Chapter 5: Impossible

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A/N: Definite spoilers. And a lot of them. Just assume from now on that every chapter has spoilers so read the original book series, The Mortal Instruments, before proceeding further. More Malec above along with First Steps from Interstellar piano cover above. Plus I realise that this is an early one as I believe that the previous went up yesterday? But it's a weekend and I'm bored.


"No. You died! YOU WE'RE KILLED!" Magnus yelled.

"Clearly not, Magnus darling." the Vampire that stood before him drawled. Camille Belcourt. She was alive. How was unclear but there she was, in a tight black dress and a deep red lipstick lining her lips. "Do you want to know how I did it?"

"I don't care about that right now. Tell me, who entered my apartment or I swear, you will STAY dead this time." Magnus threatened.

"Always threatening. I could tell you, but there is no fun in that." Camille teased.

"Camille. I am not playing games. Alexander is in serious danger. Tell me now, who entered my loft." Magnus growled.

"My. What you'd do for the Shadowhunter who was so willing to betray you." Camille smiled with a sly smirk plastered on her face. Magnus emits a lot snarl.

"He may have wanted to take my immortality away but he also went to HELL for me. He risked his life for me, Camille. I forgave him a long time ago." Magnus explained, his voice becoming more and more impatient. Camille smiled a sick, twisted smile.

"I will tell you. But first, I require your services." She really was playing now.

"Camille. I am not going to pray on your pathetic whims!"

"You will of you want to see Alexander again."

Magnus let those words sink in in silence. "What... What do you want me to do?" Magnus asked quietly.

"Good. Very good." Camille breathed.

"Don't push your luck." Magnus hissed.

"Fine. I won't. I want you to bring me the head of my old Vampire Clan straight from Hotel Dumort if you will so indulge me." Camille requested. Magnus was about to retaliate, knowing that she would just kill the leader, Lily he believed her name was, immediately but then he remembered Alec. He remembered that Alec was missing and Jace was no longer connected so the longer he took at finding him, the more chance there was that Magnus would find his dead body turning up at his doorstep. He didn't want to see Alec dead. He couldn't see Alec dead.

"As you so wish." Magnus grumbled, turning to leave the room into the main section of the institute.

"Magnus, darling, what has happened to you? Are you seriously willing to risk your life and your title for a little Shadowhunter? He's not unlike any of those other pretty boys you've picked up in the past. Why do you care so much about this one?" Camille asked, her voice laced with actual questioning. Magnus paused, hand hovering over the door handle.

"I love him more than I loved the others. He means more to me than the others did. He's more than just another person to cure my loneliness. He's more than just another boy to add to my 'collection' as you've called it before. He's just... More than that. He's everything to me. He's saved my life, I've saved his. He's gone to Hell and back for me. I am not leaving him to die. I will never forgive myself." Magnus spoke softly. He opened the door and left Camille standing, looking slightly shell-shocked behind him.

Izzy, Zachariah and Jace were waiting. "Well?" Jace asked hopefully, his voice somehow cracking within that one syllable.

"She isn't giving me the information lightly." Magnus sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I have to... I have to bring her the head of the New York Vampire Clan. No second guesses on what she's planning to do."

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