v. Something Blue

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     Annie sat at the Head Table in the Dining Hall, beside Rory and next to one of the groomsmen, Jeff- the man who united the world against Prisoner Zero. He didn't remember doing it, as the whole universe basically forgot the Doctor, however, and Annie realised slowly that the seating arrangement was slightly different from the show. 

     Not all of it, though. She nearly squeaked out loud when River Song passed by out the window, and even more so when Amy stood up after taking the "present" from Rory, silencing her father.

     "There's someone, missing, someone important, so  important," Amy said, one of her hands going to her head, "Sorry. Sorry, everyone. When I was little, I had an imaginary friend.."

     Annie positively beamed at her new sister-in-law, listening as the rest of the hall stared blankly back. There were groans, and some even looked very concerned for the bride.

     "Raggedy man, I remember  you and you are late for my wedding!" Amy cried finally, and wind began to blow as the Police Public Call Box began to appear, displaying the sound Annie had hoped to hear for real  since forever...

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