Chapter 6: Alec

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A/N: More spoilers. This Is Halloween from The Nightmare Before Christmas piano cover above with more Malec.



Everything on Alec's body hurt. His wrists from being pinned down. His chest was covered in fresh and bleeding scratches. His hips were gaining dark blue finger-like bruises. His cheeks were stained with red tear tracks that he'd cried out from fear and agonising pain. His throat burned from screaming and begging. His tongue dry and his lips painfully swollen. The only way that Alec could lie without being in any pain consisted of him staring straight up at the ceiling. He was alone. Lucca had left not long after, locking the door behind him. Not that it mattered. Alec was in too much pain to even try to move. So instead, he closed his eyes and tried to sleep. Without a Stele, Alec couldn't perform an Iratze so he remained in pain for the rest of the night.


"Good morning Alexander darling!" Lucca's cheery voice rung into the room, causing Alec to sit upright quickly before rolling his eyes and falling back into the bed with a short grunt. "Last night was fun, was it not?" Lucca winked. Alec felt his lip curl back into a snarl but he repressed it before any sound came out.

"Yes." Alec spoke, plastering a fake smile on his face. His voice was still hoarse. Lucca picked up on it and sat beside him on the bed.

"Do you need some water?" he asked, concern on his features.

"If it isn't a bother."

"Alexander, you could never bother me. You forget this." Lucca sighed, standing and leaving the room for a few minutes before returning with a glass in hand. He aided Alec into a sitting position and lifted the glass to his lips. Alec tipped his head back and allowed the cool liquid to soothe his painful throat. Once the glass had been drained, Alec lay himself down again. "So, darling, did you sleep well?" Lucca asked.

"Yes." Alec lied.

"Wonderful! So then you are well rested for today then?" Lucca asked, a hopeful note in his voice.

"Of course I am." Alec smiled, forcing the exasperation from his voice. Lucca grinned excitedly.

"Wonderful! Get dressed! I shall come and get you in a few minutes!" Lucca ran out the room and threw the door shut, locking it behind him. Alec pushed himself up, despite his body screaming at him to lay down again, stood up and limped over to the dresser in the corner of the room. He opened it and noticed there was a lot of blue in it. Alec allowed a small, sad smile to spread across his lips. Alec remembered a conversation he'd had with Magnus not long before he'd been taken.

'Come on Alec! Hurry up or we'll be late!' Magnus grinned from the door as Alec finished putting his shirt on.

'For once, I'm later than you.' Alec mumbled, smiling when he heard Magnus laugh. Alec headed for the door but Magnus stopped him.

'Whoa. Hold it Shadowhunter. You're going out in ALL black?' Magnus asked. Alec nodded slowly. 'You never learn, do you.' Magnus smiled, heading over to the wardrobe and pulling out a light blue scarf. 'Here. Wear this.' Alec wrapped the scarf around his neck and looked hopefully at Magnus. 'Perfect. It brings out the blue in your eyes.' Magnus's own cat eyes gleamed. Alec rolled his eyes.

'You have a problem.' Alec joked, gently poking Magnus in the chest.

'I do not!' Magnus cried, indignantly, grabbing Alec's hand and placing it in his own.

'No. You're right. You have an obsession.' Alec raised his free hand and traced Magnus's cheekbone with the back of his fingers. Magnus gave out a quiet purr with content. He closed his eyes and they stood like that for a time before Magnus spoke.

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