xvii. Annie and Anna

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"The TARDIS has stabilized the Flesh. They're people, now," The Doctor spoke, and Annie quickly hugged Anna tightly. They may have been the same person, but there was something Annabelle Williams had always whispered to herself as she watched The Rebel Flesh and The Almost People, "They're the same person until they see each other."

The girls watched from the stairs as Jimmy left with the Doctor. They stood, slightly apart by the Console.

"Those are the stabilizers," Annie pointed out, taking advantage of the fact that the Doctor was not onboard the TARDIS for a moment.

"Didn't he call them the 'blue boringers'?" Anna laughed, "And this lever is the- am I right?"

The TARDIS hummed in response. Annie giggled as she imitated the Eleventh Doctor; forgetting her audience momentarily and spinning around, pretending to flip dials and levers.

"Oh stop it, I hate watching myself act like a drunk giraffe," commented Anna, and Annie twirled once more; simply happy that they were still alive.

Rory, Amy, Cleaves, and Dicken were watching them strangely. Annie shrugged, "What? It's not like any of you would do the same thing."

Anna, on the other hand, pulled Annie away from the Console as the Doctor reentered the TARDIS, looking extremely guilty.

"Alright, let's go," The Doctor said, clapping his hands together and doing almost the exact motion Annie had imitated moments before, sending the girls into giggling fits. Cleaves broke a slight smile; for she had consumed the onion-tasting liquid that quickly dissolved her blood clot.

The Doctor, undeterred by this, flipped the same levers that Anna had guessed, which sent them a suspicious look from Rory and Amy.

They arrived at the Army Press Conference- dropping Cleaves and Dicken off to speak to the humans waiting to ask questions about the crisis that wasn't really a crisis. Annie and Anna remained in the TARDIS, wondering about the Console Room. Amy, Rory, and the Doctor eventually returned, and the girls shared a look with each other, knowing what was coming.

"Contractions, Rory," said the Doctor, stopping on the stairs, "She's going into labor."

Annie pulled Anna well away from the Sonic- worried that rule number one (the Doctor lies) might come into play about the vaporization. Together, they aimed for the library, and there they spent three hours until Rory would be calm enough for the Cyber Legion/Stormcage/whatever else they did to recruit people for Demon's Run.

Either way, the TARDIS was about to become very, very crowded, and both girls suspected that they would not be allowed to partake at all.

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