Chapter 16: Losing Hope

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A/N: All aboard the feels train, chugga chugga, chugga chugga. I kid you not, I felt a pang of remorse for my readers whilst writing thing. I had a few comments saying that nothing had better happen so... Sorry guys. Love you. Plus, please leave a comment down below what you think I should do my next story on. What couple should I base it on? What story line should it have? Give me feedback, please. I'm useless at original ideas. Anywho, more Malec above plus Together or Not At All soundtrack from Doctor Who. This isn't a piano tutorial because I personally think it loses the beauty to it when it's played on the piano. It's only short.


"How is he?" Jace asked, walking into the infirmary where Magnus sat at a desk, surrounded by books.

"I've slowed down the process the Seraph blade was inducing while I look for an all-around cure but... It won't hold for long." Magnus replied. Magnus was tired. He hadn't slept all night after the incident. He had put a lot of magic into Alec in any attempt at healing the Nephilim. To no avail.

"Have you any luck?" Jace asked, his voice held a note of hope. Magnus sighed and set down the book in his hand, closing it.

"I've read through each book here nine times and there is nothing on how to heal a Shadowhunter with a Seraph blade wound. There is stuff on healing Downworlders and even mundanes but no. Nothing on Shadowhunters." Magnus explained, placing his head in his hands. Jace sat beside Alec.

"There is nothing? Are you sure?" Jace questioned, not taking his eyes off the unconscious boy's face.

"I've contacted Catarina Loss from the Beth Israel Hospital so hopefully, she gets my message and gets back to me soon. But for now, there is nothing." Magnus could feel his throat clogging up. Magnus heard Jace inhale raggedly.

"You've done all you can. Thank you, Magnus." Jace whispered. "For everything. Thank you for all the times you've saved our lives. I never did thank you before."

"That'll be the sadness talking." Magnus joked. Jace gave a small huff of laughter. Magnus stood up and walked over to Alec, sitting beside him.

"What is actually happening to him?" Jace asked.

"Do you really want to know?" Magnus responded.

"Yes." Jace replied simply. Magnus nodded and looked at Alec. Alec's breathing was heavy and disjointed. He was in a lot of pain. Magnus stood up and hovered his hand over Alec's wound. He cast a quick enchantment of pain numbing and Alec's form relaxed. Magnus took Alec's hand in his own. It was cold but slick with sweat.

"A Shadowhunter isn't supposed to sustain a Seraph blade wound. You have angel blood in your veins and the Seraph blade is a weapon forged in the name of the Angel. Being wounded by one is one of the worst things that can happen."

"I've been hurt by a Seraph blade before though." Jace pointed out. "I've been injured during training before."

"Did it heal?"

"No. I had to heal it like a mundane would because no Iratze could heal it. Not even one Alec drew for me."

"There we go. You Shadowhunters can't heal yourselves when you have been hurt by one of your own weapons. Alec was stabbed by one. He's bleeding out, slowly, and there is no way to heal it. But there is something worse that's speeding up the process. Alec is... He's... Burning."

"I don't understand. Why?" Jace asked, looking up and into Magnus's eyes. Magnus saw how his cheeks had tear tracks running down them. Magnus also noted how Jace's golden eyes were shining with more tears.

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