this either, but we don't have a choice if we want to get Camille arrested for what part she played in all of this." Magnus tried, placing a hand on the small of Alec's back, who was lying face down on the bed they slept in.

"I can't do this, Magnus. What if I mess up? What if I break under the pressure? What if I say something wrong?" Alec fretted, still lying face down. Magnus trailed his hand soothingly up and down Alec's back.

"Alec dear, the more you stress, the worse it's going to be. You can do this." Magnus murmured.

"No I can't!" Alec cried, spinning around and sitting. "I can't do this because I don't know what part she played!"

"I've explained." Magnus sighed.

"How can I believe you?" Alec mumbled, looking down.

"Alexander, you said before that you trust me, why does it change now?" Magnus asked, hiding the hurt from his voice.

"It doesn't. I'm sorry. I shouldn't've said that." Alec grumbled. Magnus placed a hand on Alec's shoulder.

"It's ok. I understand." Magnus encouraged. Alec angrily pushed himself up and started pacing. Magnus looked on, warily keeping an eye on Alec's wound. It was covered by a bandage he had to wear at night but that didn't stop it from opening when he did anything strenuous. "Alec, sit-"

"I'm such an idiot!" Alec interrupted. Magnus stayed silent to hear him out. "Why do I have to be such an idiot?! Why is it so hard to do a trial where all I have to do it tell the truth?! What the hell is my problem?!"

"Alexander, there is nothing wrong with you. You just don't want to mess up." Magnus whispered, standing up and stopping Alec in his tracks, placing his hands on Alec's shoulders. Alec sighed heavily and hung his head. It wasn't long before his head shot up, his eyes wide. "What, what is it?" Magnus asked.

"I'm bleeding." Alec replied. Magnus sighed before ordering Alec to lie back on the bed. Alec did so and carefully, Magnus peeled the bandage back. Sure enough, Alec's wound had opened. Magnus hovered his hand over it and administered the required magic to heal it, making sure not to give more than necessary.

"There we go." Magnus smiled once he was done.

"Why don't you just heal it all the way?" Alec complained, sitting up slowly. Magnus stood and made his way over to Alec's clothing pile and handed him a shirt.

"That dose of magic Catarina used on you was a dangerous amount. All I can do is heal it to stop it from bleeding if it opens because if I try to heal it fully, I could over dose you on magic, which could kill you. We've got to wait until we're absolutely sure that you have been cleared of all magic in your system." Magnus explained, changing his own clothes to a black suit. He decided against makeup.

"I see." Alec mused. There was a sharp knock on the door that made Magnus jump. He heard Alec snort with laughter from behind him. Magnus span to glare at him.

"Open up you two. You've been alone in there for too long and I don't much appreciate it." a voice snarled. Robert. Alec mumbled something that Magnus didn't hear.

"Sorry, Mr Lightwood. Alec managed to open his wound whilst pacing around, in a panic." Magnus explained.

"Likely story. Just, hurry up and get out here. We have to be there in an hour and Alec needs to eat." Robert growled. There was going away footsteps.

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