ii. a Weird Wake-Up Call

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     "No way," Annie breathed, her voice catching. The crack in the fabric of reality was there- in the wall of her bedroom. The crack from the television show; her favourite, her sanctuary- what she wouldn't give to become apart of it.

     She couldn't help but draw closer to the glowing light. Annie had seen what happened to the others who had touched it, but for some reason, she felt that she had to touch it.

     "No, no, stop," She whispered, but it was too late. One of her hands had already gone up to the light, and the world she knew was gone.


     "Annie, Annie, wake up!" 

     Jolted awake by the sound of an unfamiliar voice, the brown-haired girl was slightly frightened. She remembered the crack, of all things, but the room that she had woken up in wasn't hers.

     For a start, it was a pale blue color. It had a twin-sized bed, and although Annie didn't complain all that much, she knew that the bedroom at her Aunt Margaret's home had a full. The comforter was different, yet the same, and there was a wardrobe instead of a closet.

     "Awake now?" There was a knock on the door. Annie nearly jumped out of her skin as she realized that it was none other than Arthur Darvill, none other than the man who played Rory Williams  on her favourite television show!

     Annie only gave a feeble nod. The man only looked to be in his pajamas- what was going on? 

     "Great! We've got to be there at eleven, I mean, you know this already, but..." The strange Arthur Darvill started to ramble, and Annie began to get the sense that this was all a very  weird dream. She looked out her window, jumping up, only to see a blue police box dematerializing on the street below...  

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