vi. The Dreamer to Utah

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Annie had never been to America before. The plane ride there was extremely  long, long enough for her first plane ride. In her boredom, she wrote down everything she could possibly remember about series six, hoping that she hadn't forgotten anything.

Should  she change anything?

Most of her entries were two pages, in order of the episodes. There was a list at the end with every 'fixed' point that must  happen, or else something else wouldn't. In case anyone was watching (Rory was snoring next to her, with Amy casually flipping through a magazine on the other side), she marked a list of deaths with an underlined 'x'.

"Amy, I'm bored," Annie declared finally, for she had finished outlining six and seven, "Can you quiz me on maths problems?"

Her sister-in-law looked at her strangely from the aisle seat, "Maths? Is that what you do for fun?"

"And science," shrugged Annie. There was something about logic, formulas, and sciences that tickled her brain; more like an addictive substance. Annie usually tried to mentally understand anything that the Doctor said in the show about how time, the TARDIS, and other things about space worked, but nothing ever made sense until she had traveled through the crack.

"Um, okay," Amy said, "Rory's got a book somewhere, but it's probably too hard for you... If you like, I've got a friend that can check them when we've got to where we're going."

Annie smiled as Amy dug through a bag, handing her a medium-sized book titled Advanced Quantum Mechanics.

"I would just read through it, to be perfectly honest with you," Amy said, "Even I don't understand it."

Settling back down again, this time with something more complicated, Annie couldn't help but think about what they had in store for them. Even though her life was now the equivalent to the "Ultimate Doctor Who Fan Test- Will You Guarantee Everyone's Survival?", she was still on Cloud Nine.

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