Chapter 13: Breaking Through

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A/N: The poll is over! The final verdict came out as A. Alec is now immortal. I suppose then that's good for me because I don't have to write a harrowing Alec death scene or a moment where Alec forgets something that he did with Magnus and Magnus get's upset about it and finally, Alec forgets Magnus full stop. Coming to a close but I'm not done yet. I understand it's short. Thanks for the support. AND as usual, Malec above along with You Are My Sunshine by Jimmie Davis piano tutorial. The opportunity for the song arose therefore, I took it with open arms.


"He still hasn't spoken anything to anyone since we re-marked him with his Parabatai rune. Jace has tried to hold a conversation with him but it's one way. He listens, looks at you but refused to answer any questions. It's unnerving actually." Zachariah explained quietly when he joined Magnus in the library. Alec hadn't left Jace's room since the whole Lucca fiasco.

"Have the Silent Brothers tried?" Magnus asked.

"Yes. Yes, they have but not even they can get through to him. All he does is... Stare... Jace is flipping out. He's scared."

"Wouldn't we all be if our Parabatai wasn't speaking, just looking. That would be a little creepy." Magnus joked. Zachariah grinned, the two reminiscing the past.

"Magnus, you're the only one who hasn't tried yet. Maybe... Maybe you are the one he needs to talk to about this. I mean, you know what it's like." Zachariah sighed, the grin slipping from his face. Magnus nodded slowly.

"You're right. I guess I can try. How long has it been now since he found out?" Magnus asked.

"About two weeks. He doesn't eat, doesn't train, doesn't speak. He doesn't even read anymore. He looks dead." Zachariah said as they headed to Jace's room.

Before they even opened the door, a voice could be heard inside. "Please Alec, please eat something. You're killing yourself." It was Jace. There was a pause. "I don't care about your damn stele!" he cried, followed by a clatter as, Magnus guessed, Alec's stele was thrown from his hand to the floor. "A damned nourishment rune won't do shit! You have to eat!" Magnus knocked on the door and Jace answered. "Magnus, you have to help me. I've tried everything. I am so damn close forcing it down his throat." Jace growled.

"Can I speak with him alone?" Magnus requested. Jace nodded and stepped aside, leaving room for Magnus to enter.

"It'll be more like speaking to him but whatever." he mumbled and left, closing the door behind him. Magnus turned to the bed where he saw Alec sat, staring at him. His eyes held a hate that said 'are you going to try now. Good luck, Warlock.' Magnus took a deep breath.

"Alexander. I know that you are hurting." Magnus began, making his way over slowly, as though not a scare the Shadowhunter. Alec gave a huff and turned away. "Please, though, talk to me. I... I know what you feel right now. It's terrifying. Knowing that... Everyone you love is going to-" Magnus started.

"Don't." Alec forced out, angrily. Alec turned to look at Magnus, his eyes were wet and filled with sorrow. "Don't you dare say it."

"Alec, listen to me." Magnus tried.

"No! No, you listen!" Alec interrupted. "You are used to it! You are used to watching people you love die because you've been dealing with it for four hundred years! I do not want to hear what you have to say about getting through it! I do not want to hear about you and your pathetic story because it sounds like you want me to accept the death of my SISTER and my PARABATAI and you are solely mistaken, Downworlder." Alec yelled before turning away from Magnus. Magnus noticed how Alec's shoulders shook as he tried to take deep breaths. Magnus looked down for a moment.

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