xv. The Rebel Flesh

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It's Maeve Pond here, everybody. Sorry if I made you think I died. So...I have the entire rest of this story and its sequel written, but there is a bit of a time jump between the last chapter and now. Just forewarning you. I'm still updating this story because some of you asked, but I wrote this out of order and I only have what I have.


The Visitor
xv. The Rebel Flesh

Annie had been separated from the others when Miranda Cleaves used the taser on Buzz's ganger. The flesh had quickly escaped the common room, sending the Doctor's plan of cooperation down the drain.

She had been standing the closest to the door, on the side of the Gangers. One of them had taken her; most likely as a hostage in exchange for killing Flesh-Buzz. Annie did seem the smallest, and therefore the weakest, and so they told her this.

"Now they'll be after her- trying to get her back," Miranda-the-Ganger commented as she sat down on a block in the Flesh room.

Annie didn't struggle. Instead, she spoke to Jimmy, the one holding her, "Could you please let me go?" Her polite tone slightly surprised the Ganger, who was clearly scared- it showed on their faces.

"I say we kill the girl," It was Jennifer-the-Ganger. She stood on the stairs nearest to the door, "Throw her in the acid- it'll show them!"

Jimmy-the-Flesh didn't move at all. Instead, his grip slackened, and Annie dropped to the floor, exhausted.

"No," Annie said, slightly out of breath, "Kill me, and you loose every bargaining chip you have."

"What does she mean?" Dicken, the younger-looking Ganger said, but Jennifer was disinterested.

"It's us or them now," Jennifer-the-Ganger said viciously, "The humans can't be trusted. Jimmy, kill her."

Annie's expression turned wide-eyed as she stared at the man- he had a son! He couldn't become guilty of murder!

Jimmy looked extremely indecisive, "I'm not a violent man," He whispered, then raised his voice, "No."

"Us or them," Repeated Jennifer, "I'll do it, then."

She came down the stairs, glaring menacingly at Annie, who shivered in fear. She knew what this woman would become.

"Stop," Cleaves-the-Ganger said suddenly, "Stop! Jennifer, you're a sweet kid, why would you do this?"

"Us or them," breathed Jennifer-the-Flesh, "Us or them."

Annie was backed up against the containment of acid. Jennifer gave a sort of smile, one that she had seen before- "You're right," said the Flesh, "I have a plan."

The little girl scurried away from the dangerous substance as soon as the woman relented. Annie knew she was walking on thin ice with the frightened Gangers, and complied immediately as they moved out of the room.

They weren't watching her as they moved back into the building- which gave her an opportunity to escape.

Knowing that the Doctor was in the Chapel, "The most secure and defendable room in the Monastery" she headed there, but didn't quite know where it was.

She soon found Amy, Rory, and the Human Jimmy, who were grabbing torches and looking for the acid suits- which weren't there.

"Annie!" cried Rory as she came into view, embracing her, "We thought we'd lost you!"

"I'm alright," Annie whispered, "It's okay, I'm here now."

"We're going to-" Rory started, but was interrupted by a scream. The Human-Jennifer had been found by the Flesh. "Go with Amy and Jimmy," he told her, before giving her a kiss, "They'll protect you. I'm going to find the real Jennifer."

Annie nodded slowly, slightly shaken. She followed the other two down to the Chapel, where the Doctor and Humans Cleaves and Dicken waited, jumping up to barricade the door. Rory reappeared soon after, shrugging his shoulders, but worried.

"Trust me," Came a whisper from behind the vat of Flesh, and Annie jumped, startled as a white-faced, pale version of her and the Doctor slowly came into the light....

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