Chapter 17: Arriving in Idris

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A/N: Keep your suggestions for the next story coming in. I like knowing what you want to read. That way, I can make it for you. Anyway, Angry and Dead Again not piano version, actual version, plus, of course, MALEC!


"Magnus, if you will." Maryse called out. Magnus, Alec, Maryse, Robert, Jace, Clary, Simon and Izzy were all on their way to Idris to testify the case against Camille and Lucca. However, Lucca was dead so the whole thing was based around Camille. With his free hand, that wasn't used to support Alec who hadn't fully healed from his stab wound, Magnus flicked his wrist and opened a portal to the Gard. Jace was the first to run through, followed swiftly by Clary, Izzy, Robert and Maryse-not before Robert gave Magnus a glare- Simon and finally Alec and Magnus. They were greeted by a few Shadowhunters on the other side.

"Mr Bane." one greeted as Magnus took the portal down. Magnus acknowledged the Shadowhunter with a quick nod. Magnus carefully shifted Alec in his grasp and aided Alec in limping down the stairs of the Gard.

"You don't have to help me you know. I can manage." Alec pointed out. Magnus shrugged.

"I know. But I want to and I don't want you to have an accident and hurt yourself again." Magnus mumbled. They fell into silence as the two made their way down the Gard and into the main courtyard outside. They were met with silence and staring Shadowhunters. Alec shifted uncomfortably and turned his head. Alec had never been good with confrontation. Even of the silent kind. Magnus felt anger rise in him. "Haven't any of you got anything better to do rather than stare." Magnus asked, his voice ringing clearly across the silent courtyard. No-one said anything. No-one moved.

"Magnus, don't bother." Alec murmured. "They're not going to move."

Magnus sighed. "What is the problem here?" Magnus asked. No-one responded. "Have you never seen him before?"

"It's just... He looks fine enough." one spoke up. There was a murmur of agreement. Alec must've sensed Magnus's anger.

"Magnus, don't." he whispered, grabbing Magnus's hand.

"Fine enough? He was stabbed you self-centred, narcissistic Shadowhunter!" Magnus cried.

"What's going on?" Jace asked, appearing at their side. Looking around, Magnus saw Izzy, Maryse, Robert, Clary and Simon looking on in concern. Robert was still looking at Magnus with a hateful expression. Magnus brushed it off. Neither had a chance to reply to Jace's question.

"Where's the proof?" another yelled. This time, Alec responded.

"Proof? You want proof I was stabbed with my own Seraph blade? You want proof that I was badly hurt whilst there?" Alec hissed.

"Alec-" Jace began, placing a hand on his Parabatai's shoulder. Alec ignored him.

"Here's your proof." Alec growled, moving away from Magnus slightly, hoisting up his shirt, showing the multiple scars that littered his chest plus the large, slowly healing wound in his stomach. There were a few gasps and a lot of murmurs. "Is that proof enough?!" Alec yelled. Everyone shut up. "Is that proof that I was stabbed? Is that proof that I nearly died? IS THAT PROOF ENOUGH FOR ALL OF YOU?!" No-one said a word. Alec forcefully pulled his shirt down. "Can we go?" Alec asked Magnus quietly.

"Yeah. Let's go and find your home shall we?" Magnus replied. Alec nodded and leant on Magnus again. They made their way across the courtyard, people parting as they went. Magnus felt Alec tense.

"What is this? The red sea?" Alec asked, his voice strained from anger. Magnus used his free hand and reached across his body and took Alec's hand. Alec relaxed a little.

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